
Michael here. 👋

Happy Sunday.

It’s been another powerful week.

As Brian shared in a recent post, over the past few days we had the sacred honor of serving more of the elite men and women (and their families!) who have dedicated their lives to defending the freedom upon which our flourishing depends, with Heroic workshops for Naval Special Warfare and Strike Fighter Squadron 106.

We also had the opportunity to attend the change of command ceremony for the USS George H.W. Bush and Captain Dave Pollard.

I was moved to tears multiple times during the addresses from Captain Pollard and Rear Admiral Verissimo, who celebrated the families in attendance and their “providing the support to make ‘our calling to defend America’ work.”

Connecting with those families and hearing their stories was an especially profound experience.

The depth of the collective sacrifice of these partners, parents, and children is truly hard to put into words. 🙏

Then there was Captain Pollard’s address, and more tears as he acknowledged his family, crew, friends, mentors, and more, including Brian and the impact that Heroic is having.

(Plus, GOOSEBUMPS at the amount of wisdom he dropped on us: reminders that we are never exonerated, encouragement to consistently WIN What’s Important Now, the importance of being our best every day and living with excellence, Sir Edmund Hillary’s excitement at seeing another mountain peak to summit from the top of Everest, Winston Churchill’s challenge of “There comes a special moment in everyone’s life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity, when he seizes it, will fulfill his mission — a mission for which he is uniquely qualified. In that moment, he will find greatness. It is his finest hour.” and so much more.)

Captains Pollard and Papadopoulos, if you happen to read this, I’m humbled and inspired at your leadership, your personal demonstration of excellence, and your fierce commitment to bringing forth the best in those you serve.



As Brian shared in the update on “Which version of YOU wins,” and as you’ll find in the Big Idea on Moving from Theory to Practice to Mastery from this week’s new Philosopher’s Note, (more on both below!), we’ve been getting incredible feedback on a simple question (and challenge!) that has now become become part of how we introduce Heroic.

Here’s a fun little GIF with the details: (If it’s not displaying for you, click here.)

And while we’re at it, a couple more slides from other work we’ve recently kicked off:

Where do YOU need to forge excellence?!

Today’s the day!!!

With that, lets get to the Brief!

P.S. It was also super fun to try on this real-life-Ironman pilot’s helmet, and to sit in a cockpit of an FA-18 with my new real-life wingman Rob (our Heroic SOCOM Fellowship “Intern”).

P.P.S. I felt inspired to watch Top Gun Maverick on my flight home, and got emotional throughout as I continued to feel into the courage, sacrifice, and humility of the real-life human beings and heroes (including the families!) who we’d just spent time with, along with all of those who serve us.

(Spoiler Alert! Fictional or not, the moment when Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell goes through the training course in 2:15 to prove that it’s possible to the others REALLY got to me, as I once again felt into the power of all of YOU being a demonstration of living with Areté and bringing YOUR best to your families, communities, and our world. “YOU ARE THE HERO WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR. We just need you to step up and start acting like it.”)

Note: Forwarded this email? Sign up for updates and a free Heroic membership here.

1. Areté by Brian Johnson

This week’s new Philosopher’s Note is on Areté by Brian Johnson, and was the (surprise!) first one in our collection that wasn’t written by Brian.

It was a profound honor for me to be distilling Areté into the 687th Philosopher’s Note.

Check out my celebration of Brian and his relentless consistency and commitment to his craft here, and the new Note here.

(Get instant access to this new Philosopher’s Note (and 600+ others and a TON of other goodness!) with Heroic Premium. Your first 30 days are free!)

2. The Heroic Athens Experience

After so many of you asked for it, we’re excited to introduce:

The 2.5-day Heroic Athens Activation Experience, fueled and enhanced through the sights, sounds, and sensations of one of the oldest cities in the world.

Monday, November 4th - Wednesday, Nov 6th.

You. Me. Brian. Donald Robertson (world-leading expert on Stoicism, author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor, and founder of the Plato's Academy Centre).

Get your ticket here! (No application necessary!)

Spots are limited to 200 total, with early bird pricing for the FIRST 51 tickets at $2,999 $2,499 (save $500).

(Note: The discount will auto-apply when you use that link, just make sure the bottom of the checkout says $2,499.)

(Note2: We also have a limited number of VIP Athens tickets available for $10,999. If you’re interested in learning more, let us know here! Accredited Investors can also get a VIP ticket by completing a new $51k+ investment in our current round.)

Learn more about all of the awesomeness in store for us in Athens here!


If you’re excited to integrate the Heroic Athens Experience with our Heroic Workshop Instructor training (“literally a cheat code for personal and professional development,”) apply here for a spot in the full, 6-day, immersive experience.

P.S. In addition to the 2.5 day Heroic Athens Activation, and the 6-day Athens Activation + Workshop Instructor Training…

There will also be another US-based Heroic Workshop Instructor training this fall in Phoenix, Arizona, from Friday October 18th — Sunday, October 20th.

If you’ve already applied and qualified for a Heroic Workshop Instructor training, and you’d like join us in Arizona, let us know here!

If you haven’t yet applied and you’re hoping to qualify for a spot, you can apply here.

P.P.S. Excited for a life-changing live experience but not sure WHICH event is right for you?

Join our town hall on Friday, June 28th, at 1pm CT.

(Can’t wait to chat about it?! Book a time here to connect with someone on our team about it now!)

3. Which version of you wins? (Plus, unleashing Heroic business potential)

As hinted at in the introduction, on Friday, Brian shared another exciting update on Wefunder titled: Which version of YOU wins? (The #1 thing I ask elite coaches and leaders)

So, which version of YOU is showing up to play the game of life?

"The version of you that is at a Heroic Soul Force of 101–DOING THE THINGS YOU KNOW YOU DO WHEN YOU’RE AT YOUR BEST (!!!)…


The version of you that is NOT at a 101 and NOT consistently doing the things you know you do when you’re at your best (ESPECIALLY when you feel your worst btw!)?!"

Is TODAY the day to start forging excellence as you DOMINATE your Heroic protocol?!


If you are a CEO or HR executive or company leader who would like to take your team’s performance to the next level, we’d love to connect to chat about how we can help you and the individuals on YOUR team step up into their Heroic potential so your organization can fulfill its potential.

Drop us a line and our team will connect to explore possibilities.

Here’s what Marty Bicknell (who is the CEO of Mariner Wealth Advisors AND a $1M+ investor in Heroic!) has to say about our work together…

“Our experience and partnership with Heroic has exceeded my expectation.

Personally, I entered the Coach program 4 years ago and am now completing Level 3. It has changed my life. So, I wanted to bring that experience to as many people at Mariner as possible. When we launched, I was hopeful based upon my personal experience.

I have been blown away by the personal comments I have received from our associates. 'Marty: I just want to thank you for introducing me to Heroic. I’ve hit my goals every day and [Heroic] makes me do the little and big things consistently. My wife has noticed it and now wants to join Heroic. That is a big leap for her and a testament to how it is making me a better person, husband and Mariner team member.’

How can you beat that? That’s just one example of the impact of the program. Early on, I thought… ‘If we can impact just one person the way Heroic has impacted me, then it will be a success.’ Now I want to impact hundreds. As a leader, the decision to bring Heroic into our organization was the easiest decision I’ve made.

Marty Bicknell
CEO, Mariner Wealth Advisors


On Saturday, Brian followed up that update with another one on Wefunder called: Unleashing Heroic business potential (How integrating the Heroic app boosts business profitability).

Check that one out via the link above, which includes comments from Scott McIntosh (who is the co-founder of MAC6 and a $500k investor in Heroic) on Heroic’s potential to help employees be engaged and productive, as well as to reinforce values-driven company culture.

4. Additional Heroic updates!

Check out the EXCITING update on plans for Heroic Blackstone Publishing and “The Way of the Heroic Kid!” plus more exciting goodness via that update on Wefunder. 👆

Plus this Wefunder update on How I prepare for Heroic Investor chats ✍️ 🗒️ (Want to see my notes?! 🤷‍♂️).


You can also check out the rest of the updates on Heroic that we’ve sent over the past few weeks at Wefunder.com/Heroic

5. The ultimate Heroic quest? The hero becomes the guide.

Ready to unlock your potential, and the potential of those around you?! Become a Certified Heroic Coach!

(Our “Independence Day” Class XXIV starts July 15th! 🎇 Plus, you can bundle Class XXIV enrollment with a Heroic Workshop Instructor ticket purchase and save $2,000! Enroll here TODAY or schedule a chat with a recent Coach graduate!)

If you’re passionate about helping others to unleash their full potential and live fulfilling lives, our Heroic Coach Certification program is your gateway to elevating your coaching career and unlocking a world of opportunities in the coaching industry.

Our comprehensive program combines cutting-edge research in psychology, neuroscience, and coaching with practical tools and techniques to empower you to be an exceptional coach. Learn how to inspire clients, drive meaningful change, and help individuals achieve their goals and dreams.

Joining our program is more than just learning or gaining a certification: it’s about being the BEST, most Heroic version of yourself, and joining a passionate community of others just like you who are dedicated to personal and professional growth.

You’ll graduate fully equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make a meaningful impact as a coach. Here’s what a few graduates have to say:

“At first, I was unsure if coaching was the right path for me. But after completing the Heroic Coach Certification program, I feel confident and equipped to guide others toward their goals. The program’s comprehensive curriculum and supportive community have been invaluable.”
— Sarah, Certified Heroic Coach

“The Heroic Coach Certification program exceeded my expectations. Not only did I learn effective coaching techniques, but I also gained a deep understanding of human behavior and motivation. The program has transformed my coaching practice and allowed me to help my clients achieve remarkable results.”
— Mark, Certified Heroic Coach

“The Heroic Coach Certification program has been a game-change for me. The knowledge and skills I’ve gained have not only improved my coaching abilities but have also enhanced my personal life. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to make a positive impact in the lives of others.”
— Jennifer, Certified Heroic Coach.

And how about one more:

“I have MORE than 10x’d my investment in myself through my experience in the Coach program. I am who I am today because of the knowledge and perspective I gained going through it. My wife cannot deny I am a different person today than I was in December 2023.

I appreciate all of your hard work on behalf of the Heroic mission, Brian. I believe in your ideals and ideas and admire your determination to let nothing get in the way of your vision. You’re an inspiration for anyone who still aspires to find that “one thing” that drives them. For me, it is learning and growing as a person, and Heroic has given me that in spades. I can never repay you for what you’ve provided, so I will simply offer my heartfelt, ‘Thank you.’Keep going. 😁”
— Craig, Certified Heroic Coach


Join these and many other graduates who have transformed their leadership and coaching careers with the Heroic Coach Certification program. Enroll today and start your journey towards:

  1. Being the best version of yourself. (Period!)
  2. Helping others to be the best versions of themselves.
  3. Making money doing what you love.

The next cohort Class XXIV starts July 15th! 🎇

Enroll here TODAY or schedule a chat with a recent Coach graduate!

Note: You can also bundle a Class XXIV enrollment with a fall Heroic Workshop Instructor ticket purchase and SAVE $2,000! Schedule a call to learn more about that here.

P.S. Do you know any inspiring leaders, rock-star achievers, or impactful individuals who you’re excited to see further unleash their gifts with the world?

Or someone you love and care about who is in a transition and ready to answer the call to their next Heroic quest?

Reach out to coach@heroic.us and let us know!

We’d love to connect and explore whether or not our Heroic Coach program is a great fit to help them get to their next level as they forge excellence, activate their Heroic potential, fulfill their destiny, and change the world with us!

(And if they decide that Coach is a great fit, we’ll celebrate by hooking them up with a special gift and hooking you up with a cash-high five!)


+1. Wisdom from the week:

“The greatest stock market you can invest in is yourself. Finding this truth is better than finding a gold mine.”

— Byron Katie

Social shareable quote in light mode or dark mode.

And this week’s Heroic +1s:


Have questions or suggestions about Heroic, or ANYTHING we can help with?

Join us on Wednesday at 1:00pm EST / 10:00am PST for Office Hours. Or reach out to our top-rated Heroic Service team by sending an email to support@heroic.us.


With Wisdom + Discipline + Love + Courage + Gratitude + Hope + Curiosity + Zest.

Heroes Unite!

Let’s do this.

Day 1.

-Michael and Team Heroic

P.S. Forwarded this email? Make sure you sign up for updates and a free Heroic membership here.

New to Heroic? We’d love to get to know you better! Our top-rated Heroic Service team is here and ready to do ANYTHING we can to support you! Just reach out at support@heroic.us.

You can also learn more about our Premium membership (try it out for free!), about working 1-on-1 with a Certified Heroic Performance Coach, or how you can earn a Coach certification.

P.P.S. As you might know, Heroic is a history-making, crowdfunded Public Benefit Corporation committed to changing the world by running our business the way we think our heroes would—with wisdom, discipline, courage, and love.

We’re blessed to have the support of 3,000 investors (just like you!) from over 75 countries around the world.

Would you like to become one of our Early-Stage Heroic Investors and own a piece of our movement while supporting us in our Mission to change the world? You can invest as little as $100 or as much as $1,000,000+.

Learn more and invest today at Wefunder.com/Heroic.


Any time we talk about our crowdfunding round, our attorneys remind us that we need to include this bit of legalese so here we go…

  1. Marty Bicknell and Scott McIntosh are Heroic investors.
  2. Neither Marty Bicknell nor Scott McIntosh received any incentive or consideration of any kind in exchange for their comments relating to, or endorsements of, Heroic.
  3. The comments, endorsements, and/or likenesses of Marty Bicknell and Scott McIntosh are included with their express permission.
  4. The comments and/or endorsements of Marty Bicknell and Scott McIntosh are not, and should not be regarded as, investment advice. Individuals considering an investment in Heroic should consult an investment professional before making an investment decision.
  5. These materials may contain forward-looking statements and information relating to, among other things, the company, its business plan and strategy, and its industry. These forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of, assumptions made by, and information currently available to the company’s management. When used in the offering materials, the words “estimate,” “project,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management’s current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The company does not undertake any obligations to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after such date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.