- Authors
- Siddhartha Mukherjee

Siddhartha Mukherjee
Cancer physician, researcher.
Philosopher's Notes on Siddhartha Mukherjee's Books

The Emperor of All Maladies
This is the 10th book on cancer we’ve featured so far since my brother’s cancer diagnosis. Although brilliantly written (Mukherjee won a Pulitzer for it), I didn’t start with this 570-page tome because, I read this book last because, frankly, I wasn’t interested in starting with a book that featured, as per the inside flap, “cancer as the protagonist.” I wanted my BROTHER (and you and your loved ones) to star as the conqueror of cancer, not the other way around. Alas, frankly, this book was painful to read as Mukherjee is a devout follower of the “cancer is a genetic disease” camp—which is why, from his vantage point, cancer looks unbeatable (and why, from my vantage point, we’re *losing* the War on Cancer). This Note is a little different than all the rest in that we’ll take a critical look at the underlying premise of the book (i.e, that cancer is primarily a genetic disease) and present a way to conquer the emperor (by seeing cancer as a mitochondrial METABOLIC disease).