Why Heroic Coach?
Check out a sample of the hundreds (!) of testimonials we’ve been blessed to receive from the 13,000+ people from 115+ countries who have joined Heroic Coach.
Hundreds of life-changing stories
I generally just feel and act better. I'm taking more action with growing my business and leading my team, and have greater clarity on who I am when I am at my best. I cold plunge almost every day, and I've lost about 7kg so far since starting the program. I'm now just about at a 0.5 WtHR and I'm continually trying to move - I've increased my Apple Watch move goals from 450cals to 700 cals over the last 6 months as I consistently keep moving and closing all my rings almost every day. Still working on improving my sleep, but it's so much better than it was, and I have more energy than ever.

I am a lifelong learner and between my 10 years as a school counselor and now almost 20 years as a coach, I've dedicated my life serving others. I already have a couple coaching certifications but I'm always looking for ways to level up my knowledge and skills so that I can serve my clients better. I am also always on a quest to be the best version of myself. I'd followed Brian for years, but didn't realize he had a coaching program until recently and when I found out, it didn't take long for me to know it was exactly the type of program I wanted in order to help me be the best version of myself so that I could be my best for others and of course, help them become their best. (I now know this as being HEROIC!)
I’ll try and keep this short but there’s so much to say. I’m a sobriety & life coach based in Australia. I have spent $1000’s of dollars on courses over the years, learning a great deal of wisdom but the Heroic coach program has been the most practical & transformative program I have found so far.
You seem to have thought of everything! The content layout, and user experience get an A++++++, the relevance, practical and simple worksheets, linking of ideas and motivational prompts make it impossible for me to stop! You walk the talk! Obvious, easy to do & fun to celebrate.
I am using so much of this wisdom in my own life, and with clients. It is truly transformative. Some examples from my life: I now do 11 push ups after every bathroom trip, quit sugar, meditate twice a day, exercise daily ( I’ve found a local hike) and stop and breath often, asking my eudiamon for guidance. It’s just brilliant!!
I can’t thank you all enough for the work you’ve done to create this, the work you still do & the generosity you have shown in sharing it with us. You are changing lives.

Class eight triggered significant changes in my life. I am 46 years old. I have posted quite a few milestones in my life. I believe the changes that class eight prompted, I will look back and consider these changes some of the most transformative of my life.

It is life changing.

The Heroic Coach program has literally changed my life. If you're looking to optimize your energy, your work and your home life, the Heroic Coach program is for you!

There is nothing like the feeling of being your own best Hero. The Heroic Coach program lets you get there and feel that. It's amazing!

When I started with class 8 in January I had an AM (no real PM) protocol for several years, but Heroic brought my morning (and evening) routine to an whole new level. I am so grateful for the PM/AM rhythm.

I have used my algorithms delete - to stop eating sugar and algorithms/ when I wake meditate and then I put on my running shoes. I have been running every day for the last 41 days, because I made a 100% commitment! It is so much easier not to have to make the decision if I “feel like or not”. I committed to a 100 day running streak and 100 days of no sugar! After Eating 101 I will continue to not eat sugar. Luckily, my mother taught me to never drink my calories. Next algorithm, no carb-age. I have lost 10 pounds and know I can lose 10 more due to the lifestyle changes I am making. Sugar has been my downfall all of my life. Giving it up feels so empowering. Also this year I have been promoted to Clinical Director and have enjoyed a nice pay raise! My soul force score? 101!! Thanks Heroic.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt like I needed something more. I no longer identified with my previous tribes and needed a new one. Heroic Coach has helped me feel empowered, grounded, knowledgeable. Able to help others and listen to others.

It will be the best investment in yourself ever! If you do the work, it will help you to become part of the 1% of the population that thrives in life. You will feel alive and not just exist.

Do it. Commit to the program and it will absolutely and unequivocally change your life for the better. There are few feelings that can compare to that of self-actualizing. Heroic Coach puts you on that path.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt burned out. Heroic Coach has helped me feel I can do anything I decide I want.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt like I was going in circles. Heroic Coach has helped me feel focused.

The biggest win from this past year that I can attribute to the Heroic Coach Program is deciding to bike to work / positive mindset.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt the desire to grow but not sure what direction to take.
Heroic Coach has helped me feel empowered and directed.

I have been a follower of Brian's for many years. Before that I was doing this type of work on my own. It was a really great help to have Brian's notes - it really shortcut the learning curve (and the expense) of doing this by myself. I have worked as a wellness coach since 2006 and attorney since 1990, working to balance the two. I chose to dive in the deep end and go all in with Class VIII. It has been a great ride. The #1 reason I joined is that I wanted to play all out with something much bigger than me, and I knew to fully do that, I would have to heroically optimize myself first. I'm a work in progress, and I am enjoying that journey every day as well as the dramatic increase in my ability to help others.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt confused. Heroic Coach has helped me feel clear about my values and goals and that I CAN.

Before joining Heroic Coach I had this deep desire to present my best to the world but didn't know exactly how to do so. Heroic Coach has helped me to gain the skills to live with Arete and to also be well equipped to serve mankind heroically.
Before joining Heroic Coach I felt like I was lacking knowledge. Heroic Coach has helped me feel like I'm progressing in many ways.

Heroic has the tools I need to feel more hopeful and be part of a community that will change the world.

Signing up for the Heroic coach class this year has and will forever be the guiding force of how I approach anything related to energy, work and love. By optimizing my energy and work, I'm now far better equipped than I could ever have been to play my role as well as I can in service of my family and dearest friends.

I cannot speak highly enough about this program and the positive impact it has had on my life. As I start the new year, I want to do more of what is working, and less of what is not. The Heroic practices and material are DEFINITELY working, and I can't wait for the Heroic App to be released!! Many thanks to everyone behind the scenes who make this experience possible!

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt like there was more I could do to optimize my life. Heroic Coach has helped me feel like I have the tools and the permission to experiment and continuously up-level my life and my client's lives.

I've dialed in my energy level and that has impacted my life at all levels.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt rudderless. Heroic Coach has helped me feel empowered.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt I was spiraling and a little lost. Heroic Coach has helped me feel confident and clear about my identity and targets.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt plateaued and not very effective in my leadership. Heroic Coach has helped me feel like I'm growing again, full of energy, on a new wisdom journey and ready to help change the world.

Before joining Heroic I felt adrift. Now I feel deliberate, focused and intentional about my time and habits.

I am able to present my best self in everything I do.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt fine but I knew I could use more zest in my life. Heroic Coach has helped me feel more enabled. I have a much firmer grasp on the tools and the fundamentals I need to optimize my life.

Before joining Heroic Coach I thought improvement was automatic. Heroic Coach has helped me realize that improvement is self-directed by taking small steps daily.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt good about where I was at but was pulled to dive in deeper. Heroic Coach has helped me feel more passionate about ancient wisdom and modern science and personally aligned!

The biggest win from this past year that I can attribute to the Heroic Coach Program are the habits I've created in breathing and focusing.

The biggest win from this past year that I can attribute to the Heroic Coach Program is that I learned many new tools to optimize and simplify my life.

Before joining the Heroic Coach program I felt excited. Heroic Coach has helped me feel empowered.
The biggest win from this past year that I can attribute to the Heroic Coach Program is the understanding of the importance of the 'fundies.'

This has been a TOTAL game changer for me. I'm literally on fire in my life: energy, work, and love.

I am stoked and I am so thankful for this program. I was already a high-performer, but Heroic pushed me to an entire new level of greatness. My mental, physical, spiritual tanks are all humming as a result of the things I’ve learned over the past year.

With full confidence I can say that right now, September 23rd, 2021, I am the best version of myself that I’ve ever been. There is one reason for that: the Heroic Coach program.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt I was a personal development junky but not capable of implementing things. I had a lot of knowledge (I am a certified coach) but something was missing to get the value of all this knowledge. Heroic Coach helped me get disciplined and put things into practice. Be more focused and understand that things take time. I stopped looking for shortcuts and fast transformation and also stopped denying the power of small steps done with consistency.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to Brian, Michael and all the other people involved with the Heroic program. So wish I could have had this at 21!
I had no idea how big the gap was between my self and who I am capable of being...

The Heroic Coach program has helped me more than any personal development resource I've ever used in my life. And that says a lot. Because I have spent thousands of dollars, and hundreds of hours consuming other personal development resources.

I am a more intentional, purposeful, grounded, and compassionate mom.

The biggest win from this past year that I can attribute to the Heroic Coach Program is that I found my coaching voice.

Before joining Heroic Coach I felt like I wasn't living in integrity with my goals and values. Heroic Coach has helped me to feel more motivated and empowered.

Taking part in the program has helped me to traverse through one of the toughest years of my life in recent memory. During the program we’d had a house fire, I was diagnosed as prediabetic, I had been struck down with sciatica and work has been stressy all year.
Through applying tools and practices in the program I have come out smiling and very well at heart.
Anyone who attends the Heroic program will benefit in some way, whether business, wellbeing or relationships.

I had no idea how much the Heroic coaching program would change my life when I jumped right into class one after being a Heroic member for several years.
Brian, Michael and the team’s relentless commitment to not only create a masterful coaching program but to the optimization of each and every one of us was palpable. With the compassionate and steadfast support of our teachers, the Heroic team, my coaching buddy and the community, I felt respected, seen and heard even in a sea of 1000. The practical and intelligent teachings melding the wisdom of the ages with modern science provided a structure for accountability and growth. I now have simple, doable daily tools to optimize each day and boldly approach life’s inevitable obstacles. I can actually dare to move into growth, welcome setbacks and wave my magic wand to manifest my own future and hopefully help others create theirs.

We (my Heroic Buddy and I) have created a structure that fuels our conversations, maximizing our time and benefits. I leave the conversations feeling energized and inspired.

It has been life changing… My worldview has changed drastically. I now look forward to the challenges/obstacles, instead of dreading them. And I do the important things that, in the past, I used to put off until later.
The removal of news, TV, internet (except for work), and social media, and going to bed instead, has created an energy I have not had in 20 years. I’ve lost 12 pounds in the last 3 months and am about 5 pounds from my ideal weight. I could go on and on.
I would highly recommend going through the Heroic Coach program, even if you are a busy executive. You will learn how to have energized tranquility, have more energy, optimize your weight, sleep better, cuss less, be more present with others, use your smart phone and email less and enjoy life and others much more than you do now. It has been amazing.

Wanted to let you guys know that I am absolutely loving this program. I have already gotten so much from the wisdom, energy and spirit of service, and I can’t express my gratitude enough for what you are all doing and the community you have created. I already have 2 coaching certifications, but this course is indisputably the most valuable I have taken – for me personally and for the people I work with. So, thank you again!

The Heroic Coach Program has helped me organize priorities for my health (lost 40 lbs), my work (finished 1st draft of a novel) and acquire a great mental attitude at 80 years old.

I am a long time optimizer who was always looking for practical ways to incorporate this wisdom into how I live. Heroic Coach helped me to operationalize the wisdom I’ve been learning and turn it into practices that have had a profound affect on my life. It’s hard to adequately describe it! Anyone who truly wants to change their life in a meaningful way should become a Heroic Coach. Whether it is simply starting a meditation practice or implementing a digital sunset, small simple changes along with the flexibility to adapt to what works and what doesn’t make this the most dynamic program that anyone can use to make every day a masterpiece.

Thank you for this incredible program! It has really kicked my ass (in a good way!). I gotta admit, being a pretty experienced (and I think a pretty decent) coach, I thought Heroic Coach would be a nice addition to my coach resources, but not ‘rock my world’ kinda thing. I have found instead that I have been rocked at a very fundamental level, and have noticed meaningful shifts in my life and my coaching.

I discovered Heroic in August 2018 and spent the entire month going through all the Masterclasses that were available. I was immediately hooked and started applying all this newly found wisdom in my life. Truth is, I had been living as a hermit since my first Vipassana retreat in 2017. I had chosen my daily meditation practice and spiritual growth over everything else. I had cut myself off from student life and my family to protect the seed that was growing in me. But deep down I wasn’t very happy and quite lonely on my path. Heroic Coach helped me bridge that gap.
When Brian sent the first email for the Heroic Coach program I was thrilled, but as a student, the cost of the program dissuaded me. Fortunately, my mother convinced me to apply for a scholarship and thanks to you guys, we both entered the program together.
2019 has been the greatest year of my life. Through this program, I pushed myself far beyond any limits I had known before. Amongst many other points, what impacted me most was the feeling of community and of belonging to something bigger than myself. Whereas in the past I had been solely focused on my own growth, I started opening up to others and being more flexible. My goal was to have strength for two in order to serve. This program inspired me to show up at my best every day and to try to be a radiant exemplar.
Within energy, work and love, I think it is love that benefited the most from the Coach program. I am now capable of showing up authentically and being vulnerable. I have reconnected with my family and my friends because I can accept them (and myself) as they are. This has really changed my life and opened me up to the rest of the world.
Some of my favorite and most practiced tools are:
– The Fundies!!
– Emotional Stamina
– Love 0.0 + 1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0
– Carpediem journaling
– Oscillating
– Win/Learn/OptimizeI will never be grateful enough for all the energy you put into this program. I now feel confident that I can help others and face any situation/role that life throws at me. I believe that you achieved the goals you set out for this program!
With love,

I love it. The Heroic Coach program is all about what I like to read and ponder. It’s about creating an intentional and practical philosophy of life. I may have some disagreements with the Stoics, but not where creating and maintaining a healthy body, mind and spirit are concerned. I also believe “an unexamined life is not worth living,” and I have had to examine a number of beliefs and practices in the past ten months.
Anyone who wants to live intentionally will enjoy the programme, and I have been so impressed by the people giving the course, and those taking it. I’m proud to be in such company. Thank you Brian, Michael, Patrick, Alexandra and everyone else behind the scenes. You have added tremendous value to the Optimizers in training.

The Heroic Coach program- and the invaluable wisdom it delivers – has aided me to slow down and become intentional about how to spend this one precious life… moment to moment to moment.
I have no doubt that others would benefit greatly from the journey through the Heroic Coach program.

Dear Brian and Team,
I’ve been following your work for years and am writing this letter with the spirit of both gratitude and enthusiasm. Spoiler alert, there is a really happy ending to this story.
Ten years ago, I met the love of my live while giving her a flu shot. (Seriously.. lol) At the time I was working as a pharmacist and she was finishing her Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. The connection was instant and it didn’t take long before we were walking down the aisle, excited for new adventures to come. We traveled the world visiting 6/7 continents and almost 50 countries supporting both personal curiosity and humanitarian efforts. In 2016 we decided it was time to slow things down and expand our loving family…. without success.
At first, we were simply “trying without trying” until we were officially “trying,” and then “really trying with professional help.” All of the above left us longing for answers, praying for miracles, and yet month after month we were disappointed.
When your Masters Coaching program launched this year, I was excited to deepen my understanding of the Heroic principles and potentially address a few imbalances from an expanded career opportunity. I committed to going “all in” and evolving from theory to practice to mastery in core competencies including energy, work, and love. I used the carpe-diem journal daily and delivered each day on the identities of being a Spartan, a Hero for Healthcare, and a SOUL-Mate. I tracked my progress along the way and thought your team might value the results.
I majored in Exercise Science in undergrad and felt fairly comfortable in the areas of diet and exercise. I gained a few pounds over the years but was still in good enough shape to complete marathons, surf and practice yoga on a regular basis. Things really started to change when I committed to following the principles outlined in nutrition 101 (side note… I LOVE the dressing!!!), eliminating many of the toxins, and shifting my foundational fuel from carbohydrates to energy rich fat. The diet modifications made a profound impact and combined with increased intent to exercise (side note… completing my final leg of a Spartan Trifecta with the Heroic crew in December) I am pleased to share that this year I have lost 13 pounds of fat, increased muscle mass by 4 pounds, and have an 8.9% body fat at 40 years of age.Work:
Achieving the results above was not an easy process as I now work as a Medical Leader supporting a multi-billion dollar account in the pharmaceutical industry. The industry at large is notorious for long hours, longer nights and extensive travel. There were countless moments where I told myself, “it is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” I made one better choice at a time, and ultimately had more energy to show up in a more meaningful way. The improvement in energy, combined with an anti-fragile mentality, directly translated into organizational impact. The results were recognized by our board of directors where I was identified as top 50 contributor out of 50,000 team members and awarded the organizations highest achievement, The Global Excellence Award.Love:
Over the last year I have developed a greater appreciation for love. I have learned the importance of truly being present, the value of connecting with strangers, and the importance of self-acceptance. One of my favorite past times now is to skate-board down the San Diego Boardwalk with my dog Yogi in a backpack. The endless micro-moments of connection from others frequently fill my soul and help me take on the rest of the day with a smile. I’ve also learned the importance of failure as a piece of greatness and am now much kinder to myself, capable of experiencing fulfillment during progress. And most importantly, I am so pleased to share that my wife and I are happier than ever and are finally expecting……TWINS!!!!Talk about OPTIMIZING!!
I’m a little teary eyed writing this, but seriously thank you! Your team has forever changed our life!

The Heroic Coach program has enabled me to BE a better person, who has in turn positively impacted those around me.
The ancient wisdom has allowed me to blend both Western and Eastern philosophies (note – I am an Asian American), and the modern studies have clarified and guided my habits (note – I am also in quality engineering).
The fundies, the Heroic Coach community and the belief that “I” be the role model (radiant exemplar) set my floor. My efforts and continued learning will set my ceiling.
I believe others will benefit too as the universal desire for all human beings lies in self actualization. Maslow said “What one can be, one must be.”

My business revenue has doubled this year without burnout and during a very full personal year. Previously I would work 24 hours per day for multiple days to keep up. Now I have strong AM and PM bookends, with a greater focus for my clients and I’m more present for my family and friends.
For the last 15 years, I had wanted to host an orphan from Ukraine but thought I didn’t have the time. Then everyone said I was too old. Well, my husband and I put in an application in March. We hosted a 14-year-old boy in our home for 5 weeks during the summer; made a difference for him and loved it. We have started the adoption process to adopt him. We will be parents, due to Heroic Coach! When asked by the social worker how we will handle a crisis as parents, I listed all the tools that I have learned in Heroic Coach. I am also seeing many deficiencies in the adoption process that I’m using resilience to move through the obstacles and growing energy to work on procedures to improve the process to make it more assessable to potential parents who don’t proceed due to the complexity and length of time involved. I have read numerous parenting books and am excited to soon optimize parenthood. We will also host another orphan during this winter break and hope to adopt him also.
My husband had a knee replacement in April. We are co-owners, so I handled his cases for two months in addition to mine while he recovered without exploding. Our relationship has instead grown because I know how to slay the dragons, I had the strength for two and I am not stressed all the time. I have also stopped telling him what he should be doing and instead I am practicing what I want my life to look like.
My father fell and fractured his pelvis at the beginning of July. He has Alzheimer’s, so I stayed with him and coordinated his hospital stay and transition to assisted living. I also coordinated the preparation and sale of the family farm. Through this experience, I’m now developing a program for medical professionals of Alzheimer’s patients to embrace incorporating diet, exercise, and socialization into their lives instead of advising families that there is no hope.
My 13-year-old niece fell off the uneven bars in gymnastics and shattered her arm requiring plates and 39 screws. Coached her on stoic, antifragile and then “”excited”” regarding recovery and multiple surgeries she underwent. It worked and I’m incredibly proud of her and her recovery.
I have developed a PTSD specialty in my firm to assist those who are left behind after an injury due to this undiagnosed condition. I hope to expand this in the coming new year.
Most importantly, I have learned to show up every day and make every minute the best possible. I now dominate my life instead of reacting to it. There truly isn’t anyone who wouldn’t be impacted by this course.

Heroic has simply transformed our lives. My husband is so much more present and focused both at home and at work. I feel so much more empowered, confident and able to manage the challenges that life throws at us. I am better mom and better wife. ‘Bring it on’ has been the most effective tool I ever learnt! And I have used it so much!
Also, thinking about the space between stimulus and response has also changed the way I respond to challenges and deep breaths have been so powerful.
Brian and Michael have been truly amazing and they have inspired me to be the best version I can be, moment to moment to moment. I am so eternally grateful to Heroic Team and I hope to inspire many other people with all the wonderful wisdom we learnt!
Thank you Heroic so very much!

Heroic has helped me focus on my values and build habits to grow into my best self. While many of the concepts I've learned are in other sources, Heroic is the only program that gave me specific tools to implement in order to grow as a human.

There are many reasons why people will love this program, here are the top three: 1. The loving community and community leaders that will gently kick your butt, 2. The wealth of information and resources and the teachings – I feel like I have gone through a life school and 3. The positive transformation one experiences during the year. I have felt accomplished, celebrated and supported throughout the year. My wellness has increased in all areas I set my intention on like sleep, nutrition, exercise, relationships and most importantly, I live with more intention.

Thank you for creating this course. It’s helped me create a belief in myself, as a fellow human, that there is no other way than to do my very best (and that it’s part of the process to fail) through focus and commitment to be the best version of myself, find my gifts and be of service to the world. The Heroic Coach programme (and the principles embodied) is what I tune into every am and gives me the energy to begin the day in a more loving, anti fragile state of being. It’s what carries me through the day, the focus on the principles, to make the best choices moment to moment to make the small incremental improvements required to make the larger shifts in being. It’s what provides the structure to keep me more buoyant when things are challenging instead of falling down the old unhelpful patterns. I feel the difference; other people around me feel the difference and are keen to tap in to the wisdom for their lives which feels like I’m being of help to the world which in turn feels fantastic! Spiralling out. Others may enjoy it to improve on any specific/ general areas of their lives; if they are facing difficulties and wish to make changes/ wish to make the best of themselves/ incorporate the wisdom into their working lives/ feel alive

My relationships with others have improved, not because they or circumstances have changed, but because I have changed.
The increased self-awareness is awesome! It took a while, but I learned how significant sleep (or the lack of it) impacts my ability to allow my best self to show up each day.
I gained confidence in myself while building a skill set to do hard things. The philosophy and tools were very helpful to rewire my brain to be more enthusiastic about challenges and doing hard things. Now, These opportunities are my stepping stones that help me spiral up (I welcome them versus live in dread or fear). In September, I started a new job that I wouldn’t have had the courage to take a year ago. Most importantly, when my mother somewhat unexpectedly passed away in October, I was able to show up for her and my family as my best self when it counted most. I was prepared to hold her in her pain and share some meaningful moments with her, because I was energized, full of love, and courageous.

The Heroic Coach program has made a difference in my life because it gave me an opportunity to refocus on all the Heroic wisdom that I already had heard but helped to bring it to practice through the Carpe Diem and having a swim buddy to go through the experience with. I think others may enjoy it because it is great to connect with a community of people that are on the same path.
“You’re the average of the five people spend the most time with,” a quote attributed most often to motivational speaker Jim Rohn. … Make sure that you’re spending time with people who are in line with what you want for your own life (preferably people “better” than you so it raises your average).

Heroic Coach has been a transformation journey for me.
I have evolved in every domain and today I am a different person from what started in February this beautiful walk.
In the field of energy and following the principles and recommendations allied to the fundamentals, namely eat, move and sleep, today I sleep an average of 8 hours a day, I exercise every day and eat healthy food. As a result I regained my weight, going from 78kg to 72kg and I have the ratio W / H = 0.4941.The use of the 1,10,100,1000, 10k, 25 protocol also contributed to maintaining a very useful energy level throughout the day.
In terms of work I have the result of high energy levels, associated with deep work discipline which allows me, focus, concentration and productivity in the execution of my projects, namely in Heroic Coach.
In terms of relationships I am also a person who is much more interested in others looking to practice Love 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. I really listen to people more, focus on them and make myself feel more human.In all Heroic lessons there has been added value, there has been wisdom that with practice I have been including in my identities which I have also stoned over time.
The contents as well as the tools made available throughout the various sessions are very useful and important for everyday life as a person or as a coach.
As for me, this program adds a lot to anyone who is committed and wants to change and evolve in their life. It requires work and continued commitment and has the great team of Heroic doing an excellent, amazing and a professional job, with a lot of love and dedication that provides a deep service in which besides sharing a lot of knowledge permanently challenged us.
To Brian, Michael, Patrick, Calman and the rest of the team that worked a lot behind the scenes, my deepest gratitude. You guys are amazing and it was wonderful to participate in this course.Many, many, many thanks

Heroic coach allow me to go deeper than ever in my self-development. I still have a way to go but I know that the gap between myself “now” and my “best soul” is smaller. Additionally I gained tools that will keep reducing this gap. I’m sure this program has tools that will serve anybody anywhere and that each person that will do the program, will find their tools for growth just by trial and continues practice.
Small note: from my knowledge there is no other program that gather a wisdom that will make your practices as easy as they can be. I’m extremely grateful to Brian and is team and I have no fear of recommending this program to anybody that is interested in being a better version of themselves and to make this a better world. There is no way that somebody can get out of this program without something that can be used for his and or others good.

I have learnt so much about me, and how to Optimize my life through implementing protocols and understanding how powerful my actions are moment to moment to moment. I have learnt about the paramount importance of identifying my Soul Goal and using my soul force to seek eudaimonia and to love my soul. In real terms I have transformed my approach to life to fear to challenged, I have run a half marathon, taken up meditation. Journaling and started setting my priorities weekly and daily resulting in me achieving so much in life and feeling so much happier! An amazing journey for me plus I have connected with an incredible swimming buddy!! Thank you Martin!!

Before joining the coach program, I had been struggling for over a year with a very difficult professional situation, under a lot of pressure both at work and at home. I was physically ill (burned out and depressed) with symptoms so severe that doctors put me through many medical tests (from head MRI to very thorough blood investigation by a hematologist). Nothing was found although I felt really sick. I wasn’t recovering as if my body had run out of energy completely. I lost hope. My son Alexander (also my swimbuddy) witnessed me breaking down and pushed me to do a Vipassana 10-day meditation retreat and showed me a few classes on heroic.us.
Meditation was a life changer. It taught me to sleep, breathe and brought silence to my mind. I learned to let go and face my inner fears.
However, coming home was tough: the world I came back to was not ready for the “new” me. (I still refer to that version as my Heroic self.)
Within a month I had gone back to the previous stress, albeit able to sleep. Meditation helped me, but maintaining the habit required discipline and willpower, which I did not have a lot of. My swimbuddy and I have compared the benefits of Vipassana meditation to Optimize many times as our lives have been impacted by both. We have found that they are complementary, interdependent. For it’s impossible to sustain a habit of 1 to 2 hour meditation daily without the teachings from Heroic! Where both “preach” moral values and living a life of virtue, Vipassana is not adapted to modern living conditions. Only the most arduous, maybe even marginal individuals, are able to follow the strict teachings and rigourous lifestyle of Vipassana. Vipassana lacks a modern update. The difference is too great between the quiet buddist world and our modern loud and fast moving lifestyle.
We have found that Heroic bridges that gap. It provides practical tools that help build up the willpower and agency necessary to maintain the practice of meditation. It takes “the edge off” the very austere teachings of Vipassana, introducing play and flexibility and space for feelings to be expressed where there is none. Heroic allows for balance, where one can be fiercely committed and unattached to the outcome, loving what happens and is out of our control, while changing the things that can be changed, not allowing winning or losing to influence our practice. It appears that there is little room for any flexibility even minor variations in protocol with Vipassana. Maybe Vipassana is just another tool, whereas Heroic is an all comprehensive life style. Both teach us that we learn only through experiencing. But the Heroic coach program takes us much further as it goes through all areas of our lives, anchoring us in the present day, helping us to install new habits and delete bad ones permanently. My experience is that I have undergone a shift in consciousness. I see the world differently and feel balanced, equanimous, peaceful, happy, content. Is this what enlightenment feels like ? I have connected with my inner daemon and have a sense of higher purpose. The Heroic community has provided proof that there is hope for a better world, the intrinsic motivation to be a better person, to serve without expecting anything in return.

Coaching works in part because of the commitment to consistently do the work. Heroic Coach is a commitment to consistently do the work! And the love, support and creativity create a hammock of love that cradles us allowing our best to show up again and again.

Through the Heroic Coach program journey I have realized the power to transform my life path into one more in sync with my souls goal. Others will benefit in ways that speak most clearly to their own goals and visions. Heroic gives the tools to do that.

1.5 years of Heroic gave me the courage to take a dream job that everyone wanted and was mine for the taking. But after 2 years, my ‘killing everyone with kindness’ system had failed, I was spent and I even ended my Heroic subscription-I even declined their offer to send free +1’s my way. Jan 2020 I was depleted; but because Heroic NEGU’d me, I found myself looking at a pic of Kristin (Mrs Michael) Balchan sitting at the table doing her ‘Best Year Ever 2020 Master Class‘ in her exercise clothes and I thought ‘that used to be me’. OMG THAT USED TO BE ME! Signed up again, and at the last minute even joined the Heroic COACH program. I learned the most important, life changing, gifts of my life supported by incredibly genuine, glorious Exemplars and I am comfortable in my own skin for the first time. I am forever altered and forever grateful. Thank you, Brian and Team and my Swimbuds and Heroic family. No more words.

I have become very aware of my actions, and what it means to accumulate +1’s throughout the day. My efficiencies in all tasks is stronger, and my mood throughout the day is much more even and steady (thank you good sleep habits). I can see problems as things that make me stronger, and I know how to get back to my baseline when something throws me off-kilter. My son got married in August, and we breezed through the whole weekend, having done some great planning and being ready for anything (thank you tool kit). It’s been AWESOME in so many ways. My gratitude game is strong.

The Heroic Coach program has helped me realize the upward spiral of learning and applying the well-being concepts of positive psychology and thriving to my life and to my coaching practice. It is useful for anyone interested in growing and living into their potential and who is looking for a community to support them on the journey.

The Heroic Coach program has made a huge difference in my life by giving me the tools to be my best self. The course materials/tools are enlightening and motivating and have lead me down a path to leading the life I envisioned for myself.

Heroic Coach has helped connect more directly to and embody my values — for myself, my family, and community. I had been “admiring the concept(s)” on so many things and relating to from an intellectual perspective. I was not internalizing and living many of them. The sheer breadth and depth of the Wisdom material was amazing. The accountability and community were a huge part of my personal transformation and the transformations I have been able to contribute to in my daily interactions. My Swim Buddy made a huge difference for me.

The Heroic Coach program reinforced much of what I learned in grad school but added energy and ideas in a way that motivated me to continue growing/learning and empowering those whom I serve. I believe others interested in cultivating a growth mindset and being the change they want to see will definitely enjoy the program.

Finding a practical resource to gain wisdom was what attracted me to Brian’s work in the beginning. The lessons I have learned over the years as Heroic has evolved have be invaluable to me as a Health Coach & Personal Trainer. I have shared the lessons/notes several times over the pasts few years and every time there has been a moment of acknowledgement of the need for that wisdom at the moment. That has lead me to realize that every one is searching for a little bit of knowledge everyday. They just don’t know where to go.

Through optimization I have taken my “floor” to an all new high! I’m living a better quality of life and want to share the process and experience with others!

The difference in my life today from where we began can seem so surreal but I’ll do my best to sum up what this program has done for my life in just one short year. On January 10th I tried to take my own life, truly believing my family and the world were better without me. The next morning I walked into my first AA meeting and 3 weeks later I began the Heroic Coach program. Now only 10 months later I stand here both proud to be alive and honored to be able to serve my family and the world as the powerful leader of the Heroic Mama Revolution! As part of our work together I have healed wounds, overcome obstacles, and learned the tools needed to rise to my fullest potential, one day at a time.

The program really shifted my perspective on how I live. Changed the focus from “fixing” myself or others to inspiring myself/others. Walking the talk has up-leveled my health and energy, making what I do on a day-to-day easier and fun. Mastering the mundane has opened up time and energy for creating what I want in my life, as opposed to putting out fires that result from poor planning or inconsistency. I think others will enjoy the excitement that comes from seeing proof that you can intentionally effect changes in yourself and your life. They’ll love that their vision for what is possible for themselves, loved ones and their clients will be on a whole new level.

There’s always been this feeling inside me that there’s gotta be “more” to life, without exactly knowing whatever this “more” actually would look like.
Having had quite a few challenges family-wise when I was growing up, I always thought that a successful career and material abundance is what would make me feel fulfilled and worthy. That’s why, after drifting through my teenage years and early 20s, I worked my ass of at college and eventually became one of the youngest principles of a private school that I’ve ever heard off, while simultaneously building an online-business and saving my father’s business from bankruptcy.
Throughout all this time, with all the “failures” and “successes” (using quotation marks because at the end of the day, it’s really only your perception) there were spells of happiness (like marrying my sweetheart or our son’s birth). Yet the feeling of “there’s gotta be more” remained. I’m not speaking of the healthy, innate desire of progress, that we all have, but some kind of pressure that made me feel like the sand of time was running through my fingers to live in congruence with the mission that I was given the gift of life for.
When I joined the Heroic Coach program, it just felt right from the start. I feel like I’ve come “home” in a sense of having found kindred souls in the pursuit of something bigger than themselves. (Shout out to Brian, Michael and everyone else who makes this possible, as well as all the other coaches!!)
I won’t spend much time talking about the content (which is A++++++, but you won’t be surprised about that if you’ve followed Brian for some time), but more about the awesome community and positive vibes that the whole program conveys. Engaging with the other people, implementing the strategies in my own life and now, as a next step, helping others to optimize their lives – this is as good as it can get for me. One thing that I’ve found to be true for me is the following: The secret to living is giving, because life is about “we”, not about “me”. And with this program, I will not only be able to do so in a meaningful way, but I feel like I have finally found what “more” to life actually is for me.

Participating in the program lowered my blood pressure, cured a 20 year old shoulder injury, stopped the anxiety heart racing episodes, and improved my multiple sclerosis brain MRI. I know I sound like a snake oil salesman, but it’s all true! Improving one’s life +1 every day aggregates very quickly. You can do it too!
The Heroic program teaches simple tools from improving self talk and changing the way one handles stress to increasing the quality of the fundamentals like breathing, sleeping, eating and moving.
Signing up for Heroic Coach is the very best thing I have ever done. It has changed my life and I will never stop optimizing!

It is impossible to answer in a nutshell …
Basically and progressively it gave me a very clear vision of where I was, mentally, spiritually and physically, and where I could go, showing me how I could operationalize this change. I abruptly diminished my high dependence on technology and regained my taste for reading philosophical and transformational subjects.
This course colored my soul, which had been gray for a long time.
Where I evolved most was in the realm of love, through increasing my ability to understand others, compassion for them, and gratitude for everything I own.

By being “profound” (towards the bottom), this program has accelerated my evolution and “personal development” (unwrapping the masks which I have put on) and has given me the tools, the space, and the inspiration to forge my Soul Goals, Identities, and Virtues, the wisdom to create infinite pathways and algorithms to reach them, the belief I have antifragility and agency in myself and can be a radiant exemplar to others, and the strength to reintegrate with my neglected wounded inner child and move from a dysfunctional codependent adult-child into a happy healthy interdependent adult. “What one can be, one must be,” and this must be the best course and community on the planet that can help you do that.

Heroic Coach (the mastery half) has allowed me to properly get my arms around the depth and breadth of material that Brian has assembled over many years.
To make literally thousands of years of philosophy and life lessons accessible in small, related postings is an amazing achievement – but as a resource is overwhelming. To add contemporary works of science, philosophy and life and cross-reference these into ancient wisdom is even more of a feat.
The Coach program, as I had hoped, has allowed me to “come up to speed” on Brian’s research and knowledge. Applying it will be a lifetime work, but the program has allowed me to feel comfortable navigating it and understand it’s potential to impact my life.
Heroic has already transformed my life in many way, but I know I have only scratched the surface (as you would expect with only 10 months of true execution of hundreds of years of knowledge).
I am more disciplined – especially in the areas of Energy (movement, hydration, sleep – and soon nutrition which I have chosen to research further before making radical changes).
I am more self-aware – of my weaknesses and poor choices, but also of when I am operating at my best. This allows me to do less of the bad, and more of the good – leading to “higher lows”!
I am amazed at the basics which have changed – my breathing – the pure essence of life – is more conscious for a large part of the day. Who knew you could breathe wrong – but you can.
My meditation is stronger, due to discipline around timing – building strong triggers for habits, and not allowing myself easy outs.
My spirit is stronger – ironically I am developing faster by being less hard on myself – building “higher lows” (again).
I am more consistent, in so many ways – because much of the Coach program is about being consciously aware of what you are doing; good, bad, effective, ineffective, lazy, energized.
Awareness. Decisions. Actions. Re-actions (when you get off path) and Reflection (for when you miss things in the moment) – these are the key areas of change for me, and they all have profound impact.
By far the best “self development” or “life coaching” investment I have ever made – at any price.
Detailed, specific, actionable and effective.

Heroic has fueled my growth in terms of the relationship I have with myself, my purpose on this earth, and my overall quality of being. The coaching program has completely shifted and enhanced the lenses I place on any situation, and, allowed me to truly open up in a way I never thought possible.

Where do I even begin?
Learning from Brian and his knowledge of books, tools, and wisdom on optimal living has been incredible. And to have him spend a few years distilling not only wisdom into PNs/+1’s but to build all that goodness into a step by step program has just been so, so cool.
Top 3 Takeaways (there’s more, but these are top of mind):
1) Getting PM bookend dialed in, which led to consistent sleep, consistent journaling, which led to better days that led to 1-4% gains compounded over time.
2) Flipping the switch. It’s been a game changer – I feel I have the scaffolding Bri always talks about, and that I’m consistently operating at a really high level.
3) Algorithms/habits – seeing Brian’s distillation of James Clear with Charles Duhigg – clarified a lot for meIn my work with men with porn addiction, this work has really deeply informed how I’m helping my clients – something that I didn’t expect when joining Heroic. And I’m only beginning to leverage algorithms, daily habits, and other Heroic goodies to help with a seemingly completely different market/problem.
Why do I think others may enjoy it?
– Because upon joining Heroic I was so profoundly overwhelmed by all the wisdom, and to have Bri take me by the hand, and show me a step by step process on where to start was awesome.
– And they’ll have their own distinctions. They’ll have their own game-changers.

The Heroic Coach program was a significant catalyst in changing personal habits around food, movement, emotions, attention, sleep, service, and goals. The foundational engine of introducing change in my life has also been greatly enhanced. Being more realistic and gentle with my own gaps in where I am at and what I am capable of has brought a more gritty hope about growth. Small incremental gains matter, something seemingly insignificant compounds and I’ve learned more about embracing and celebrating the small wins.
Others would benefit through really examining their beliefs and approach to introducing growth. For example, embracing being a good animal and taking care of the foundations of eating, moving, and sleeping. This is one area, among many, where you can learn practical grounded ideas about change and the positive impacts.
To coach from a position of being a radiant exemplar is an amazing opportunity and challenge. To coach from a deep point of commitment to wholistic life essentials is a unique and powerful distinctive of this program. If that is your goal, there truly is nothing like the Heroic program.

The Heroic Coach program is the best investment I’ve ever made!!!
This year has been life changing, all areas of my life have improved. My health is the best it’s ever been, I feel a deeper connection in my relationships, I serve my community like never before.
I feel gratitude all through my days, I feel more confident, courageous and peaceful in difficult situations.
There are so many things I have accomplished personally and professionally that are in direct correlation to what I have learned in the program.
It’s like I’m living in high definition now:)
Thank You Brian and the Heroic team!!

The Heroic Coach program has been the invisible force that has helped me cultivate the courage I needed to break through previous ceilings in several facets of my life. I can now fully embrace uncertainty and difficult situations knowing that whatever I am experiencing in the moment is exactly where I am meant to be, and that experiencing the moment fully is (emphasis added) the work. By fully embodying this lesson and being an exemplar, I can be a guiding light to everyone I encounter in my life. The brilliance of the program can’t be defined with one concept; it is the sum whole, and the integration of various concepts that may not be revealed until after a growth experience occurs; wherein the magic happens.
Heroic Coach has revolutionized my life. It has grounded my evolution and growth over the last year in the fundamentals…helping me to create buoyancy, calm confidence and radiant heath!
My yoga practice is all about optimizing breath and movement patterns, Heroic coaching principles are the perfect supplement to my work as a yoga teacher, health practitioner, and coach. I will continue to integrate Heroic into my life and work.
With Heroic tools and inspiration I am transforming my professional offering so as to ASTONISH clients and serve PROFOUNDLY!
I hope and pray that we continue to spiral up and build momentum together as radiant exemplars in greatest service to the world! :)

The Heroic Coach program made a significant difference in my life.
It helped me gain an inner perspective on my life which helped me focus my outward work in a much more positive light. It helped me center my mission with more compassion and understanding for those around me. It helped me move forward with not only hope, but with the grit and determination to keep climbing.
While climbing in this life this program helped me see and use my inner strength to help those around me.
The swim buddy idea is awesome and I now have a new friend. The networking of like-minded people is amazing.
My entire company is changing with this program. Each moment of each day we all learned to flip our switch into the up position and live the Hero life.

When all chaos is breaking loose around me; when my mind starts to feel overwhelm or I feel defeated……. the “tools” emerge, programmed into my DNA, algorithms for the mind, body and soul.
Then the alchemizing of the negative into fuel to go forward with calm confidence.
This applies to my personal energy, my business and my family life. How can you not feel gratitude for such positive impact on your “being ness”.

The magic juice of this programme has been in the combination of three awesome aspects = the quality of the content + the intensity of the learning + the inclusion of my whole life as a daily focus. This has equaled a huge transformation for me across my whole life and honestly, I can’t begin to share how utterly delighted I am that I took on this for myself (I thought long and hard about it, particularly as it was web based) but in simple terms, I am now consistently confident, I am clear in my thinking and focused on the most important stuff and I’m getting it all done, without the stress. In short, this programme has made my happy. I can’t wait to register for the next module.

Heroic Coach gave me the structure I was missing in retirement.The fundamentals opened me up to how I was missing opportunities to grow and flourish. Having a swim buddy to work with showed me I never really do anything alone. Having a community that supports and works together is incredible. If you are lost or floundering or just want to improve where you are, Heroic Coach will get you through all the excuses and reasons and barriers to a more positive, radiant life.

I’ve become easier in my own skin and more understanding of myself.
While I’ve always turned my skills/values toward others – compassion, understanding, supportive – I’ve lacked the repeated ability to apply them to myself.
I’m better at that now. I more fully accept my “flaws” or my room for improvement areas and I’m working, in a consistent manner, on life skills that I believed were beyond me due in no small part to my age.
I feel more empowered to help others, and I think I was already pretty good at that :)

The Heroic Coach program is a visible commitment to myself to be a radiant exemplar. If you want to build a habit, make it visible! Engagement in the Coach program reinforces my commitment to me every time I listen to a +1, a PN, participate in a class, or interact with the community. My students see the changes in me and want to know more. By helping me change myself, the Coach Program has enabled me to change the lives of my students as well.

Heroic has beautifully framed, in a really easy to connect with way, the key facets of life (energy, work, and love) and provides tools to help people express the best version of themselves moment to moment to moment in each of these areas.
It’s made a huge difference in my life by helping me personally grow in my career, improve myself inside out and show up fully with my loved ones; in essence it helped me close the gap between who I was being and who I am capable of being.
As a leader, Heroic has helped me coach others through challenging situations and helped me inspire others to achieve greatness.

The program influenced the agency of my time and accountability of my actions, which I needed in my life. The tools led me to the habits I had to change. My health has change with the loss of 25+ lbs. My outlook on the future is wide open. Bottom line, anyone can do this, the program is perfectly structured with theory, practice, and mastery of the tools and skills to change your life.

The Heroic Coach program has been like a race to the start line. With profound learning and direct support from Brian, Michael, our Swim Buddies, and the entire Heroic Team. The experience has been reaffirming and life-changing. And now as the program comes to an end, we’ve reached that wonderful realization that it is only the beginning. The race starts now.
As graduates, we are fully armed with the wisdom and the ongoing support of the Heroic Team to W.I.N. in our own idiosyncratic race to change the world together, one person at a time. And to truly be heroes.*
*by the way, in case you missed it. Brian is the guy fully suited up and kitted out, who’s leaning in and ready to change the front left wheel of our Formula 1 Hero Race Car that we’re using to be and become the best version of ourselves; and Brian is surrounded by a whole team of equally passionate and astonishing people, all leaning in to serve us. Epic.
Thank you Thank you Thank you

It is hard to describe how the coaching program has helped me without first understanding that I find self value in giving to others, often to a fault.
The Heroic Program has lead me to understand myself better, the importance of self mastery and taking care of myself first so I may have a larger impact on the world.
It has always been hard for me to say no or admit I need guidance, but Brian and the Heroic Team have opened a new door for me which has ultimately made my coaching practice and my personal life richer and more vibrant.

The Heroic Coach program has been the best investment I made in my personal development.
3 years back I had very extreme pain in my wrists and elbows initially being diagnosed with Golfers Elbow and then Tennis Elbow. I had to manage this and wore a clasp and my arms were so weak that I could not even lift a shampoo bottle in the shower. I had not been able to do any upper body exercise of any kind and even day to day work like typing on a keyboard was extremely painful. I went through various Physio sessions but I was told I just had to manage the pain and this could take a few years to resolve.
Earlier this year as I read the Sales page for the Heroic Coach program and saw the requirement for a Spartan race. At that point, I had no idea how I would do this as I had only 10 months to get ready to do the Spartan and it was really scary. I took a leap of faith just saying I will figure it out.
The journey in preparing for this was very challenging, requiring me to constantly work with my fears and make slow but strong progress. I had to think about everything from my physical activity, my food, sleep getting professional help and my inner voice.
Through the support of Brian, Michael and all the amazing coaches on the program, I was able to participate fully in and complete the Spartan.
The program provided me with the framework I needed to make MASSIVE progress. I was able to dramatically change many aspects of my life which included:
– Improve my physical health – Strength, Endurance and general well being
– My mental resilience and grit with a daily Meditation practice
– Healthy eating and sleeping habits
– Reduction in distracting device usage and an increase in focus, concentration, deep work and producing high-quality outputs
– Ability to work calmly under pressure and having the calm confidence to figure out any challenges I get
– A completely different outlook on life, welcoming challenges and obstacles as learning experiences
– Higher quality relationships with Loved ones, friends and colleaguesThe Heroic Coach is a program that I will be a LIFE-LONG learner for. I am really grateful to have participated in this. It has changed my core identities of my Energy, Work and Love and I will continue being an active student of this programme as it has been the biggest game-changer for me.

I’ve followed Brian for years, starting on YouTube with the philosopher notes but it wasn’t until me and my wife made the commitment to the coach program did I really begin seeing overwhelmingly positive changes in our lives.
I was thinking to myself the other day “wow, I’ve literally never felt better in my life than I do now.” I’m organized, full of energy, accomplishing so much every day and experiencing the best relationship with my wife ever.
I owe it all to my focus on the tools the Heroic Coach program has given me and the hard work of implementing those tools into my day to day life.
I don’t plan on stopping there though, I’m too excited to see the improvements I can make in the future, the sky is the limit!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

In so many ways. It’s helped me to stay accountable to myself and the virtues that are important to me and my life, to keep spiraling up no matter what. It’s helped me to be and stay encouraged to keep going and to continue to embrace the difficulties. I’ve loved the new language, acronyms, quick reflections to keep things aligned and balanced. The mastery, wisdom, and research has been fantabulous with so many tools and nuggets of expertise from so many amazing wise ones. I loved that we’ve been together for so long and really hope to continue as a large group. I work solopreneur so community is needed and more important now that I’m out of corporate.

The Heroic Coach program has given me a practical step by step approach to change my life in a way that is unique to me.
If others have been thinking about improving their lives (in the way that matters most to them) I would highly recommend this program.
It will give them the opportunity to develop into the next best version of themselves no matter from which staring point they happen to be at right now.
By far, this has been one of the very best development programs I have take so far.
So I began this program full of enthusiasm. I was following along, watching all the +1’s, joining the live-calls, doing a few PN’s, and then my life took a drastic change.
My wife asked me for a divorce.
That was in March.
I crashed and burned (quickly) but without too much flailing. A father of 3, totally blindsided. (No need for the gory details…) BUT I quickly shifted to a “BRING IT ON” Mindset.
I prayed A LOT.
I meditated A LOT.
I got connected and grounded A LOT.
I fell back in LOVE with my chiropractic practice and CONNECTED with people WAY MORE at DEEPER LEVELS than I ever have before.In short, this life emotional trauma, has become a GREAT BLESSING.
I CONNECT with my kids more, AM MORE PURPOSEFUL and INTENTIONAL with them.A lot of this stuff I knew before (intellectually, not necessarily experientially). However, I know this program helped me move through this process with much more ease and grace. And lastly, everything has become amicable between my ex-wife and I, and I truly couldn’t be better.

It has helped me complete some important tasks like making a will, getting my finances in better order, and maintain a healthy lifestyle while caring for my father who is dying and my aging in-laws.
I have shifted some processes around in my business, cut back my work hours and increased my productivity.
On a physical level I have lost 7 pounds and an inch in my waist as well as improved my overall strength.
I have engaged in a lot of self-reflection that has helped me become a better therapist and a better person.
If someone is interested in taking their life to the next level and reach for the stars, this is the program for them! I can’t wait to see how this momentum carries me into the next year.

Participating in the Heroic Coach program this year helped me implement the practical teachings I’ve been studying through Heroic for years, and today those incremental changes Brian talks about in the +1s have added up to an overall shift where I truly feel like I’m becoming the person I’ve longed to be: confident, capable, courageous and compassionate.

The Coach Program has had a greater impact on me than any other program I have pursued in my lifetime.
The program has helped me define my purpose, outline the framework for a masterpiece day, and operationalize many of the theories introduced.

Tracking the habits, developing the algorithms and sharing the wisdom for living a life well-lived has always been my mission, but now having the ancient wisdom, science-backed knowledge and the practical tools to explain, inspire, coach and guide others. This was the most difficult coaching certification I have ever achieved, but also the most rewarding……it was not just about the learning but about the doing and coming out the other side becoming that best version of myself so that others feel inspired to do the same!!

The program made a huge impact in my life and also in the life from the people around me.
The biggest difference I noticed is the increase of my willpower to commit to my protocol, fundamentals and virtues everyday. BRIGHT LINES :)))
That also encouraged my friends and family to work more on their fundamentals.My Mindset shifted a lot. We talked about all the tools we learned during the program so often that they just pop up in my head when ever I need them to give me a faster turnaround. Its amazing to see how all the mantras like “”Bring it on, OMS, I’m excited, 5,4,3,2,1 action, thank you”” appear in your head just because you repeated them so often. :))
It was such an awesome year with the coaching program. So happy that I made the decision to take part in it. Cant wait for more awesome years ahead.

In my Electrical Engineering position, I had let my work dominate my life on an individual project, and I could feel this work killing me. I was working too many hours, not getting enough exercise, and not eating well nutritionally. I was having problems concentrating for long periods.
I dove into the masterclasses Optimal Learning 101, and Optimal Nutrition 101. I stopped consuming sugar and grain, and things started to get much better.
I started investigating Leadership training and went through most of the leadership material in Heroic. I wanted to become a better leader in my engineering group so I could support myself and others from getting into a situation where work is destroying my life or other’s lives. I also wanted to learn more about being a better mentor in my adult leader role for youth ministry.The Heroic Coach program started at about this time. I signed up thinking it would help me with leadership. What I found was it helped me in so many aspects of my life. I didn’t realize how much I could improve at becoming a better person!
How can I explain to someone that I thought I had a beautiful life before, sure, with a few problems here and there, no big deal, but now, I feel like my whole life has become an enormous opportunity for fantastic improvement!
I feel like this is one of the best things I have done in my life for my life!
I have good nutrition habits, good exercise habits, good study habits, I am becoming more aware of my thoughts and feelings, and I am stepping into my fears to become the better version of myself on the other side of those fears.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I just got off the phone with my accountability partner, and we just discussed this. As a result of the Heroic Coach program, I’m in the best physical + mental shape of my life, I’m enjoying the best relationships I’ve ever had, and I’m having the most rewarding year professionally.
The Heroic Coach program provides the structure and resources to blossom into your best self. While much effort is required for the program, the rewards are tremendous!

I’ve always been into self help and optimizing and have been wanting to start a coaching business to share what I have learned the last few years. Though I don’t need any certification to do that, I was thrilled to hear about Brian’s coach certification program as a little extra bit of credentials I could add to my resume. I have looked at other coaching programs, and while they are probably awesome, I’ve really been more interested in “mentoring” people, and teaching them habits and skills rather than just working on mindset as a lifecoach often does. Brian’s program was the most amazing fit for what I really wanted to be doing with people.
The unexpected benefit to joining the program was the super charged accountability I suddenly felt to up level every area of my life. I already had good habits and was doing many of the things Brian teaches, but the program increased my accountability and awareness of the little details I could increase. I love that this program requires accountability! I have already started my own coaching program based on the Heroic principles and feel my work has enormous resonance because I’m living everything I teach. I so appreciate the emphasis on moving from theory to practice and that we must be the change we want to see in the world.

I sleep, eat, and move better and enjoy the boost in energy which makes me more relaxed and enjoyable by others. I am more aware through meditation and hence calm and patient. I diligently practice gratefulness and celebrating others and try to switch from telling others what to do to just listen and understand. Overall I hope, others enjoy more to have me around…

I’m not sure there is enough space here to completely articulate the profound difference this program has made on my life. The shifts that the Heroic Coach Program has created in me have generated a ripple effect in EVERYTHING I do, in my Energy, Work and Love, and how I show up each and every moment of each and every day. I truly believe it has saved my marriage (and quite possibly my life). The classes, the coursework, and most profoundly the deep work and daily #carpediem #big3x2 (especially after my conversation where Brian called me out on not clearly defining my identities) has been a game changer.
This program covers ALL areas of creating the life we design and I am excited to do this work with myself, my husband (who struggles with PTSD, Trauma and depression) as well as my clients.
For anyone curious about creating more for their lives, this deep dive immersion is a Master’s level course in not only being an amazing human being, but into an understanding of how to open up the possibilities for others to do so as well! I am deeply grateful for making the decision to step into this course fully (and will continue to do so moment by moment by moment), my life will truly never be the same. #gratefulflow

I’ve loved leading internal teams over a successful 30 year executive career. While I had passion, potential, and the opportunity to practice in the field, I lacked the knowledge and structure to take it from being a good manager to being a great coach. Heroic provided me with a personalized path to the next level —from theory to practice to mastery.
The impacts on myself and those I coach have been many, but the most obvious was the accomplishment of my FIT@55 goal. While I’ve always been an athlete, I’d never committed to being truly fit. With “”no sugar/no flour”” and “”99% is hard/100% is easy”” as my mantras, I dropped from 205 to 180 pounds (so far). Maybe RIPPED@56 is my next goal? ;) #thatslikeme

I signed up for the program mainly because I wanted to learn whatever I could from Brian! He’s been an amazing inspiration, a mentor for so many years, that I could not miss the opportunity to learn straight from him.
And how I was impacted + astonished!! Not only did we get to learn from him, LIVE, every week, but also all we got to interact with him, get coached + celebrated by him… that alone made many of my weeks + months!
And having our amazing community and swim buddy…. it’s been one of the most transformative experiences of my life.
And I can say this: only Brian to get me (!!) to run a Spartan Race! I don’t think I’ve ever dedicated myself with such intensity to something I’ve almost gave up 100+ times. Seriously!!
THANK YOU for all your work! You + Heroic Team!! You have no idea how much you’ve supported me, how much you helped me achieve this year, and how much my life has changed!
It might sound silly but I never ever thought possible for me to wake up at 5 am feeling refreshed. And thanks to our protocols and PM Bookend and having Bright Lines I’ve been doing it for a while now (still can’t believe it!).
I am more focused, more productive and aware of my targets. I know what the best version of me looks like and I work hard every day to come close to that, knowing that I’ll never be exonerated, saying to myself “I’m excited!” and “Bring it on!” to every challenge I face.
I breathe deeply through the nose, into my belly and get grounded multiple times during the day, I look for micro moments of positivity resonance, I deliberately encourage people around me, and settled on my identity of being a Radiant Exemplar moment to moment to moment. I move every 1,000 seconds and never work for longer than 90 minutes on only one thing without having a break.
Today I can say that ARETÉ is an intricate part of my life, thanks to you!
I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for your work and your commitment to us. But I can say that I’m ALL IN!! And I’ll strive to be the best I can be moment to moment to moment, to be a radiant exemplar and a Heroic ELITE coach!
I appreciate you! I deeply appreciate all the time we had together, and can’t wait to see you at graduation.
And… start again :D
Let’s do this!!

The Heroic Coach program has made a great difference in many different ways in my life.
First, I’ve found my tribe. I’ve been inspired by people who are engaged in optimizing and closing the gap between who they are and who they can and want to be. It feels like home even though we are scattered all around the world.The biggest impact has been on my energy and my sleep. I’ve reached my goal of turning 40 with the highest level of energy I had ever experienced and that’s what happened. That’s like me!
I’ve played the game and done the hard work on my fundies. I’ve finally tackled my issues with sleep and discovered the power of oscillating between deep work and deep recovery.
I’ve experienced how I am a better person when I’ve had enough sleep and rest.
I had a strong tendency to work hard, without really recovering.There is still room for improvement but I no longer consider my sleep to be a variable component of my life in which to tap to add working sessions and activities to an already very busy day.
And I have launched my coaching business in Sep. I’m so proud and happy to have done it this year, surrounded by the great Heroic coaches vibes.
And thank you to Team Heroic for offering me the opportunity to meet a wonderful swim buddy.

It has given me the tools necessary to turn all these awesome big ideas into action. Before jumping in, I was just consuming the wisdom. Now I’m living it.

Simply put, it has helped me understand better who I am (i.e. the common substantial quest, different for everyone in the form, of finding oneself and walking, while owning, her/his/her-his/its uniquely-eudaimonic path in the apparently chaotic matrix of things that constitutes the interlinked human divine spirit and its orderly positive constructive nature), what I stand for, and what that actually means for me (x2) in relation to the human community.

It took all the “nuggets of wisdom” I had been learning with general Heroic and taught me how to practically actualize them in my own life and other.
I absolutely know others will enjoy it if they are seeking a way to truly their live best, most optimized life.
There’s simply no better way I have found then following this program!

I started the program running away from problems. I now view problems as growth opportunities. That’s a total paradigm shift that has served me well professionally and made me a lot less depressed.

This program has helped me face the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through in my life. I’m currently going through treatment for a recurring cancer and I credit this program with helping me get through it with optimism. Even though it’s hard I feel extremely happy and look forward to each day. I’ve learned to effectively live without anxiety towards cancer and take everything that happens as data that I can learn from. And I’ve learned a lot!
Once I’ve got this thing beat I intend to use what I’ve learned throughout this program to help others that are going through the same thing. You all have helped make something that can be super scary into something that is a challenge I’ve been excited to take on. It feels weird to say that but it’s true. I can’t wait to share this with others and I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t benefit from and thoroughly enjoy this program.
Thank you for all you do, you guys are amazing!

Heroic Coach has provided me with a wealth of tools and the courage to use them. My physical, mental and emotional well being has improved dramatically. I have also noticed an increase in my confidence and social intelligence.
Having a social network platform with other inspired and positive optimizers has been one of the largest contributors to my growth. I’ve “leveled up” by surrounding myself with like minded people.
I had a lot of resistance to join at first, time and accountability held me back. I’m glad I changed my mind. The ability to download and do the lessons on my own schedule was a critical component to my enrollment.

The Heroic Coach program has been a lighthouse/beacon for me in my journey of reconnecting to my true essence! While being great exemplars of the tools and strategies that are assisting me in the expression of my idiosyncratic self-actualization to give more than I receive!! That being said there are truly no words to express how much Heroic Coach has impacted my life!!! My hope is to give to the world more than I have received!!! Let’s do this!!! That’s just like me!!! This happens to me all the time!!! I love you Brian and team!!!☝️❤️

The Heroic Coach program has been one of the most life transformative experiences I’ve ever undertaken.
Through the incremental building of my own, unique, daily protocol, I now have a recipe for creating great days consistently – I rarely have a 'bad day.' I know what I need to focus my attention on and do on a daily basis to progressively move my life in the direction I want.Being able to let go of the shame, blame and guilt towards my growth, or perceived lack thereof, has been a significant shift thanks to embracing an experimenter’s / growth mindset and treating everything as neutral data for continual improvement.
Cultivating an antifragile attitude towards life and a growing sense of Euthymia has allowed me to continue moving forwards in life despite the uncertainty and fear.
Enlightening, challenging and inspiring, the Heroic Coach program over-delivered on value!
It was a true grounding in the path of self-mastery.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Brian, Michael and the rest of the Heroic team for making the Coach / Mastery program a reality. It can only get better with each iteration …just like us :)

The Heroic Coaching program has been AWESOME and life-changing. First of all, I FINISHED what I started. (Which gives me incentive to go back and finish a few other programs I did not finish…:) .
Also, it kept me sane, on track and focused. I went through a major life change this past year and the fundies helped me grow muscle and do “big girl” things. I not only survived, but thrived.
Yes! I LOVE to learn and gobbled up the information. Holding us to high standards helped me implement the old (and new) practices into my daily life. “It’s just like me to do more than what I’m asked.” “It’s just like me to take risks in life.” “It’s just like me to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.” “It’s just like me to finish what I started.” etc. My self-talk has greatly improved and even if every day is not a stellar day (like today with a botched $$ haircut and dropping my $$ phone (!!)), it’s ok because it gives me another reason to build my antifragile muscle. I believe it’s good to take control of ourselves in every area, and the physical area is my keystone.
I LOVE the fundies as I dialed in my plant-based whole foods eating, moved my body every day (even doing those dang 104 burpees regularly!) and found the magic key to being in bed 10 hours a night with my eye mask and ear plugs.
Plus my meditation is up to 16 minutes in my AM and PM bookends. I am on the ascent to Mt. Everest…and I AM GOING TO MAKE IT! Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I have a heart full of gratitude. In the end, it all boils down to loving God and man, navigating life’s curvy road and rocking the action-packed passage.

The KEYSTONE is the wisdom, the toolbox, and the way it is delivered to you in very understandable terms. It will take you from where you are to where you want to be. I love the way we can measure what needs improvement , and what to celebrate…. this program is the single best thing an individual can do to change their life. And then if it’s important for you to CONTRIBUTE to the world becoming a Heroic Coach is a way to share your knowledge to help those who want to optimize as well. Best gift you can give yourself and those you love 💗

I have a super busy life taking care of others (Full time teacher, wife, mom of 3, caregiver to aging parents) I have little energy for myself at the end of the day.
Joining the coach program, has made me realize that when you don’t feel like doing something, that is the time you must do it. I have learned how important the fundamentals are and really took the energy component seriously…which was the key to everything else!
My sleep went from 5 hours a night to 8+, I “found time” and embraced yoga and have dropped 15 pounds and 2 sizes. At 55, I am flexible, healthy and vibrant and look 10 years younger because I am sleeping!
In my job, I relabeled myself from art-teacher to coach, and use the Heroic philosophy to transform my middle-schoolers beliefs and identities. They are creating at a much higher level in a shorter period of time than ever before!
Home life is better too, still hectic, but I am learning how to work within the boundaries of constraints. As I continue to listen to the necessary repetitiveness of Brian’s philosophies, I am so inspired each and every day to live this new way of life I have been shown. Brian doesn’t know me, but is passionate about my success…I feel that! It comes out loud and clear in his teaching/coaching! It’s weird, but you kind of don’t want to let him down, because you know that when someone believes in you that much, you begin to believe it as well…and then backing it up with action becomes natural!
Side Note: The accountability component of the Swim Buddy and the Heroic Team Spartan Race/Graduation is invaluable!!!

More than anything, it’s the constant reminder to keep showing up. It’s easy to get distracted by life and let your goals slide but hearing a good speech every week helps pull my attention back to what I value.
Anyone looking to grow can get value out of this program because it helps you figure out what tools you need and then motivates you to keep using them. Plus, it’s exciting to be surrounded by people who are trying to up their game in life.

The Heroic Coach programme has been instrumental in allowing me to actualise my potential, both personally and professionally.
Its strength lies in the active focus on building the habits (as Covey describes it) of ‘what to do’, ‘how to do’ and paying attention to the deeply fundamental ‘why/want to do’.
Brian and the team have supported me and my fellow Heroic Coaches on our journey by providing the wisdom, practical tools of application, and a space for individual reflection and co-created active enquiry that have been life changing.
It’s hard to describe the impact that Heroic Coach has had for me this past 10 months, but Steven Pressfield sums it up nicely: ‘What we get when we turn pro is, we find our power. We find our will and our voice and we find our self-respect. We become who we always were but had, until then, been afraid to embrace and to live out.”

Heroic Coach program has been life changing!
I have been following Brian’s work for 10 years, and every time he offers something new, I sign up. I know he will deliver far more than I expect, and Heroic Coach has done exactly that.
I have never wanted to do an obstacle course. And yet on 6th October 2019, I completed my first Spartan Sprint race, in Windsor, UK, crossing the finish line with my amazing swim buddy Julia Myles. I only signed up for this, because one of the requirements for Heroic Coach is to complete a Spartan Race and I wanted to be certified.
I began training with a Spartan Personal trainer twice a week from February 2019, which has improved my strength, endurance and fitness. I also took on board what I learned on the program about nutrition, and joined Bright Line Eating Boot camp on 8 July 2019 to complement my studies. I have lost 35 pounds to date! I am now overweight, no longer obese, and have the same weight that I did when I was 26, 29 years ago! I have worn a UK size 18 trousers for years, and recently have started to wear UK size 12 trousers! I feel fabulous! I love this new slimmer, stronger, fitter body, and everyone is commenting at how great I look. I still have 30 pounds to lose to get to my right size body, but I KNOW that it will happen, in the next few months.
As for Spartan Racing, I LOVE it! I’m flying to LA in 2 weeks for our Graduation weekend, and I’ll be doing my second Spartan Sprint race with my amazing swim buddy and all the other coaches. AND we have both signed up for another Spartan Sprint race in Sussex, UK in April 2020, and are considering a Spartan Super at Windsor in October 2020. I think we both have the bug!
I have prioritised sleep even more and my new baseline is now 8 hours per night. This has made me much more energetic during the day and is evidenced by my resting heart rate reducing from a maximum of 72 in 2017 to 53/54 November 2019.
Our daily Carpe Diem journal has really helped me to create a better balance in my life, giving me permission to work less, and play more. I’m much more productive when I choose to work, and I am more present in my relationships. I no longer spend my evenings in my study. I stop work at 5pm, and my evening is all about eating and spending time with my family and friends.
I met my friend Julia Myles 4 years ago, and we have always connected weekly as accountability buddies. Heroic has deepened our friendship even more, and through our Carpe Diem journaling we have been connecting daily and have celebrated and supported each other even more this year.
One of THE biggest gains for me this year, has been the development of this wonderful friendship. In particular, completing our first spartan race together, and we are both going to LA in 2 weeks for graduation. This is HUGE for both of us and sharing this journey together has been priceless.
I am Spartan Maxine. I am a Heroic Coach, and I will be on this journey with Julia, Brian, and the Heroic Team for the foreseeable future.
If you’re considering Heroic Coach, I do hope you’ll join us. It could just change YOUR life too!
Heroic coach has added a whole new level of mastery and accountability to my personal development. Each session and the follow-up practices set the tone for my whole week and really helped me go from theory to practice and start enacting these virtues and principles moment-to-moment. If you’re looking to improve yourself as a person, your coaching practice, and Optimize any and all areas of your life, there’s no better investment you can make.

I am in better physical shape now and have a commitment to my physical health in a way I have not had before. I’m an executive coach and I have been a fan of Brian and Heroic for many years. I frequently coached using concepts introduced by Brian before this course. Now I have a broader and deeper set of tools to use. I love and appreciate the blending of ancient wisdom with modern science. The course offers fundamental concepts and practices for being our best selves.
I always talk with clients about moving outside their comfort zone. But, at 61 years old, I have never been successful at doing this for myself in the exercise domain. In the last 10 months I kept going, when all I want to do is stop.
I’m more aware of how I stop myself and continue moving through the discomfort. Though I am still mindful of setting my own boundaries and love the +1 concept – I started as a wimp so I have far to go:).
I am participating in the Spartan Sprint, even though most days I have to remind my inner critic, who is insisting I can’t really do this, that I can and will do what I can, and I just can’t do everything YET.
My 16 year old said committed to doing the Sprint with me. That is a major gift:)

It’s given me a framework to translate my identity into “”soul goals”” and then into daily plans. Additionally, it’s given me a huge reservoir of ideas, tools, insights and actionable wisdom I’ve been able to take to client engagements, team meetings, and individual coaching relationships.
The Heroic.us community has become a very real part of my daily rhythm and my swim buddy has given me encouragement, support and perspective as we each work to incorporate all this into our lives.

Looking back over 300 days and see just how far the group has come and all the areas in our life we have measured and be held accountable for is truly amazing.
The Heroic Coaching skills and tools are used everyday and very effective.
Brian demonstrates everything he teaches and I am in awe to witness someone live with such virtue.
The Heroic team is the most encouraging, down to earth and relatable bunch of people and each interaction has been positive and heartfelt.
I recommend the program if you are looking to find a clear path and enhance your journey to wholeness.