#1550 Areté +1° #064: Exoneration

Part II Of Rule #1

Hi, this is Brian.

Welcome back to another Areté +1°, a micro-chapter from my new book, Areté: Activate Your Heroic Potential.

1,000+ pages; 451 of my all-time favorite ideas.

Here's the third micro-chapter from the second Objective on forging antifragile confidence.


One more thing before we move on to define some key terms.

You need to know that Rule #1 of a good, noble, Heroic life has two parts.

Part I: As we discussed, it’s supposed to be challenging.


Part II: As my beloved coach Phil Stutz puts it, you’re never going to be exonerated. In other words, you’re never going to get to a place where you don’t have challenges.

Now, that might sound like bad news but… again… When we really get this, it’s the most liberating news imaginable.

Why? Because once we really get the fact that it’s SUPPOSED to be challenging AND that we’re never going to get to a place where it isn’t, we can quit beating ourselves up and stop shaming ourselves for not being perfect.

We can see the fact that we’re experiencing challenges (and inevitably feeling overwhelmed/etc. at times) not because something’s wrong with us.

We’re experiencing challenges because we’re HUMAN.

In fact, when you really REALLY get this, you’ll see all your challenges as “reverse indicators”—not that you’re doing something wrong but that you’re doing something right.

You’re a hero battling the dragons that inevitably show up on our quests—striving to do so with more and more wisdom, discipline, love, courage, gratitude, hope, curiosity, and zest.

In a word… Areté.

Let’s close the gap.

And activate your Heroic potential.


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