The Trust Edge

How Top Leaders Gain Faster Results, Deeper Relationships, and a Stronger Bottom Line
by David Horsager | FREE PRESS © 2012 · 368 pages

David Horsager is a business strategist, entrepreneur, professor and author who researches and speaks on the bottom-line impact of trust. His clients range from Toyota, Verizon, and the New York Yankees to FedEx, Nationwide, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. As per the inside front flap of the book, David tells us that the foundation of genuine success is TRUST. In the book, he walks us through the 8 Pillars of Trust. As you’d expect, the book is PACKED with Big Ideas and, as always, I’m excited to share some of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!

Trust, not money, is the currency of business and life.
David Horsager

“Top leaders left individuals and organizations measurably better than they found them. What made these leaders and organizations unique? They all had one common trait—trust. I found that trust is not a soft skill. It is a measurable competency that brings dramatic results. It can be built into an organization’s strategy, goals, and culture.

My experience, fueled by this fresh research, led me to a fascination with the bottom-line impact of trust. I began a journey to research the commonalities of the most trusted leaders and organizations. The journey has resulted in this book, based on research, but made very practical with stories, anecdotes, and simple practical steps to help you gain the trust edge. ...

No matter what your role is, trust affects your influence and success. It has an impact at every level of business, from Fortune 500 leaders to a family-owned general store. It affects teaching outcomes and political votes. Those who are trusted are effective.

Though we will discuss trusting others later in the book, helping individuals and organizations become trusted is the main point. Resist the urge to think about others and whether or not they deserve to be trusted. Take responsibility for yourself. When you focus on increasing your own trust edge, you will enjoy greater success and impact. When you change yourself, you have the best chance of affecting your organization, your family, your relationships, and even your world.”

~ David Horsager from The Trust Edge

I got this book on the very strong recommendation of my friend, Captain Daryle Cardone—the Commanding Officer of the USS RONALD REAGAN.

Daryle had recommended a book by his mentor, Admiral Mike Manazir’s Learn How to Lead to Win which was amazing (check out those Notes!). So, when he recommended this one I immediately got it, read it, loved it, and here we are. (Get a copy here.)

As per the inside back flap of the book, David Horsager is a business strategist, entrepreneur, professor and author who researches and speaks on the bottom-line impact of trust. His clients range from Toyota, Verizon, and the New York Yankees to FedEx, Nationwide, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

As per the inside front flap of the book, David tells us that the foundation of genuine success is TRUST. In the book, he walks us through the 8 Pillars of Trust.

He tells us that: “The trusted leader is followed. From the trusted salesperson, people will buy. From the trusted brand, people will pay more, come back, and tell others. Trust, not money, is the currency of business and life!”

As you’d expect, the book is PACKED with Big Ideas and, as always, I’m excited to share some of my favorites so let’s jump straight in!

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About the author


David Horsager

Global Trust Expert, Leadership Speaker, Researcher, and Best-Selling Author.