Live Coaching With Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz & Josie Thomson

The Wise Advocate

Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz is a research psychiatrist at the School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles and one of the world’s leading experts in neuroplasticity. Decades ago, he began to study the philosophy of conscious awareness, the idea that the actions of the mind have an effect on the workings of the brain. Jeff’s breakthrough work in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) provided the hard evidence that the mind can control the brain’s chemistry. He has lectured extensively to both professional and lay audiences in the US, Europe, and Asia. Josie Thomson is a multi-award winning coach, speaker, trainer, business owner, author and single mother of two. Josie knows what it’s like to face the odds as a two-time cancer survivor and has proven that odds can be beaten. She speaks from first hand experience about bouncing forward with a ‘post-traumatic growth disorder’ and about how to reframe adversity into opportunities for triumph and success. Together they wrote The Wise Advocate: The Inner Voice of Strategic Leadership, and together they joined us in the live Virtual Optimizing Dojo to connect with and support our community.