Grain Brain

The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers
by David Perlmutter, MD | Little, Brown © 2013 · 323 pages

David Perlmutter, MD combines his deep knowledge in neuroscience + nutrition in this hard-hitting, scientifically rigorous look at how, in short, grains are destroying our brains. Dementia. ADHD. Epilepsy. Anxiety. Chronic headaches. Depression. They all have their roots in neurological dysfunction and they are all impacted by our nutrition. In the Note we take a look at some powerful Big Ideas to optimize.

The information that I will reveal to you is not just breathtaking; it’s undeniably conclusive. You’ll be shifting how you eat immediately.
David Perlmutter, MD

“Yes, you read that right: Brain dysfunction starts in your daily bread, and I’m going to prove it. I’ll state it again because I realize it sounds absurd: Modern grains are silently destroying your brain. By ‘modern,’ I’m not just referring to the refined white flours, pastas, and rice that have already been demonized by the anti-obesity folks; I’m referring to all the grains that so many of us have embraced as being healthful—whole wheat, multigrain, seven-grain, live grain, stone-ground, and so on. Basically, I am calling what is arguably our most beloved dietary staple a terrorist group that bullies our most precious organ, the brain. I will demonstrate how fruit and other carbohydrates could be health hazards with far-reaching consequences that not only will wreak physical havoc on your brain, but will accelerate your body’s aging process from the inside out. This isn’t science fiction; it’s now documented fact.

It is my objective in writing Grain Brain to provide information that is sound and based on evolutionary, modern scientific and physiological perspectives. This books goes outside the box of the layman’s accepted dogma—and away from vested corporate interests. It proposes a new way of understanding the root cause of brain disease and offers a promising message of hope: Brain disease can be largely prevented through the choices you make in life. So if you haven’t figured it out by now, I’ll be crystal clear: This is not just another diet book or generic how-to guide to all things preventive health. This is a game-changer.”

~ David Perlmutter, MD from Grain Brain

David Perlmutter, MD is the only medical doctor in the United States who is both a board certified neurologist and a member of the American College of Nutrition.

He combines his deep knowledge in neuroscience + nutrition in this hard-hitting, scientifically rigorous look at how, in short, grains are destroying our brains.

Dementia. ADHD. Epilepsy. Anxiety. Chronic headaches. Depression.

They all have their roots in neurological dysfunction and they are all impacted by our nutrition.

If you or someone you know suffers from any of these issues, I think you’ll appreciate the insights Perlmutter shares in this great book. (Get a copy here.)

The book is packed (!) with scientific details, self-assessments, recommended tests, supplements, and a four-week program to optimize.

We’re barely going to scratch the surface of the book in this brief Note, but I’m excited to share some of my favorite Big Ideas so let’s jump straight in!

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About the author


David Perlmutter, MD

Neurologist specializing in gluten issues and preventing degenerative disorders.