- Authors
- Ed Mylett

Ed Mylett
Global Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, and Top Podcast Host TV host of CHANGE WITH ED MYLETT.
Ed Mylett grew up in Diamond Bar, CA. as the only boy in the family with three younger sisters. His father was his first example of what it takes to succeed in life.
Ed decided from a very young age that since he would have to work in life, he might as well work for himself and call his own shots. He realized right away that he was not going to spend his life working for someone else and building their dreams.
His wife Kristianna, who had been his sweetheart since they were teenagers, shared that same vision of life. Her father was an engineer who worked hard so her mother could stay home with her six children.
Philosopher's Notes on Ed Mylett's Books

The Power of One More
by Ed Mylett
Ed Mylett is, as per the inside flap of the book, “a highly successful entrepreneur, performance coach, bestselling author, and one of the world’s most inspirational public speakers.” This book is the inspiring and practical distillation of 30 years of his accumulated wisdom. The thesis of the book—that you might just be “ONE More” thought/idea/action/habit/relationship away from FUNDAMENTALLY changing your life reminds me of Jim Rohn’s idea about combination locks. More about that in the Note. The book features 19 chapters on everything from “One More Identity” (chapter #1!) and “One More Dream” (#7) to “One More Goal” (#9) and “One More Habit” (#12). It’s fantastic. As you’d expect, it’s PACKED with Big Ideas. As always, I’m excited to share a handful of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!