#1843 Who Will Be a Star?

Yoda Says THIS Is the Key…

In our last couple +1s (here and here), we’ve been talking about a recent chat I had with my Yoda.

We took some tangents.

We celebrated Alexandra and her Heroic home births and the moment Emerson was born and how he held my pinky with his tiny little hand as we looked into each other’s eyes and said, “I love you.”

(My heart melts every time I think of that.)

Then we talked about how to alchemize a loss into a learn KNOWING that, when we do it right, that learning becomes a WIN.


I promised to tell you what Phil told me one of the Hollywood directors he coached told him about who would become a star.

Here it is…

Quick context…

For an aspiring actor, one of THE hardest things they have to do is going to an audition.

Think about it…

They go to an audition to try to get a part in a movie. They’re competing against a ton of other people. And they’re judged mercilessly by the director and other people on the movie team. Odds are they will be REJECTED a LOT MORE than they will be accepted.

Feel into that for a moment.

My palms got sweaty just thinking about it!


Know this…

MOST OF THE TIME (!!!) that actor is going to FAIL.

Which leads us to the wisdom Phil shared in that recent chat of ours.

You know what the director told him?

The Hollywood director told Phil that he KNEW who was going to EVENTUALLY be a star based on HOW FAST THEY RECOVERED from the rejection.

The future stars?

Of course it sucked to not get the part.


They alchemized it REALLY quickly—KNOWING that failed auditions are part of the job.

That’s Today’s +1.

Spotlight where it belongs…

How about YOU?!?

Got any “failed auditions” lately?

(I sure hope so, Hero!!)


How quickly can YOU alchemize those “failures”?

We need to have the WISDOM to know that failure is a part of the process. Then we need to have the DISCIPLINE to practice our philosophy ESPECIALLY when we don't feel like it 💩.


In this case, if you feel so inspired, consider making our Heroic 1-2-3 Win or Learn practice part of YOUR protocol.

Let’s get another rep in.

Bring a performance you wish you had crushed to mind.

We’re going to 1-2-3 it.


#1. What’s ONE thing that we can celebrate about that performance?!?

Note: We ALWAYS (!!!) start here.


Note: There’s ALWAYS something you can celebrate.


Feast on that. That’s like you to crush it.

For Emerson, it’s often that he put himself into a position to win against a REALLY good opponent. We talk about THAT *before* we talk about what needs work.


#2. What moment do you wish you could go back and redo? And/or what is something that “Oops!” moment reveals needs work?

For Emerson, it’s often a move in a game or a specific skill that needs to be addressed.

How about YOU?

What’s ONE thing you KNOW you need to improve based on that sub-optimal performance?

Got it?



It’s time to turn that “loss” into a “learn” so we can take this wisdom off the bumper sticker and make this loss a WIN in the future.

#3. What’s the ONE thing you KNOW you can do to address the weakness that was exposed on that sub-optimal performance?


Most importantly…

What, SPECIFICALLY (!), will you do differently to improve?

Got it?


Now go CRUSH that…

With a SMILE.


Remember: Heroes battle dragons. We don’t sidestep lizards.

Remember: Dragons have sharp claws and fiery breath. 🐉 🔥

Remember: We’re going to get scratched up and burned in this one precious, Heroic life of ours.

Let’s wear those scars like MEDALS.

It’s time to win or learn.

And, remember…

When we do it right, learning becomes winning so…

We Win or We Win.

It’s Day 1.

We’re ALL IN.

Let’s go, Hero.


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