“There is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have.”
~ Esther & Jerry Hicks from Ask and It Is Given
For those unfamiliar, Ask and It Is Given is a book written by Esther and Jerry Hicks who channel the wisdom of a group of beings from another dimension who are collectively called “Abraham.”
If you’re like me, that freaks you out a bit. :)
Maybe it’s my Catholic upbringing or a lack of imagination, but I still get a little uncomfortable with the idea that people channel other beings. In any case, this book rocks. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you get it. If it’s been awhile since you read it, I think it might be time for a re-read!
The book is one big quote. It’s pretty much The Bible for the Law of Attraction and (with The Science of Getting Rich (see my Notes on that as well)) the foundation of The Secret.
I’d pretty much have to copy/paste the book to share all the goodness in it. Alas, that’s not the point of these notes; so, I’m going to bring you some of my favorite big ideas and trust you’ll enjoy them!
(And, of course, much more importantly, I trust you’ll live the ideas the resonate with you!)
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