Planting Seeds of Possibility

21 Ways to Bring the Best Out of Yourself and Others
by Dan Whitfield | Dan Whitfield © 2020 · 86 pages

I got this book after reading Admiral Mike Manazir’s great book Learn How to Lead to Win. It's a pretty obscure book but the good Admiral loved it so I got it. And I’m happy I did. It’s a super short, quick-reading book on, as per the sub-title, “21 Ways to Bring the Best Out of Yourself and Others.” It’s fantastic. As you’d expect, the book is packed with Big Ideas. As always, I’m excited to share some of my favorites we can apply to our lives TODAY so let’s jump straight in!

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by avoiding it today.
Abraham Lincoln

“The best beliefs and businesses are often formed and forged in times of flood, famine, failure, and even ferocious flu viruses.

It would take Michelangelo over two years of tedious and tiring sculpting to shape his magnificent masterpiece. He chipped away anything that didn’t look like David.

I believe your masterpiece is in the making! Throughout this book, I’m going to challenge you to chip away anything that doesn’t look like your dreams.

This book is divided into two sections. It will blend personal and professional challenges by design. Relative to the Coronavirus pandemic, it became especially apparent, the new or next normal, would not be about living separate work and home lives. It would be about life and how we live it in a blended and balanced way. I desire this book to plant seeds of possibility in you so that you can have the best of both worlds in your personal and professional pursuits.

In doing so, my hope is that you’ll discover new dreams and recover old ones.”

~ Dan Whitfield from Planting Seeds of Possibility

I got this book after reading Admiral Mike Manazir’s great book Learn How to Lead to Win.

This is a pretty obscure book but the good Admiral loved it so I got it. And I’m happy I did. It’s a super short, quick-reading book on, as per the sub-title, “21 Ways to Bring the Best Out of Yourself and Others.” It’s fantastic. (Get a copy here.)

Fun fact: Dan Whitfield references a TON of great books we’ve featured including: Relentless by Tim Grover, The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday, The Progress Principle by Teresa Amabile, The 4 Disciplines of Execution by Jim Huling, et al, Atomic Habits by James Clear, Lead Yourself First by Michael Erwin, Deep Work and Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, Willpower by Roy Baumeister, Grit by Angela Duckworth.

Check out the Philosopher’s Notes on all of those.

As you’d expect, the book is packed with Big Ideas. As always, I’m excited to share some of my favorites we can apply to our lives TODAY so let’s jump straight in!

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About the author


Dan Whitfield

Business Coach & Founder of CoachUp and author of "Planting Seeds of Possibility - 21 Ways to Bring the Best Out of Yourself and Others.