Hi, this is Brian. Welcome back to the plus one series.
Today we're gonna kick off a new series, the Areté +1° series based on a select number of chapters, little micro chapters from my new book Areté: Activate Your Heroic Potential.
We're going to systematically start with the first 11 or so micro-chapters out of 451 of those chapters in the book.
Then we'll have fun looking at some of my favorite ideas from the 7 Objectives that form the structure for the book. But let's get straight to work.
Here's the first micro chapter in the book.
It starts like this…
Hi, this is Brian. I appreciate you taking the time to open this book. I wish we could spend some time together so I could get to know you more.
What I do know is that we’re both busy and I like to share more wisdom in less time, so let’s get straight to work.
I want to start by telling you a little story.
But… First, let me briefly introduce myself and give you a little context.
In addition to being the Founder & CEO of a company called Heroic Public Benefit Corporation (which I’ll tell you more about), I’m the proud dad of a couple of kids (Emerson and Eleanor) and married to my best friend, Alexandra.
We live on a little ranch in the country outside Austin, Texas with three dogs (Zeus, Zap, and Wags—two of which adopted us), a cat (Heroic the Stoic, who also adopted us), and nine chickens (including Happy the Rooster and his hens).
Now… My ten-year-old son Emerson recently got into chess. And, when I say got into chess, I mean he REALLY (!) got into chess.
Less than a year ago we were introduced to a great website called ChessKid.com that features one of my all-time favorite teachers (Mike Klein, also known as FunMasterMike) who has figured out a way to teach chess while helping kids have fun and fall in love with the game.
We home-school Emerson so he has a lot of time to spend studying chess. And… Over the last ten months, he’s spent HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS (!) of hours playing and practicing and all that.
To put it in perspective, he watches the Chess World Championships with the same enthusiasm I watched Major League Baseball’s World Series when I was ten!
In short: He absolutely (!) loves everything about chess. He won the Texas Chess State Championship for his division and his current big dream is to become a chess Grandmaster.
That’s the context.
I’m writing this on a Saturday afternoon. I’m putting the final touches on the book and thinking about how I want to introduce you to the concept of Areté.
I think THIS little sequence of events from this morning might just be the THE best possible way I can bring this wisdom to life.
So… Without further ado… Let’s get to work.
P.S. Before I forget and so you know… The word Areté (we’ll define it in a moment!) is pronounced “ARE-uh-tay.”
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