Walter MischelWalter Mischel

Walter Mischel

Psychologist and author of The Marshmallow Test

Walter Mischel is a psychologist specializing in personality theory and social psychology. He is best known for his groundbreaking study on delayed gratification known as “The Marshmallow Test.”

Philosopher's Notes on Walter Mischel's Books

The Marshmallow Test
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

The Marshmallow Test

by Walter Mischel

The Marshmallow Test. It was Walter Mischel and his team who (50 years ago!) first started testing whether kids could wait 20 minutes to get two marshmallows (or other attractive treats) or if they’d give in and eat the one marshmallow in front of them. Their ability to delay gratification (or not!) led to shocking correlations related to how they fared on all kinds of measures years + decades later—from SAT performance to body mass index. Here’s the guide on how to develop your self-control.

Quotes by Walter Mischel

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