Real Magic

Creating Miracles in Everyday Life
by Wayne Dyer | Harper Paperbacks © 2001 · 352 pages

We've got four Notes on Wayne Dyer (see The Power of Intention, Your Erroneous Zones and Excuses Begone!) and in this Note we'll have fun learning about the power of "acting as if" (Dyer's got an awesome description of how to rock this!) along with the importance of committing your ideal to paper, disdaining all disbelief and asking "How can I serve?!"

“This book was written with the express purpose of showing you the way to create what you may have previously thought to be impossible in your life.”

~ Wayne Dyer from Real Magic

Wayne Dyer rocks and creating this Note was a lot of fun. If you could see what my copy of the book looks like, you’d know why. Nearly every page is underlined and starred and marked all up. It’s one big Big Idea.

If Dyer’s resonating with you, I think you’ll dig the book as well as The Power of Intention, Your Erroneous Zones and Excuses Begone! (see Notes on all three!).

For now? Let’s get into some Big Ideas on how to create “Real Magic” in our lives!

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About the author


Wayne Dyer

"father of motivation"