Eric MaiselEric Maisel

Eric Maisel

America's foremost creativity coach.

Eric Maisel, Ph.D., is the author of more than 40 books and is widely regarded as America’s foremost creativity coach. He trains creativity coaches nationally and internationally and provides core trainings for the Creativity Coaching Association. Dr. Maisel is a columnist for Art Calendar magazine and a featured contributor His books include “Coaching the Artist Within,” “Creative Recovery,” “Fearless Creating,” “The Van Gogh Blues” and many others. His most recent book is “Brainstorm: Harnessing the Power of Productive Obsessions.”

Philosopher's Notes on Eric Maisel's Books

Mastering Creative Anxiety
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

Mastering Creative Anxiety

by Eric Maisel

Eric Maisel is one of my favorite writers and teachers and thinkers. In addition to being one of the world’s leading creativity coaches (and therapists), he’s also an amazing exemplar of creativity—having written dozens of books on a broad range of subjects. Big Ideas we explore in this Note include the fact that anxiety goeswith anxiety (yes, “goeswith” = one word!), existential decisiveness and why it matters, enervators —> energizers, a cool mantra, cognitive restructuring and step 1 to creativity.

The Creativity Book
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

The Creativity Book

by Eric Maisel

One of the world’s leading experts on creativity, Eric Maisel is a psychotherapist who works exclusively with artists. As the sub-title suggests, this book is set up as “A Year’s Worth of Inspiration and Guidance” and provides insight into everything from dealing with anxiety to taking the next baby step and having patience. Plus, you’ll learn a new power mantra for creating. :)

Rethinking Depression
LockedPhilosopher's Notes

Rethinking Depression

by Eric Maisel

This is a great book. In Rethinking Depression, Eric Maisel presents an incredibly persuasive case for how medicalized we’ve made the normal human emotions of sadness, anxiety and other unfun feelings (and how dangerous that is) while giving us an existential handbook on how to deal with life’s challenges by creating an authentic life packed with meaning. In this Note, we check out the fact that unhappiness happens while learning how to create our “existential ideal” as we make meaning in our lives! (And, therefore, a *lot* more happiness.)

Quotes by Eric Maisel