#1643 “Yep… That’s Totally Normal”


Sean Casey is one of my absolute favorite people on the planet.

As you know if you’ve been following along, Sean is a former MLB All-Star and current MLB Network host who was the New York Yankees hitting coach last season.

He’s also an incredibly GOOD human being.

And he’s SUPER intense.

I can vividly remember driving with him to a Heroic investor brunch (he’s also a big Heroic investor and Heroic Coach) and SWEATING as he WENT OFF sharing a story about a time he worked with the Blue Jays to help them go to the next level.

In addition to all of that, he’s also insanely funny. 😂


Every morning I share my Oura scores with him and another dear friend and soul brother (and former MLB player and big Heroic investor and Heroic Coach and world-class mental toughness coach), Brandon Guyer.


The other day we trade our scores and have our typical funny banter back and forth which always make me start my day with a smile.


The night before, Sean led one of his “Breakthrough Pro” workshops.


He sends me and BG a quick little selfie video about how he started his talk.

I have goosebumps as I type this.

The video goes something like this…


Before we go there…

Just a *little* more context…

When Sean was playing baseball, he was one of the absolute best players. His mental toughness coach was the legendary Harvey Dorfman.

Dorfman literally wrote the book on mental toughness. Check out the Notes here.


Back to Sean’s little selfie video.

It goes something like this…

“BOYS!! Last night I had an EPIC Breakthrough Pro session. I started the talk by telling them about a time I was grinding in the Majors.

I called Harvey Dorfman.

Now, you only tend to call Harvey when you’re grinding.


I tell him what I’m feeling and he tells me: ‘Yep… What you’re feeling and how you’re responding to everything is TOTALLY NORMAL, Sean.’

Then Sean says Harvey told him…

‘AND YOU ARE NOT %€#¥#@$ (!) NORMAL.’

So pull it the $&@# together!”



That’s Today’s +1.

Facing challenges and feeling overwhelmed and want to whine about it and all that?


What you’re feeling and how you’re responding to your challenges is *totally* normal.


My dear Heroic friend…

You and I are NOT NORMAL.

Pull it together.

Practice your philosophy.

Use your challenges as fuel to forge your antifragile confidence.

It’s Day 1. We’re all in.

LET’S GO!!!!

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