#1624 Areté +1° #252: New Day’s Resolution

It’s Day 1 (Again!) (Always!)

Hi, this is Brian.

Welcome back to another Areté +1°, a micro-chapter from Areté: Activate Your Heroic Potential.

451 big ideas in the form of micro-chapters, organized around our seven Objectives which form the basis of our Heroic Coach training program, Basic Training, everything we do.

It's New Year's Day today as we're dropping this thing, so let's go.


New Year’s Day is one of my favorite holidays.

It’s right up there with Thanksgiving (how awesome is a day of gratitude?!), Independence Day (I always love to celebrate by honoring those who gave their lives for our freedoms, while making my own Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of my bad habits), and Easter (remember: to have a resurrection, we must be willing to have a crucifixion).

As the New Year rolls into town, I absolutely love taking the plastic wrap off my big ol’ wall calendar and seeing a fresh twelve months ahead of me.

And… It’s a thrill to set New Year’s resolutions to (FINALLY!) (!) show up as that next best version of ourselves. (Right?)


Did you know…

According to some research done in 2016, only 9% of the 41% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions feel they were successful in keeping them.

For the non-math majors in the crowd, that means that according to that research, 91% of people who set a New Year’s resolution FAIL to keep it.

Now… To be clear, it’s not that setting resolutions in and of itself is a silly idea.

Get this…

Although only 46% of people who set resolutions consider themselves successful after six months, ONLY 4% (!) of people who set similar goals without a resolution consider themselves successful.

So… Get fired up.

Set some inspiring resolutions for the new year, Hero!

Get clear on who YOU will be in your Energy, your Work, and your Love. Get clear on the virtues you will embody and the targets you will hit to go to the next level and become more Heroically Energized, Heroically Productive, and Heroically Connected than ever before.

And… As nice and warm and fuzzy as New YEAR’s resolutions are, as I like to say… What we really want to focus on are New DAY’S resolutions.

We don’t want to wait another 360+ days for you to remember that TODAY IS THE DAY to show up as the best version of yourself.

Which is why, I REPEAT, we architected our Heroic app to help you RECOMMIT to being and then celebrate yourself for being your best self TODAY.

Which begs the question…

Whether you use your Big 3 protocol in our Heroic app or your own idiosyncratic approach…

Did YOU recommit to being your best self this morning?

Remember… Today’s the Day to move from Theory to Practice to Mastery.

It’s DAY 1.


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