Ryan M. NiemiecRyan M. Niemiec

Ryan M. Niemiec

Is a psychologist, coach, researcher, and international workshop leader.

Dr. Ryan M. Niemiec is an author licensed psychologist coach and educator. He is one of the leading figures in the science and practice of positive psychology, especially the areas of character strengths, mindfulness, and positive interventions. He is Education Director of the VIA Institute on Character a nonprofit organization in Cincinnati.

Philosopher's Notes on Ryan M. Niemiec's Books

The Power of Character Strengths
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

The Power of Character Strengths

by Robert E. McGrath and Ryan M. Niemiec

Ryan Niemiec and Robert McGrath are two of the leading figures in the positive psychology movement and, more specifically, within the organization called the VIA Institute on Character. (VIA is short for “Virtues in Action.”) The organization has played a leading role in the study of virtue as it applies to flourishing. It was created by Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson who worked with over 50 scientists to create a deeper understanding of the power of character strengths. They also created the VIA Inventory of Strengths test that has been taken by millions of people from around the world. Ryan is the Education Director of the VIA Institute while Robert is the Senior Scientist. This book is “An Official Guide from the VIA Institute on Character” that helps us “Appreciate and Ignite Your Positive Personality.” Big Ideas we explore include a quick look at the VIA origin story, the 24 character strengths (you know the Top 5?), finding balance (underuse vs. overuse vs. optimal use!) and the Top 2: Hope + Zest!

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