Stephen HanselmanStephen Hanselman

Stephen Hanselman

Publisher, Agent, Jazz Enthusiast.

Stephen Hanselman began his career as a bookseller more than 30 years ago at Fresno Pacific College. He continued to pursue his passion for bookselling at Harvard Divinity School, where he graduated in 1986 with a Master of Theological Studies degree, then founding Divinitas Books, a New England specialty chain and direct-mail operation focused on books from all religious traditions. After selling his business in 1991 he joined HarperSanFrancisco’s marketing department, beginning a 13-year tenure at HarperCollins in a variety of roles including marketing manager, marketing director, sales manager, sales director, director of product & market development, editorial director, and from 1999-2005 as publisher of HarperSanFrancisco. From 2002 to early 2005, Steve was also group publisher responsible for all activities of HarperBusiness and HarperResource, as he led all three imprints to an 85% increase in annual sales and record profits. He left HarperCollins in 2005 to found LevelFiveMedia.

Philosopher's Notes on Stephen Hanselman's Books

The Daily Stoic
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

The Daily Stoic

by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

This book combines two of my favorite things: Stoicism + Ryan Holiday’s wisdom. Stoicism was one of the most influential philosophy of the Roman world and has continued to influence many of history’s greatest minds. As Ryan says: It’s time to bring it back as a powerful tool “in the pursuit of self-mastery, perseverance, and wisdom.” This is one of the my favorite books ever. Big Ideas we explore: the #1 thing to know about Stoicism, how to create tranquility, a good answer to “What’s the latest and greatest?!,” the 2 essential tasks in life and the art of acquiescence (aka amor fati).

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