Whatever You Do… #1754


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In our last +1, we spent some time with TRAINO and a young Sailor on the USS EISENHOWER recommitting to serving his great nation (and ME and YOU and EVERYONE who enjoys a life dependent on the freedom he and his fellow Warriors help defend!).

I mentioned the fact that LCDR Jason McClinton (aka TRAINO) is one of THE most incredible human beings I’ve ever met.

His Soul Force breaks our 1 to 101 scale—clocking in at roughly 1,000,001.


I’ve NEVER (!) met ANYONE with more Soul Force than TRAINO.

Just take a look at him here if you want to know what I’m talking about.

He EXUDES joy, passion, self-mastery, and ARETÉ.


TRAINO is a tank of a man who CLEARLY (!) practices his philosophy.

And his philosophy is a good one.

In our last +1, I promised I’d share the quote TRAINO has above his computer.

Here it is…

“Whatever you do, strive to do it so well that no man living and no man dead and no man yet to be born could do it any better.”

I got goosebumps typing that out.

Fun fact: I typed that while taxiing on the runway at Heathrow airport after a 5-hour layover after flying in from Bahrain at 2:15am as I make way back home to Austin to see the wife and kids after a long trip.


I repeat…

“Whatever you do, strive to do it so well that no man living and no man dead and no man yet to be born could do it any better.”


You know who said that?

A guy named Benjamin Elijah Mays.

You know who he is?

Neither did I until TRAINO told me that Mays (along with his father) is one of his heroes.

Benjamin Elijah Mays was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s spiritual father and, essentially, the intellectual inspiration behind the civil rights movement.

He was the President of Morehouse College for decades and mentored MLK when he was a young man going to school there.

Imagine that!

Every Hero gets a Guide.


Benjamin Elijah Mays.

I got a biography on Mays so I can learn more about this incredible man’s life. I am excited to share more on his Heroic life soon.

Today’s +1.

I repeat…

“Whatever you do, strive to do it so well that no man living and no man dead and no man yet to be born could do it any better.”



This +1 Inspired by:

Coming Alive

by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

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