#1848 “Don’t Take Breaks from Distraction”

“Instead, Take Breaks from Focus”

In our last +1, we talked about one of the inspiring quotes I found in the Heroic app as part of my AM ritual-protocol.

As you may recall, that quote was from Seneca.

Almost exactly 2,000 years ago, he told us…

“Cherish some person of great character, and keep them always in mind. Then live as if they were watching you, and order all your actions as if they saw them.”

😲 🤯 !!

Quick check-in…

Who was YOUR “person of great character”?

Did you bring them to mind?

Did you ask them what they think YOU should be thinking about Today?


Did you keep them always in mind?

Did you live as if they are watching you?

Did you order all your actions as if they are seeing them?

Of course, you can’t do that PERFECTLY.


I can assure you…

The version of you that does the stuff we discuss (even just 1-10% of it!) will outperform the version of you that DOESN’T do it.

But only…





I mean…

It’s not debatable.




Today I want to chat about the SECOND quote I saw during my morning ritual-protocol quote feast.

It’s a BRILLIANT gem from Cal Newport’s equally BRILLIANT book Deep Work.

Professor Newport tells us: “Don’t take breaks from distraction. Instead, take breaks from focus.”

I got goosebumps typing that out.

I repeat: “Don’t take breaks from distraction. Instead, take breaks from focus.”

In other words…

Don’t spend most of your time on the hamster wheel of digital stimulation responding to inputs ALL DAY EVERY DAY with rare moments in which you turn off your phone to go deep—whether that’s focused on work or focused on love.

Do the opposite.

Make your DEFAULT mode the version of you that’s FOCUSED (on work and/or love!) and take breaks from that deep focus/living to allow tech inputs in.

Easier said than done, of course.

And we will all have our own idiosyncratic expressions of what that ideal looks like, of course.


That’s Today’s +1.

I repeat: “Don’t take breaks from distraction. Instead, take breaks from focus.”


I ask: How can YOU turn off your smartphone and go deep just a little more Today?

Get on that, Hero.


P.S. I’m typing this on a Sunday afternoon. After connecting with the family, this morning I hammered 4.2 hours of Deep Work before I allowed ANY tech inputs into my consciousness. It’s always ASTONISHING to me how much I can get done BEFORE I allow inputs into my consciousness and how little truly creative work I can get done AFTER I’ve allowed tech inputs into my consciousness.

Which is why “Creative Before Reactive” is one of THE most important Heroic Targets I hit every day. 🎯

Now it’s time for some Deep Love time. Thinking bowling with the kids. I’ll be leaving the main phone at home.



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