Image for "Heroic Coach" philosopher note

Heroic Coach

Activate Your Heroic Potential and Empower Others to Do the Same

by Brian Johnson

|Heroic Press©2024·65 pages

Welcome to the Philosopher’s Note on our Heroic Coach invitation letter. Although people have told me I need to do a Note on my own book when it comes out (planning to!), this is the first Note I’ve done on my own work. (Hah!) We figured it would be fun to QUICKLY capture the power of our Heroic Coach program in the context of a Philosopher’s Note. So... Here we are. The letter is, essentially, an invitation to join our scientifically-validated 300-day program to learn how to activate your Heroic potential WHILE learning how to empower *others* to do the same so we can change the world together—starting with you and me and all of us—TODAY. In the letter, I make the VERY important distinction that, whether or not you *think* you are a “coach” ... you are. I’m excited to share exactly what the 300-day program is all about and WHY it has been so transformative for so many people, so let’s jump straight in!

Big Ideas

“Heroic is a social training platform that integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and world-class, scientifically-validated behavioral design tools to help you show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself.

We’re also a history-making, crowdfunded Public Benefit Corporation committed to changing the world by running our business the way we think our heroes would—with wisdom, self-mastery, courage, and love.

We’ve served hundreds of thousands of people from every country around the world and over 10,000 people from over 100 countries have joined our Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment program.

Our Heroic Coaches are the force multipliers leading our movement and changing lives in their families, businesses, and local communities.

And THAT is why we are so fiercely committed to doing everything we can to serve you and our growing community of Heroic Coaches to help you get Heroically Energized, Heroically Productive, and Heroically Connected WHILE empowering you to empower others to do the same.

In this document, I will give you a quick look at what our 300-day Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment program is all about.”

~ Brian Johnson from Heroic Coach

Welcome to the Philosopher’s Note on our Heroic Coach invitation letter.

Although people have told me I need to do a Note on my own book when it comes out (planning to!), this is the first Note I’ve done on my own work. (Hah!)

We figured it would be fun to QUICKLY capture the power of our Heroic Coach program in the context of a Philosopher’s Note. So... Here we are.

You can read the full Heroic Coach letter HERE *and* you can listen to the full MP3 of the Coach invitation letter HERE.

The letter is, essentially, an invitation to join our scientifically-validated 300-day program to learn how to activate your Heroic potential WHILE learning how to empower *others* to do the same so we can change the world together—starting with you and me and all of us—TODAY.

In the letter, I make the VERY important distinction that, whether or not you *think* you are a “coach” ... you are. (We’ll talk about this more in a moment.)

I redefine what it means to be a coach and let you know about the fact that HALF of the 10,000+ people from 100+ countries around the world who have gone through our program join Heroic Coach because they are already professional coaches (or aspiring to become a coach) WHILE THE OTHER HALF of the people aren’t “professional” coaches per se but are passionate about showing up as their best selves and helping others do the same— whether that’s their kids (and grandkids!), colleagues, and/or broader communities.

I also talk about who the program is for and I share a quick overview of what, exactly the 300-day program is all about and WHY it has been so transformative for so many people.

And, I walk through the SCIENTIFIC research we did with Sonja Lyubomirsky (author of The How of Happiness and The Myths of Happiness) and one of her PhD students, that established just how powerfully we help people change their lives—SIGNIFICANTLY increasing not just their levels of energy, productivity and connection but also their sense of purpose, confidence, ability to meet life’s challenges, get better nights of sleep and even reach an ideal weight many hadn’t seen in decades.

Know this: The results of the program were SO PROFOUND that Sonja told me that if she hadn’t done the research herself, she would have thought the data was fake!

But... Before we talk about any of that, let’s start by redefining the ULTIMATE Heroic quest...


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Commit to this training and you will gain the ability to transmute your biggest problems, your darkest days, into unstoppable courage, endless enthusiasm and an unshakable faith in the future. This program will change your life. And, if enough of us commit, it will change the world.
Phil Stutz, Bestselling author and creator of The Tools, featured in the Netflix documentary Stutz
With full confidence, I can say that right now, I am the best version of myself that I’ve ever been. All for one reason: the Heroic Coach program. It has truly been life-changing. ... Higher highs and higher lows. That’s what this program has done for me and I know that it can and will do the same for everyone else.
Brandon Guyer, 7-year MLB player, creator of Major League Mindset, mental strength coach for the Los Angeles Angels

The Ultimate Quest: You’re on it!

“Have you seen the documentary Finding Joe? It’s all about Joseph Campbell and the modern hero’s journey. I happen to be in the movie with great teachers and exemplars including Deepak Chopra, Sir Ken Robinson, Tony Hawk and Laird Hamilton.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch the trailer here and you can watch the full movie for free on YouTube here.

As you may know, the basic arc of the Hero’s Journey goes like this...

The Hero (that would be YOU and me and all of us!) gets a “call to adventure.” We realize that our current lives aren’t *quite* what we know they could be. There’s a nagging feeling that we’re not *quite* doing what we’re here to do.

We either ANSWER that call and begin our Heroic quest or... We ignore the call and suffer. So... Let’s say we answer the call. Then what happens?

Then we meet a Heroic Guide and some Heroic Buddies who help us on our Heroic quest.

Then we battle the metaphorical dragons and win or learn (and win or learn some more!) before we finally conquer that quest’s challenges and then... It’s time for THE most important part of the journey...

It’s time for us to return back to our normal world with the treasures we discovered. The ultimate treasure, of course, is our transformed consciousness. THAT is the gift we give to the world.”

That’s from the first section of the letter in which we take a quick look at the basic elements of EVERY Hero’s journey. Right after that passage, I share some examples then we talk about the ULTIMATE QUEST for ALL OF US.

Know this: ALL Hero’s journeys follow that basic arc.

Think of Harry Potter. He got Dumbledore as his Heroic Guide and Hermione and Ron as his Heroic Buddies. Or how about Frodo? He got Gandalf and his Buddies in the Fellowship of the Ring. Or what about Katniss Everdeen and her Hunger Games? She got Haymitch Abernathy as her Guide and Buddied up with her crew.

Here’s where Heroic and Heroic Coach comes in.

You know what happened after Harry Potter and his friends successfully completed the first few cycles of their Heroic quests?

They became GUIDES to their fellow students at Hogwarts and taught THEM how to conquer *their* dragons and THAT is how they, together, won the battle between vice and virtue in their fictional world.

In other words... They became Heroic Coaches. And THAT is what our Heroic Coach program is all about. We will help YOU answer the call to adventure. We will help you conquer your dragons and fulfill your potential SO YOU CAN HELP OTHERS DO THE SAME.

And that is PRECISELY how we will change the world together—one person at a time, starting with you and me and all of us TODAY.

And... If that sounds like a good time, I’d be honored to be one of YOUR Guides as you take the next steps on your next Heroic quest. (Yes... I’m working on the Dumbledore/Gandalf beard and I’m dominating the Professor Xavier hairstyle. :)

Heroic Coach was a huge transformation for me across my whole life. I am now consistently confident, I am clear in my thinking, I am focused on the most important stuff and I’m getting it all done, without the stress.
Tara Lorigan, CEO
The Heroic Coach program is outstanding and I recommend it regardless of your plan to become a coach or simply master the material. I’ve read countless great books, many twice, and still only implement 25% of the wisdom into habits. Brian Johnson integrates everything I’ve read and more into a coherent whole and then recurrently hits you with the wisdom until it all sinks in. This program is a no brainer!
Jeff Everage, President of Trident, former Navy SEAL

Heroic Coach... Who it’s for?

“Since launching our inaugural class in early 2019, we’ve had over 10,000 people from over 115 (!) countries around the world go through our Heroic Coach program.

What I always find fascinating is that almost exactly HALF of those who go through the program are professional Coaches who want to take their practice to the next level (or individuals who plan to become Coaches) while the other half “simply” want to use the program to become the best versions of themselves in service to the world.”

As we already briefly discussed, Heroic Coach isn’t just for “coaches.”

We think of the two groups we serve like this:


“Heroic Masters” are individuals who want to live their most Heroic lives by mastering themselves and the Heroic perspective while integrating the wisdom gained from the program into their various leadership roles—from entrepreneurs, CEOs, professional athletes, venture capitalists, military leaders and HR executives to therapists, addiction counselors, school principals, yoga teachers, and world-class moms.


“Heroic Coaches” are individuals who want to live their most Heroic lives by mastering themselves and the Heroic perspective while integrating the wisdom gained from the program into their new or existing coaching practice.

Our program serves both of those groups. From my perspective, the (!) most important thing we help everyone do to boost their professional success—whether that’s the CEO or the Coach—is to become a radiant exemplar. (Aka the best version of themselves!)

And, the fact is, we are ALL COACHES. At the very least, we have ONE client: Ourselves.

Much more likely, we find ourselves in the role as informal “coach” a LOT more often than we may realize—whether that’s in conversations with our kids or our colleagues, there are ALWAYS opportunities to help bring out the best in those around us.


For those individuals looking to create a coaching business (and/or to take their practice to the next level), we have bonus Coach Training content in which we share best practices and offer additional resources including interactive sessions with established, successful coaches.

You can check out hundreds of testimonial here to see how our program has served both Masters and Coaches. For now, here are a couple of my favorites—first from a Coach then a Master!

Barb Ostrander, a human potential coach and certified functional medicine coach says: “I already had two coaching certifications, but Heroic Coach was indisputably the most valuable I have taken.”

Executive Ken Steitz, who is the president of EcoWater says: “It has been life changing. I’ve created an energy I have not had in 20 years. I’ve lost 12 pounds in the last 3 months and am about 5 pounds from my ideal weight. I could go on and on. I would highly recommend going through the Heroic Coach program, even if you are a busy executive. You will learn how to have energized tranquility, have more energy, optimize your weight, sleep better, cuss less, be more present with others, use your smart phone and email less, and enjoy life and others much more present with others, use your smart phone and email less, and enjoy life and others much more than you do now. It has been amazing.”

The program kicked my ass – in a good way! Being an experienced coach, I thought Heroic Coach would be a nice addition to my coach resources, but not ‘Rock My World’ kinda thing. Instead, I’ve found that I’m being rocked at a very foundational level.
Ian Stakiw, Coaching lead at a large software company
I’ve been studying and practicing personal development for over 20 years and Heroic Coach is by far the best program I’ve ever participated in.
Ron Reich, Entrepreneur

Science says...

“As you know if you’ve been following along, I’m all about integrating Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science. I want to know what all the wisdom traditions (across cultures and time) have to say about optimizing AND I want to know what research says works.

So... Before we launched our inaugural Heroic Coach class (with 1,000 people from 50+ countries in 2019), we reached out to one of my friends and favorite positive psychologists, Sonja Lyubomirsky.

Sonja is the author of The How of Happiness and The Myths of Happiness. We asked her for help in SCIENTIFICALLY validating the effectiveness of our Heroic protocol. (Or not, if it ISN’T effective!)

We worked with Sonja and one of her top Ph.D. students to TEST whether or not our protocol works. We did a before and after measure (basically checking in on where people were before Day 1 of our program and then where they were on Day 300) on a broad range of areas we hoped to help people optimize.

For example, could we boost confidence in the face of challenges while deepening connections with loved ones and increasing productivity at work? Could we also help people create better habits—eating better, exercising more, sleeping deeper, managing their tech usage better, along with all the other stuff we know we *could* be doing but often fail to do?!

And, if we could do that, would that lead to measurable gains in our Heroic Big 3 of Energy + Work + Love and overall well-being?!

We rolled up our sleeves and got to work creating the scientific surveys we’d need. We got all the “Before” data we needed. Fast-forward to Day 300. All the data is in! We, of course, eagerly anticipated the results. Based on the HUNDREDS (and HUNDREDS!) of testimonials we received (check them out here!) during and after the program, we knew, qualitatively, that the program was working.

The question was: What would the *quantitative* data show?

In the words of our research lead, the effects were ‘massively positive.’”

One of the things I am MOST proud of in my Work life is THIS empirical data that shows just how transformatively powerful our Heroic Coach program is for our participants.

Frankly, I wasn’t surprised we got those quantified results for TWO reasons.

  1. At the time we did the study with Heroic Coach - Class I, we had received HUNDREDS of testimonials so we knew it was working qualitatively. We have been blessed to receive thousands of notes after doing FOURTEEN more Coach cohorts since our launch four years ago. Check out a small sample here; and,
  2. Nearly EVERY SINGLE THING we teach is grounded in scientifically-validated practices that simply prove universal truths echoed by all ancient wisdom traditions across all cultures and time.

And, frankly, a lot of what we teach is stuff you ALREADY know.

The challenge is ALWAYS moving from Theory to Practice to MASTERY and, again, I’m proud of just how powerfully we can help our Heroic Masters and Coaches do that.

Check out the letter for the full breakdown of the positive effects we saw in everything from eating stress like an energy bar to eating healthier energy bars and losing weight.

For now, one more line from our research team.

For the geeks among us, our research lead told us: “The effect sizes were huge!! They were all around Pearson correlations of .6 (Cohen’s d’s of 1.7), which is unheard of!!”

If you’re interested in taking your life to the next level and reaching for the stars, this is the program for you!
Gwen Brehm, Integrative Psychotherapist
Throughout my 12-year career in major-league baseball, I was always on the hunt for mental tools that could give me an edge on my competition. ... I’ve experienced plenty of coaching programs over the years, but not a single one comes close to what Heroic Coach has to offer. The program has transformed my life. By teaching us to take our energy, work and love to the next level, this program helps us all become the very best versions of ourselves. As a coach and as a man, I’ll forever be grateful for the knowledge and insights. So, if you’re ready to become the best possible version of yourself—as a coach, parent, spouse, coworker, or in any other role—then I encourage you to take a chance on Heroic Coach. Trust me, it’s the best decision you’ll ever make! Grand Slam!
Sean Casey, 12-Year MLB Player, MLB Network analyst, philanthropist, and father to four great kids

The 300-Day Program

The Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment training program is 10 months long. (Technically, it is 300 days long. Yes, that’s a nod to our ancient Spartan Heroes.) ...

The program is, of course, grounded in our Heroic content: Philosopher’s Notes, Heroic +1s and Optimal Living 101 classes. But... What makes the program so powerful is the Mastery Series.

Imagine me distilling the absolute best wisdom from the 600+ Philosopher’s Notes, 1,500+ Heroic +1s, and 50 Optimal Living 101 classes into ONE super-practical curriculum to help you fundamentally and permanently change your life.

THAT is what the Mastery Series is all about. It’s the cornerstone of all of our work together in our Heroic Coach program.

There are 7 Modules to the program. Here’s the (somewhat) quick overview.”

As you know if you’ve been following along, I’ve spent half of the last twenty-five years as a Founder/CEO and the other as a Philosopher/lover of wisdom.

As a Founder/CEO, I built and sold two social platforms before Facebook and made history with Heroic as the first company to ever raise $5 million via the new crowdfunding regulations.

As a Philosopher, I’ve read A LOT of books and created over 650 “Philosopher’s Notes” on those great books along with 50 (!) hour-long “Optimal Living 101” classes on everything from finding your purpose, increasing your productivity, optimizing your weight, conquering depression and creating loving relationships. AND, I’ve created over 1,500 short-form, daily “Heroic +1s.”

Now... With the Mastery Series—that is the FOUNDATION of our Heroic Coach program—we integrate ALL that ancient wisdom and modern science into a world-class, scientifically-validated program that helps you show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself while, again, helping others do the same.

There are SEVEN core modules in our Mastery Series.

Check out the full PDF + MP3 for the overview. And... CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO for the introduction to the program in which I walk through the program. THIS is the video to watch to see if the program is for you. Here’s the short story.

First... You need to ANSWER THE CALL. You’ve gotta pay attention to that little voice inside your head telling you you’re capable of a LOT MORE. Nothing, and I mean, NOTHING (!) Heroic happens until you quit ignoring that “call to adventure” and decide to step up and fulfill your destiny. Check out that video for a “quick trip to heaven and hell” to help you WAKE UP and remember the fact that THIS IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL, HERO!! :)

Now, once you’ve decided you’re ALL IN on giving us all you’ve got in this one, precious life of yours, you’ve gotta know the ULTIMATE GAME of life. It’s not what we’ve been seduced to think. Aristotle and Martin Seligman, as proxies for ancient wisdom and modern science, respectively, give us the ONE WORD answer for the ultimate purpose of life.

Note: Getting this is LIFE CHANGING.

Once you know the ultimate game, we talk about how to play it well. Here’s Rule #1 of a noble, Heroic life: IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE CHALLENGING. Your story about why things should be easy is, arguably the biggest obstacle to your happiness and fulfilling your potential. We teach you how to eat obstacles like energy bars and FORGE ANTIFRAGILE CONFIDENCE—getting STRONGER (goosebumps) with every challenge you face.

Note: Getting this is also LIFE CHANGING.

Then we simplify self-development by focusing on what we call “The Big 3” of Energy, Work, and Love—get those right and you’re AT LEAST 80-90% there. Then we teach you how to make TODAY a masterpiece and how to apply the art and science of habit-creation to install and delete habits that will change your life.

Then we teach you how to dominate the fundamentals (eating, moving, sleeping, breathing, focusing, celebrating and prospering) before reminding you that TODAY is the day to move from theory to practice if you want to attain mastery while fundamentally and permanently changing your life so you can help others do the same.

And THAT, my dear friend and prospective Heroic Coach, is a very quick look at what our certification and empowerment program is all about.

Again, check out the PDF + MP3 of the full letter here. For now, to wrap up, know that we are committed to helping you do these THREE things if you decide to join Heroic Coach:

  1. We will help YOU activate YOUR Heroic potential;
  2. We will help you help YOUR CLIENTS (and colleagues and kids and...!) activate THEIR Heroic potential; and,
  3. We will help you activate the Heroic potential of your COACHING BUSINESS in which you get paid to do 1 and 2 if that’s your calling. (Think: Heroic Coach Business in a Box!)

If you feel inspired to join our Heroic movement to help us change the world, we’d be deeply honored to welcome you to our Coach program.

Day 1. All in. LET’S GO, HERO!

P.S. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

I am more self-aware. My spirit is stronger. I am more consistent. ... By far the best ‘self development’ or ‘life coaching’ investment I have ever made — at any price.
Nigel Brownjohn, Software Executive

About the author

Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson

Founder + CEO of Heroic
Become a Heroic Member