#1310 Stay Plugged In

And Notice When You’re Not

This morning I was on the trail, listening to my 33-minute playlist of 11 of my favorite songs by my favorite band The Score while getting in my 30 minutes of movement and 15 minutes of MAF work.

I had just hammered out 10 pull-ups and 100 burpees and 1,000 meters of rowing. I pulled out my bat phone, which I use to hit Heroic targets when I’m training and in Deep Work mode.

Target swipe.
Target swipe.
Target swipe.

That’s like me to have 51 targets hit by the time I come online en route to 101 targets for the day!! (101 Heroic Targets a day truly do keep the daimon in play, folks! 🤓)


As I was putting the ol’ bat phone back into the ol’ pocket…

I missed.

The phone fell to the ground and my old-school, corded headphones got disconnected.


The music stopped.


That’s when I knew I needed to create this +1.

Want to hear the music of life?


Stay plugged in.


Want to more and more consistently show up as your best self?


Stay plugged in.


And, perhaps most importantly to achieve that… Notice when you’re NOT plugged in and what you did to get disconnected. Then do whatever you need to do to get plugged back in.

All day every day.



+1. +1. +1.

P.S. Desmond Tutu and Richard Rohr would agree. As they say: “We are only the light bulbs, and our job is just to remain screwed in!”

P.P.S. Here’s the playlist I’ve listened to hundreds and hundreds of times. (Note: If you have Spotify, you can stream the playlist here.)

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