#1376 Hope Revisited

It STARTS with Belief

In our last couple +1s, we hung out with the kids and took a trip to Whole Foods and the circus then went old school to chat and shoot some Orison Swett Marden wisdom.

The Big Idea from that last +1 was simple.

“Believe you will do what you were made to do.”

Which begged the question…

What are YOU here to do, Hero?!

(Note: I believe in you.)

Today I want to pull that thread and chat about the importance of belief and my thinking on the science of hope.


It does a Hero good.

We’ve often discussed the fact that, as Rick Snyder (see Notes on The Psychology of Hope) and his protégé Shane Lopez (see Notes on Making Hope Happen) tell us, hope has three core components.

First, you need to have a vision for an inspiring future. You need an inspiring goal. You need to believe your future will be better than your current reality.

If you DON’T believe your future will be better than your current reality, you are LITERALLY hopeless. 😕

Then you need to have what scientists call AGENCY—a sense that you can make that vision for a better future a reality.

Then you need a plan to make that desired future state to reality—a “pathway” as the hope scholars put it. And… You need to have a willingness to create NEW pathways when the first plan (inevitably!) doesn’t quite work out.

To recap: We need an inspiring goal, a sense of agency, and pathways.



If you don’t BELIEVE you can create a better future, you’ll never even dare to dream of that better future.


BELIEF in yourself and your ability to do what you are here to do is actually, arguably, THE most important thing.


Back to you.

When you look forward into your future, what do you see?

What fires you up?!

Let’s go Big 3 on it…

How do you look and feel Energy wise?

What are you creating Work wise?

And how are you connecting Love wise?!

See it. KNOW you can create it.

Then make a plan to do exactly that.

Not someday. TODAY.

Day 1. All in.

Let’s go, Hero!!

Btw. As you’ve probably noticed…

We’re approaching the end of the year.


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