How To Live on 24 Hours a Day

by Arnold Bennett | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform © 2016 · 46 pages

I got this little book after Dale Carnegie raved about it in How to Win Friends and Influence People. Arnold Bennett was a contemporary of Carnegie’s. Born in 1867, Bennett was an English novelist and playwright. In this fun and funny tiny little booklet, he tells us that most people focus on how to get by on a budget of X dollars per day but what we really should be thinking about is how we can most effectively use the precious twenty-four hours we’re given every day! Big Ideas we cover include celebrating the daily miracle that is another 24 hours, some precautions before beginning (note: make it easy!), the importance of concentration (remember: science says: a wandering mind is an unhappy mind), and dangers to avoid as you Optimize (remember Rule #6).

It is always the man who has tasted life who demands more of it. And it is always the man who never gets out of bed who is most difficult to rouse.
Arnold Bennett

“You have to live on this twenty-four hours of daily time. Out of it you have to spin health, pleasure, money, content, respect, and the evolution of your immortal soul. Its right use, its most effective use, is a matter of the highest urgency and of the most thrilling actuality. All depends on that. Your happiness—the elusive prize that you are all clutching for, my friends!—depends on that. Strange that the newspapers, so enterprising and up-to-date as they are, are not full of ‘How to live on a given income of time,’ instead of ‘How to live on a given income of money!’ …

Which of us is not saying to himself—which of us has not been saying to himself all his life: ‘I shall alter that when I have a little more time’?

We never shall have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all the time there is. It is the realization of this profound and neglected truth … that has led me to the practical examination of daily-time expenditure.”

~ Arnold Bennett from How To Live on 24 Hours a Day

I got this little book after Dale Carnegie raved about it in How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Arnold Bennett was a contemporary of Carnegie’s. Born in 1867, Bennett was an English novelist and playwright.

In this tiny little booklet (get a copy here), he tells us that most people focus on how to get by on a budget of X dollars per day but what we really should be thinking about is how we can most effectively use the precious twenty-four hours we’re given every day!

This is a super quick and fun/funny read. Check out our Masterpiece Days Wisdom Pack for more goodness on the subject.

For now, I’m excited to share a few of my favorite Big Ideas so let’s jump straight in!

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About the author


Arnold Bennett

English novelist, playwright, critic, and essayist.