The Gifts of Imperfection

Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
by Brené Brown | Hazelden © 2010 · 135 pages

You're imperfect. (Hate to break it to you!) And that's awesome. Brene Brown, TED-talk rock star and all-around awesome human being also happens to be one of the world's shame and vulnerability researchers who stumbled upon the secrets of what she calls Wholehearted living. In this Note, we'll look at the Dos and Don'ts of rockin' it as we cultivate courage, connection and compassion to put our soul in a great mood.

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.
Brené Brown

“Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It’s going to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging.

Wholehearted living is not a onetime choice. It is a process. In fact, I believe it’s the journey of a lifetime. My goal is to bring awareness and clarity to the constellation of choices that lead to Wholeheartedness and to share what I’ve learned from many, many people who have dedicated themselves to living and loving with their whole hearts.

Before embarking on any journey, including this one, it’s important to talk about what we need to bring along. What does it take to live and love from a place of worthiness? How do we embrace imperfection? How do we cultivate what we need and let go of the things that are holding us back? The answers to all of these questions are courage, compassion, and connection—the tools we need to work our way through our journey.”

~ Brené Brown from The Gifts of Imperfection

Reading Brené Brown’s books makes you feel safe.

Well, actually, they make you feel a little freaked out (laughing) as you look into some areas you may not like to look—like vulnerability and shame—but, ultimately, they make you feel more of the three qualities she advocates (and models) so powerfully: courage, compassion, and connection. And, in the process, like you’ve come home to yourself.

And that’s awesome. :)

If you haven’t checked out Brené’s work yet, check out her TED talks: Listening to shame. And the second: The Power of Vulnerability. Plus, her great web site: Get the book here. And, check out our Note on another one of her great books, Daring Greatly.

Her work as a shame and vulnerability researcher led her to discover people who had figured out the keys to shame resilience and what she calls Wholehearted living. (Think: half-hearted kinda-sorta going thru the motions vs. WHOLEhearted, all-in joyful living!)

This book walks us through the ten “guideposts” of Wholehearted living in. It’s a quick-reading, fun, inspiring and wise little book that I highly recommend.

Let’s jump in with a quick look at the Dos and Dont’s + the guideposts to rockin’ it then we’ll explore some of my favorite Big Ideas!

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About the author


Brené Brown

Researcher. Storyteller. Texan.