#1655 You at the Center of Universe

Not Where You Belong

In our last +1, we talked about finding three TINY little TOP SECRET (!) things we could do for a loved one WITHOUT expecting a reward or them even knowing about it.

I shared my super-tiny little act of love of swapping out my Oura ring charger for Emerson’s.

Another crazy tiny little thing I like to do is noticing when our 2.5-gallon Wifey-approved bottled spring water needs to be swapped out for a full water bottle and doing it as a TINY (!!) little act of love for Alexandra so she doesn’t need to do it.


Here’s a little more context on Patricia’s wisdom and the practice of doing nice things for other people.

Quick context…

Patricia is a big fan of David Reynolds.

So am I.

Reynolds wrote Constructive Living—which has to be in the pantheon of best little books most people have never heard of.

He’s the guy who gave me the phrase “Now what needs to be done?!”

Check out our Notes on the book for more.

In that same book, Reynolds ALSO tells us that “The most peaceful people I know have given themselves away… On the other hand, the most miserable people I have known have been self-focused. They worry about getting their share; they evaluate everyone’s acts in terms of how they themselves are affected.”

Then he tells us: “The Japanese language uses a single word for self-centered and selfish. The word is ‘jiko-chushin.’ It means, literally, the self in the middle of the heart—the ego in the center of the mind. It means putting Old Number One first.”

That’s Today’s +1.

It’s time to move ourselves OUT of thinking we’re in the center of the universe.


Let’s find a micro-act of service (or three!) we can engage in to deliberately take our focus OFF of ourselves.

  1. ________________________
  2. ________________________
  3. ________________________


If you feel so inspired, go dominate your first micro act of loving service…



1-2-3 LET’S GO!!

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