Goal Setting
Goals 101
How to set and achieve goals that will help you flourish
Ready to set and achieve great goals that will help you do heroic work? Awesome. This is the class. We’ll learn why goals are so important, how to set your #1 goal, identify your Big 3, master the motivation equation, turn the serenity key and be your ideal self NOW!
Rethinking Positive Thinking
Gabriel Oettingen is one of the world’s leading researchers in “The New Science of Motivation.” The basic idea of the book is captured in a clever image on the cover: Rose colored glasses with one lens cracked. Oettingen walks us thru the compelling research that demonstrates the power of seeing both the positive AND the challenges. When we contrast our wishes with the obstacles to their attainment we, almost magically, catalyze an extraordinarily higher level of performance.
The 10X Rule
Ready to 10X your thinking and your action? Fantastic. Grant Cardone is your man. In this high intensity, LET'S DO THIS! book you'll get fired up to go out and crush it. Big Ideas we explore include how to create goals, why MASSIVE ACTION is so important, how to starve fear, why obsession is a gift not a disease and how Smokey would smoke the tortoise and the hare.
How’d you like the scientific low-down on how to effectively set goals and succeed? Well, Heidi Grant Halvorson, the young Positive Psychology superstar, gives you the goods in this awesome book. You might be surprised by what you learn. It’s not all about vision boards and visualization (obviously). In the Note, we’ll explore all kinds of Big Ideas, including the fact that we need to have a specific, difficult (but attainable) goal we believe we can achieve AND awareness of all the challenges that stand in our way. Powerful stuff.
by Brian Tracy
Goals. How’re yours? If you believe Brian Tracy, “Success is goals and all else is commentary.” In this book, Brian walks us through his twenty-one steps for setting and achieving goals—from Step 1 of “Unlocking Your Potential” to Step 21 “Persist Until You Succeed.” We take a quick peek at all 21 steps then have fun looking at how to cut thru the fog of life, the fact that self-trust = the foundation for greatness, The Great Question of goal setting (it’s big), how to mindstorm (cool way to get creative juices flowing) and the #1 quality for success.
Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon who saw just how important our self-image is to our well being and introduced some Big Ideas on how to tap into the power of our subconscious minds. In this Note, we'll explore the science of guided missiles and see how that ties into our day-to-day lives (hint: goals are *really* important) and the fact that we need to re-hypnotize ourselves if we wanna get our mojo on.
Maximum Achievement
by Brian Tracy
As with all of Brian Tracy’s books, this one is ridiculously packed with wisdom. He wrote it 25 years ago (25 years into his journey as a teacher). It’s based on a training program he created called The Psychology of Achievement that he taught to 1 million+ people. It’s a dense, 350-page encyclopedia of Big Ideas to help us jumbo crush it. Big Ideas we explore: the 7 ingredients of success, the Law of Substitution, mining your acres of diamonds, 7 questions that can change your life, moving from positive thinking to positive knowing, treating excusitis, and the secret sauce of achievement (hint: it’s love).
The Magic of Thinking Big
We've gotta think big if we want to live big, eh? From learning to kick the dreaded "excusitis" disease to developing our "stickability," this classic is packed with fun, super practical wisdom. In the Note we'll also explore the facts that action cures fear (!!!), we've gotta make a compromise with perfection and to think confidently we’ve gotta act confidently. And, of course, we've gotta think big.
Everything Is Figureoutable
by Marie Forleo
My wife Alexandra has been a huge fan of Marie’s for a long time. I knew she was awesome. But... As I told Alexandra: “I had no idea Marie was THAT awesome!!!” My excuse: I’ve been in hermit-mode and have done nothing but read books for 5 years (no blogs/videos/etc.) so I wasn’t able to get the full sense of Marie’s heroically brilliant and grounded and HILARIOUS power until this book came out. I’ve read and created PhilosophersNotes on well over 500 books. This is one of my ABSOLUTE (!) favorites of all time. I HIGHLY (!!!) recommend it. It’s in the same league as some of my other favorites like Deep Work Atomic Habits and The 5 Second Rule. (In fact, on my chalkboard right now, I actually have “EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE” right above “5-4-3-2-1-GO!” ← Winning combo!) The book is PACKED (!) with Big Ideas and I’m excited to share a few of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!
How to Be an Imperfectionist
You ever struggle with perfectionism? If so, it’s time to learn how to be an imperfectionist! Stephen Guise (author of Mini Habits), shows us the way. Big Ideas include being a poser, living within floors and ceilings, thinking vs. doing, pulling the lever, and cultivating result apathy.
The ONE Thing
by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
The ONE Thing. What's yours? Gary Keller (his Keller-Williams real estate is THE largest real estate company in the world--I bet that was a ONE Thing goal at some point!) shares his wisdom in this BRILLIANT book. We'll have fun exploring a few of my favorite Big Ideas: dominoes + extreme Pareto and other goodness.
The Road to Sparta
Do you know why we call our modern marathon a marathon? You may think you know the real story behind the very first marathon, but in this captivating, inspiring tale, Dean Karnazes (named by Men’s Health as one of the 100 Fittest Men of All Time) gives us a deeper look at the man who, 2,500 years ago, ran the first ULTRAmarathon and, in doing so, effectively saved Western civilization. :) Big Ideas we explore: a history lesson The Battle of Marathon, why balance doesn’t lead to happiness (and what does), a 24 Hour Fitness with Harvard profs, heroes are ready and how to play the pain game.
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
by Michael Gelb
Michael Gelb profiles the seven attributes of da Vinci's genius in his great book and in our Note we'll have fun checking out some Big Ideas including one of the most powerful exercises I've ever done called "A Hundred Questions." The exercise literally shaped my life and I trust you'll dig it as much as I have. We'll also look at the power of affirmations (did you know da Vinci used them?!) and the body of a genius (did you know da Vinci was also an exceptional athlete?!). Fun stuff.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
This classic has sold 15 million copies and was the first self-development book I read back in the day (1995 to be precise). In this Note, we'll take a quick look at all 7 Habits—from being proactive (huge!) to beginning with the end in mind, putting first things first, thinking win/win, seeking first to understand, synergizing and sharpening the saw. Lots of goodness here to help us develop our character to create our ideal lives as we most fully give ourselves to the world.
The 4 Disciplines of Execution
by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey and Jim Huling
I planned to read this book since Cal Newport referenced it in Deep Work. I finally did so in preparation to teach Productivity 101. It’s fantastic. If you’re a business leader or entrepreneur I think you’ll particularly enjoy it. Big Ideas we cover include the 4DX, the whirlwind, your Wildly Important Goals, Lag vs. Lead measures, the power of keeping score, and avoiding the blackhole of the magnificently trivial.
Deep Work
by Cal Newport
Deep Work. It’s the key to how you get So Good They Can’t Ignore You—which, of course, is the title of another one of Cal’s great books. Big Ideas include Deep Work vs. Shallow Work, how to give your neurons a workout, cleaning up attention residue, the four rules of deep work, finding the routine that works for you and learning how to shut down completely.
Finding Your Zone
Would you like to find the Zone more often? Well, yah! Leading sports psychologist Michael Lardon, M.D. shows us how. 10 core lessons. In the Note, we'll look at why you want to have two scorecards, the importance of activation energy (451 degrees, please!!) and how to keep your confidence dialed in.
Black Hole Focus
Black holes. Just contemplating the sheer, fierce power of them is awe-inspiring, eh? Isaiah Hankel tells us that although physicists used to think that everything got destroyed in a black hole, now they believe that it’s less about destruction and more about *transformation.* And shines some light on the power of focusing on our purpose with black hole intensity. Big Ideas we explore include sheep vs. strategists, figuring out your ikigai (= why you get up in the morning), the fascinating endurance of rats with hope, the first two steps in greatness and moving from vision to decision.
No Limits
by Michael Phelps and Alan Abrahamson
Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian in history and arguably the greatest athlete ever. This book is a quick look at 8 virtues that led to his 8 gold medals in '08. Big Ideas we explore include how to train your mind, going all in, knowing what's important now (aka W.I.N.), and not confusing "can't" vs. "won't."
The Law of Success
This is our first note on one of Yogananda's books. One of my new favorite teachers, Michael Singer, said that Yogananda has provided him with an "unending flow of inspiration." I think you'll feel that inspiration too! Although The Law of Success is only a TINY little booklet, it’s PACKED with wisdom that I'm excited to share with you now...so let's jump straight in!
Hero on a Mission
This is our first note on one of Donald Miller's books. In this book Donald Miller integrates wisdom from Victor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning. And, as you’d expect seeing that this is a book about a modern Hero (that would be YOU!) on a mission, Donald also touches on Joseph Campbellian themes throughout. The book is PACKED with Big Ideas and I’m excited to share some of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!
You Owe You
I got this book after one of the members of our Heroic community encouraged me to spend more time exploring and sharing wisdom from Black authors.
She recommended some books and told me that I’d LOVE Eric and his wisdom.
Thanks, Miata! You were right! :)
Eric Thomas is a FASCINATING human being.
As per his bio on the back flap, he is “part coach, part preacher, all grind.”
He’s one of the world’s best-known motivational speakers. Better known as ET, he’s inspired millions of people with his creative style and high-energy messages.
His raw authenticity is incredibly compelling and this book is fantastic. (Get a copy here.)
The book is PACKED with Big Ideas and I’m excited to share some of my favorites, so let’s jump straight in!
Be Useful
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a FASCINATING human being and this is a fantastic book. I basically read it in one sitting one fine Sunday in between supporting Emerson during one of his recent chess tournaments. I watched Arnold’s inspiring documentary on Netflix so when I saw he released this book, I immediately got it, read it, and here we are. I highly recommend the book. Unless you’ve been in seclusion in the Himalayas for the last fifty years, you know who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. The young Arnold dominated the bodybuilding world then he became a leading man in Hollywood before serving for eight years as California’s 38th governor. In this book, he tells us about the seven tools he encourages us to use to create a life of deep meaning and purpose and to, in short... BE USEFUL. The book is packed with Big Ideas. I’m excited to share some of my favorites so let’s get to work.
Beyond Possible
by Nims Purja
Nirmal "Nims" Purja is a celebrated Nepali climber who holds a number of mountaineering world records. He served in the British Armed Forces as a Nepalese Gurkha and then as a solider in the Special Boat Service, an elite special forces unit of the Royal Navy. He holds the record for fastest ascent of all 14 mountain peaks that are 8,000+ meters above sea level (as captured in the documentary, 14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible). This book is packed with Big Ideas and inspiring stories. I'm excited to share a few of my favorites so let's jump straight in!
The Power of One More
by Ed Mylett
Ed Mylett is, as per the inside flap of the book, “a highly successful entrepreneur, performance coach, bestselling author, and one of the world’s most inspirational public speakers.” This book is the inspiring and practical distillation of 30 years of his accumulated wisdom. The thesis of the book—that you might just be “ONE More” thought/idea/action/habit/relationship away from FUNDAMENTALLY changing your life reminds me of Jim Rohn’s idea about combination locks. More about that in the Note. The book features 19 chapters on everything from “One More Identity” (chapter #1!) and “One More Dream” (#7) to “One More Goal” (#9) and “One More Habit” (#12). It’s fantastic. As you’d expect, it’s PACKED with Big Ideas. As always, I’m excited to share a handful of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
Do you want to reach your potential? If you’re reading this then the answer seems clear. The path to do so is pretty obvious as well: We must grow. And, as Maxwell advises, we must be intentional about it. Big Ideas we explore include a couple uber-powerful questions, Discipline as the bridge btwn your goals and accomplishments, trade-offs, and the magic of “Do it now!”
The Way of the Fight
Georges St-Pierre. GSP. If you’re into mixed martial arts/the UFC, you know GSP as one of the greatest pound for pound fighters ever. Although I’m not really a big MMA guy, I’ve always admired the sheer, visceral strength + courage of fighters and elite warriors like the UFC champions + Navy SEALs/Army Rangers. In this great book we get a behind the scenes look into GSP’s greatness. Big Ideas include Areté, Sacrifices vs. Decisions, being courageous (hint: it’s NOT about being fearless), crazy dreams + long journeys, and dedication.
by Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio is one of the most successful people alive. In fact, Time magazine says that he’s one of the 100 most influential people on the planet while Fortune magazine tells us his company (Bridgewater Associates) is the 5th most impactful private company in the U.S. and Forbes tells us that he’s one of the 100 wealthiest people on the planet. All of which makes Dalio, to use his words, “believable” when it comes to discussing how to get what we want in life and work. Enter: Principles. Big Ideas we explore: how to evolve, what’s most important, meet the shapers, Principles #1 (Embrace reality and deal with it) + #2 (5-Step process to getting what you want in life), and the two AI’s: Artificial Intelligence + Ancient Intelligence.
Living Forward
by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy
Living Forward is a powerful little book all about helping us figure out our Life Plan—which is, essentially, the vision for every aspect of our lives and our plan to make it a reality. The book is the result of a collaboration between leading publisher + author Michael Hyatt and his coach Daniel Harkavy. It’s basically like having one of the world’s leading life coaches walk you through the Life Planning process he’s used with thousands of his clients. Big Ideas we explore include The Drift, your life GPS, pull power, soul oxygen and the Law of Diminishing Intent.
Be Unstoppable
by Alden Mills
This is a surprisingly awesome book—a fable about a young captain who spends time with a master and commander who reveals the secret code of rockin’ it. It’s kinda like if a Navy SEAL wrote The Alchemist or The Way of the Peaceful Warrior or The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Big Ideas we cover include: U.P.E.R.S.I.S.T. (the code to being unstoppable), the 2 limitations in life, how to discover your why, how to plan in 3-D, and the magic pill you need to take.
by Shane Snow
Shane Snow is a journalist and entrepreneur who takes us on a fascinating tour of “How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success.” The book is packed with stories capturing the ascent of everyone from young Presidents, Jimmy Fallon, and Elon Musk—and, of course, the “Smartcuts” they used to get there. Big Ideas we explore include: the power of progress, failure as feedback, creating a deep reservoir, stripping away the unnecessary and 10Xing our thinking.
The Stress Test
Ian Robertson is a clinical psychologist and neuroscientist. He’s widely considered one of the world’s leading researchers in neuropsychology. This book is, essentially, a fascinating tour through his decades-long pursuit to scientifically test Nietzsche’s maxim “What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.” Big Ideas we explore include the double-edge sword of stress (remember the Yerkes-Dodson Law and how to Optimize it!), the power of saying "I feel excited!" (rather than "I feel anxious."), the fact that a wandering mind is an UNHAPPY mind (crazy studio show it), Hall of Fame researching stats (note: failing nearly 70% of the time), and the power of BELIEVING we can use stress to get stronger (it ALL starts with belief).
The Winner Effect
Ian Robertson is one of the world’s preeminent neuropsychologists. He’s both a clinical psychologist AND a neuroscientist—which is a rare combination. In this book, he walks us through “The Neuroscience of Success and Failure.” It's a fascinating reading. Big Ideas we explore include (Genetic Fatalism (the curse of), Goldilocks Goals (and how to get our goals juuuuuuust right), The Winner Effect (fish, mice, Mike Tyson and you), Oscar Winners (plus their cookie jars and highlight reels), and True Winners (the noble use of power).
The Wheel of Time
This book is like a greatest hits collection of Castaneda's best passages. In the Note we'll look at the need to transcend our conditioning as we develop our personal power, the importance of choosing a path with heart (aka following your bliss), using death as an advisor and living with impeccability as we achieve no stress success.
Gary Vaynerchuk. Better known by those in the know as Gary Vee—the jumbo intense, uber-passionate entrepreneur/social media maven/investor extraordinaire who happens to have a strong opinion on everything! In this book, we get the best Ideas from his ##AskGaryVee show. It’s packed with Gary’s insights on everything from entrepreneurship to social media. Big Ideas we cover include Clouds and Dirt, Oxygen + DNA, Hustle, practicing the religion of adding value and being willing to suck.
The Psychology of Hope
Rick Snyder was the founder of research into the science of hope. And, he was one of the pioneers of the positive psychology movement. In fact, he literally wrote the textbook on “Positive Psychology.” Big Ideas we explore include the three components of hope (goals + willpower + way power), the portrait of a high-hope person, how to create the right goals, remembering you WILL face obstacles, the power of multiple pathways and being a time traveler making a difference.
212° The Extra Degree
by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson
212°. It’s that extra degree where all the magic happens. Over 1 million people have enjoyed this super-short look at a super-powerful concept. Big Ideas we explore include a quick look at the importance of turning up the hear and initiating something called “activation energy,” how the little things matter and can be measured in Olympic gold, finding your ONE Thing, pruning diversions and going for the second mile, “and then some” style.
As a Man Thinketh
by James Allen
Although somewhat obscure, James Allen is a wise guy and his essays have deeply influenced many of today's leading teachers. In this Note, we'll explore the fact that dreams are the seedlings of our future realities and we'll learn how important it is that we strengthen the power of our minds if we want to live an extraordinary life of meaning.
Ask and It Is Given
by Jerry Hicks and Esther Hicks
This is pretty much the Bible on the Law of Attraction and in this Note we'll take a look at how Esther and Jerry define The Law of Attraction (they say it's kinda like tuning your radio to the right station so you can hear the music you love!), how to use your Emotional Fuel Gauge (that's one of my favorite Ideas ever) and how to create intentions throughout your day to put yourself in the driver's seat of life.
Conscious Living
Gay Hendricks is a close friend and mentor of mine who encourages us to create a life of our own design as we enjoy the magic that unfolds when we truly commit to living an extraordinary life. In this Note, we'll explore Ideas on how to get our conscious living on including letting go of the past and the importance of having *both* goals AND moment to moment flow.
Crazy Good
Steve Chandler tells us “There is bad and there is good . . . And then there is crazy good." And, our path to living a crazy-good life is simple. It's all about CHOICES. As with all of Steve's books, this one is packed with wisdom. Big Ideas we cover include The 5% Solution, Systems vs. Dreams, Game vs. Shame, and making life an experiment.
Creative Mind and Success
Earnest Holmes was the founder of the Science of Mind/Religious Science and is one of the grandfathers of the modern self-development movement—directly inspiring everyone from Louise Hay to Michael Beckwith and countless others. In this Note, we'll learn that "fear brings failure and faith brings success" and how important it is for us to radiate joy, faith, hope and expectancy to create the life we envision.
How Successful People Think
John Maxwell is one of the world’s authorities on leadership. He’s sold over 25 million (!) books. This is a quick-reading 127 pages packed with wisdom and Big Ideas on Maxwell’s eleven essential types of thinking—ranging from Big-Picture thinking to Realistic Thinking and everything in between. Big Ideas we explore include the power of targets for focused thinking, becoming a possibility thinker and anxietivity—how creativity and anxiety go together.
Mind Hacking
Sir John Hargrave is a funny guy and this book is awesome. If you’re a bit of a geek (or if you’re married to one!) looking for a fun, grounded, super practical take on how to get your mind right so you can do what you’re here to do, I think you’ll love this book. Big Ideas we explore include: how to develop Jedi-like concentration, how to debug your mind, creating a vision of the best version of your life 10 years from now (and why it matters), how to make your life a masterpiece.
Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho is one of the most inspiring and beloved authors on the planet (can you believe he’s sold over 100 million copies of his books in 150 languages?!?) and in this Note we'll explore some of my favorite Big Ideas from a bunch of his great books. We'll explore the one great truth that when we *really* want something, it's because the desire originated in the soul of the universe and the fact that the extraordinary is the birthright of all of us. I love Paulo and trust you will, too, if you don't already!
Real Magic
by Wayne Dyer
We've got four Notes on Wayne Dyer (see The Power of Intention, Your Erroneous Zones and Excuses Begone!) and in this Note we'll have fun learning about the power of "acting as if" (Dyer's got an awesome description of how to rock this!) along with the importance of committing your ideal to paper, disdaining all disbelief and asking "How can I serve?!"
The Achievement Habit
by Bernard Roth
Bernard Roth has been a Professor of Engineering at Stanford for over FIFTY (!!) years. A pioneer in the field of robotics, Bernie is one of the founders of the famed school at Stanford. In this great book, he brings the concepts of design thinking to life in the context of our most important design project: designing our optimal lives. Big Ideas we explore include the 5 elements of design thinking, doing vs. trying, ignoring odds, and being the cause.
The Big Picture
by Tony Horton
Tony Horton. If you've done P90X then you both LOVE him and you hate him (for kicking your butt!). Hah! Tony brings the same energy and laughs to this great book featuring his 11 Laws for rockin' it. In the Note, we'll have fun looking at the voices in his head, where he came up with his classic "Do your best and forget the rest!" and other goodness!
The Freak Factor
David Rendall has a doctor of management degree in organizational leadership, as well as a graduate degree in psychology. He’s a former Professor of Leadership and stand-up comedian. And... He’s so freaky that he spells his name “Dav!d” (notice that exclamation point... :) and starts the book on page number 74 so we can immediately feel like we’re making progress. (Hah!) As per the inside flap, David tells us: “You don’t need to fix your weaknesses. The Freak Factor shows you how embracing your flaws will increase your happiness, energy and fulfillment. So, be unusual, be weird—but above all, be successful.” Big Ideas we explore include the 7 strategies for getting your freak on (Awareness + Acceptance + Appreciation + Amplification + Alignment + Avoidance + Affiliation), how (and why) to flaunt your weaknesses, the four P's of alignment (passion + proficiency + payment + purpose), and the power of embracing limitations.
The Icarus Deception
by Seth Godin
Seth Godin is one of the world's most inspiring and prolific creators. He's also one of its most popular bloggers. This book is all about challenging what Seth calls "The Icarus Deception" and reclaiming our power to fly. The primary theme? We’re way too worried about exhibiting any level of hubris and trying to fly too high when we should be more concerned about flying too LOW. (Obviously, without being “recklessly stupid” about it but…) Big Ideas we explore include: how to catch a fox (and human!), the highs and lows of the Icarus Deception, "the itch" (how's yours?), and how to deal with resistance (aka "the most important line in the book"!).
The Miracle of Right Thought
Marden wrote this book in 1910. To put that in perspective: Teddy Roosevelt had just left the Presidency. I just love the old-school, hard-hitting, uber-inspiring wisdom Marden delivers. The founder of SUCCESS magazine, he’s kinda like a mashup of Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Allen and Tony Robbins. Big Ideas we explore: the power of vision, letting go of fear, and basking in the sunshine of right thought.
The Power of Intention
by Wayne Dyer
I love Dyer and this book rocks. In the Note, we'll have fun learning about the fact that floatation wasn’t discovered by contemplating the sinking of things (and how you’ve gotta focus on what you WANT if you wanna see it come to life), how to "act as if" (and not be a weenie about it), how kindness releases the same drugs pharmaceuticals pump into anti-depressants (so get your fix by being kind!) and a lot of other great stuff.
True Success
by Tom Morris
This is the second Note on a Tom Morris book in Volume II. As I said, he’s my favorite living philosopher. In this Note, we check out Big Ideas on the importance of embracing failure, asking the question: “How can I make my contribution?” and the fact that fame, wealth and power aren’t where it’s at. Noperz. We wanna go for Greatness of Spirit and let the rest of it flow as by-products to that noble end.
WOOP! There It Is
The Science of Making Your Dreams a Reality
Gabriele Oettingen is a world-class researcher who has spent her career studying the science of making your dreams come to life.
Ready to Amplify Your Latent Potential by 2 Billion?
Are you familiar with the physics of dominoes?
Compound Magic
The Power of Embracing the Mundane, Unsexy Pennies in Our Lives
You’ve probably heard the whole “magic of compounding interest as told through the doubling penny” story.
Floors and Ceilings
How to Be an Imperfectionist
Stephen Guise wrote a great little book called How to Be an Imperfectionist. As a still-recovering perfectionist, I found it very useful.
Sacrifices vs. Decisions
There’s a Big Difference between the Two
Georges St-Pierre is one of the greatest mixed martial artists in the world. Ever.
Simplify the Battlefield
Wisdom from a SEAL Commander on What to Do in the Chaos of Life and War
In our last +1 we talked about Spinny Fingers and how to quickly regain our equanimity when life spins us around.
Systems vs. Goals
Why Goals Are for Losers and How to Become a Winner
In our last +1, we talked about the creator of Dilbert and his wisdom on Wishing vs. Deciding.
Mental Contrasting
The Science of Turning Dreams into Action
In one of our earlier +1s we talked about one of my favorite ideas: WOOP!
Dynamic Tension
How to Manage that Tension between Your Hoped-for Future and Your Current Reality
So, we have the ONE thing you’re going after in your epically awesome heroic quest. (Right? You identify that dream with a ton of pull power?)
Stop Stopping
Be Not Afraid of Going Slowly. Be Afraid Only of Stopping.
Men’s Health says that Dean Karnazes is one of the 100 Fittest Men of ALL Time.
Chunk It!
Break Your Epic Goals into Bite-Size Chunks
In our last +1, we talked about reducing Delay to increase Motivation.
The Angel's Advocate
How to Wave the Wand of Awesome
Michael Gelb wrote a great book called How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. I can still remember reading it shortly after selling my first business over 15 years ago. It was life-changing for me!
Antifragile Barbells
How to Craft an Optimal Strategy for Life and Other Important Things
Continuing our Antifragile theme, let’s talk about another way Nassim Taleb tells us to approach things if we want to avoid being fragile. He’s using this example in the context of investing but I love to apply it to EVERYTHING.
#Arrows and Our Friend Apollo
A Handy Tool for Rocking It
In our last +1, we talked about the fact that we never want to confuse ourselves with visions of an entire lifetime at once.
Begin with the End in Mind
Habit #2 of Highly Effective People
In our last +1, we talked about Stephen Covey’s Habit #1: Be Proactive. How? Be response-able. Step into the gap between stimulus and response and choose the optimal response.
The 4 Disciplines of Execution
Here They Are: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
Stephen Covey’s son Sean wrote a great book with some other smart guys from FranklinCovey called The 4 Disciplines of Execution.
2 Scorecards
One for the Lead + Another for the Lag
While we’re on a roll with the 4 Disciplines of Execution, let’s circle back and talk a bit more about the Lead vs. Lag Measures.
First Things First
Second Things? Not at All
One of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is “First Things First.” He also wrote a whole book by the same name.
Burning a Hole Through Your #1 Goal
What’s Most Important to You? Are You Focused on It?
In our last +1, we talked about planting our most important seeds in the spots that get the most sun. (Quick check in: Are YOUR most important goal-seeds getting the best energy from you on a consistent basis?!)
The Physics of Success
Dominoes - Part 2
Way back in the very early days of our +1 journey together, we talked about dominoes.
Goal Setting to the Now
Someday > 5 Years > 1 Year > 1 Month > 1 Week > Today > NOW!
In our last +1, we talked about building/taking a dominoes staircase to the moon.
SOUL Goals
Vis-A-Vis SMART Goals
In the Mastery phase of our Heroic Coach program, we recently talked about SOUL Goals vs. SMART Goals.
Castles in the Air
And the Foundations Beneath Them
In our last +1, we talked about SOUL Goals vis-a-vis SMART Goals.
The Bridge
Between Goals and Accomplishments
A few +1s ago we talked about John Maxwell and his wisdom that, if we want to change our lives we need to change something we do every day.
Power x3
Wantpower + Willpower + Waypower
Way back in the day, we talked about Rick Snyder’s wisdom on The Science of Hope.
Can’t vs. Won’t
Two Four-Letter Words
Over the last handful of +1s, we’ve had some fun with Marie Forleo’s wisdom from her GREAT (!) book Everything Is Figureoutable. (Seriously. Highly recommend it.)
You Can Achieve Greatness
Here’s a Two-Step Process
In our last couple +1s, we did some gardening with Kennedy, fixed our roofs together and we got ready to land on the moon.
High-Hanging Fruit
Your Fuel for 10x Thinking
In our last +1, we spent some time with Tim Ferriss, setting some unusually large goals and thinking about the fact that those jumbo goals can often be, paradoxically, easier to reach than the “realistic” goals that everyone else is going after.
Goldilocks Goals
Setting Targets That Are Juuuuuust Right
Ian Robertson is one of the world’s preeminent neuropsychologists. He’s both a clinical psychologist AND a neuroscientist—which is a rare combination.
Clock Time vs. Horticultural Time
How to Grow Yourself
Related to our magical doubling penny and its demonstration of the power of compounding growth, we have clock time vs. horticultural time.