#529 Merpeople and Where to Find Them

Hint: Next to the Corral Reefs that are Challenged and Tested Daily

Yesterday we talked about unicorns and where to find them. Today we’re going to talk about merpeople and where to find them.

Well, not really. But maybe kind of. (Hah.)

Over the last few days we talked about the fact that the impact of stress often comes down to how you interpret it. We also talked about the fact that “The most meaningful challenges in your life will come with a few dark nights.”

In other words: Want meaning? Embrace the dark nights.

Want to get to the peak of Mt. Everest and high five those unicorns? Embrace the cold, dark nights on the side of the mountain.


Want to dive deep and see the wonders of the world beneath the surface of the sea? Embrace the choppy boat ride out to the best diving spots.

Let’s actually do exactly that right now. Put on your swim trunks, grab your scuba gear and let’s go diving! No wet suit needed as we’re diving in warm water today. (Flashback to when I dove in the Red Sea—it was CRAZY hot out and the water was wonderful—lol.)

The boat’s waiting for us at the dock. And… We’re off!

Choppy waters. Choppy waters. Choppy waters.

We’re reminding ourselves of Joseph Campbell’s wisdom: “If your bliss is just fun and excitement, then you are on the wrong path… Sometimes pain is bliss.”

And, we’ve arrived. Get yourself ready…

Today’s featured site? Some AMAZING corral reefs.

Oh! And who just pulled up in another boat? It’s Earl Nightingale and his buddy Denis Waitley—two old-school motivational guys.

Denis just pulled out a copy of his great book The Psychology of Winning and reads this passage to us before our dive: “One of the best ways to develop adaptability to the stresses of life is to view them as normal. Earl Nightingale tells of his visit with his son recently to the Great Barrier Reef which stretches nearly 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Noticing that the coral polyps on the inside of the reef, where the sea was tranquil and quiet in the lagoon, appeared pale and lifeless… while the coral on the outside of the reef, subject to the surge of the tide and power of the waves, were bright and vibrant with splendid colors and flowing growth… Earl Nightingale asked why this was so. ‘It’s very simple,’ came the reply, ‘the coral on the lagoon-side dies rapidly with no challenge for growth and survival… while the coral facing the surge and power of the open sea, thrives and multiplies because it is challenged and tested every day. And so it is with every living organism on earth.’”


With that we jump out of the boat. Splash. Dive.

Look at that beautiful, vibrant coral! So cool to know that it was formed as a result of being challenged and tested every day, eh? Oh!! And was that a mermaid that just swam by?! 🧜 Yes. It was. I saw some other merpeople, too. 🧜‍♂️

That’s Today’s +1.

Remember the beautiful coral reefs and how they’re formed. And say “Hi!” to the merpeople for me on your deep dives today! 🤓

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