My Dear Prospective Heroic Coach
This is Brian. 👋
I’m the Founder + CEΦ of Heroic.

I appreciate you taking the time to learn more about our Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment program.
I know you’re busy, so let’s jump straight in.
Note1: You can also download PDF version of this letter here, or listen to me read it via your favorite streaming platform: Apple | Android | Spotify.
Note2: You can ALSO read or listen to the Philosopher's Note on this letter via the 6-pg PDF or 20-min MP3!

Note3: In addition to this invitation letter, the BEST way to get a sense of what Heroic Coach is all about is to jump right into the first week's lesson: Module O: An Introduction to the Mastery Series! Just hit play on the video below to start watching:
Note4: Over 13,000+ people from 115+ countries have joined our Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment program, including world-class, elite-performing athletes, executives, venture capitalists, coaches (across domains), authors, Navy SEALs, thought-leaders, and more, as well as entrepreneurs, moms, dads, teachers, grandparents, trainers, and individuals from all walks of life.
Here are a few of their stories:
Check out THOUSANDS of more testimonials here.
Back to the invitation.
We’re going to start by redefining what it means to be a “Coach” and establish the fact that we are ALL Coaches.
Here’s what you need to know: We’re ALL on our own, unique Hero’s journeys.
And… From my perspective, the ULTIMATE, universal goal of our quests is to become Heroic GUIDES (aka Coaches!) to the people in our lives so THEY can become the Heroes of THEIR lives.
More details on that important distinction in a moment.
Before we go further, I’d like to tell you about Heroic and why YOU, as a prospective Heroic Coach, are so important to us.
Here’s the short story…
Heroic is a social training platform that integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and world-class, scientifically-proven behavioral design tools to help you show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself.
We’re also a history-making, crowdfunded Public Benefit Corporation committed to changing the world by running our business the way we think our heroes would—with wisdom, self-mastery, courage, and love.
We’ve served hundreds of thousands of people from every country around the world and over 10,000 people from over 100 countries have joined our Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment program.
Our Heroic Coaches are the force multipliers leading our movement and changing lives in their families, businesses, and local communities.
And THAT is why we are so fiercely committed to doing everything we can to serve you and our growing community of Heroic Coaches to help you get Heroically Energized, Heroically Productive, and Heroically Connected WHILE empowering you to empower others to do the same.
In this document, I will give you a quick look at what our 300-day Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment program is all about.
We’ll talk about who the program is for. (And, very importantly, we’ll talk about who the program is NOT for.)
Know this: 50% of the people who go through our program are professional Coaches AND the *other* 50% of the people who go through aren’t “professional” coaches per se but are passionate about showing up as their best selves and helping others do the same—whether that’s their kids (and grandkids!), colleagues, and/or broader communities.
We’ll talk about HOW we integrate ancient wisdom, modern science, and world-class, scientifically-proven behavioral design tools to help you move from Theory to Practice to Mastery so you can more consistently show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself.
We’ll also talk about the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH we have done studying the power of our Heroic Coach program with one of the world’s leading well-being labs that produced astonishing, life-changing results.
I’ll introduce you to our Guest Faculty that features 75 of the world’s wisest authors, teachers and thought leaders to help you (and your clients) go to the next level in *every* area of your life.
And, we’ll talk about the THREE main objectives of our program:
- We will help YOU activate YOUR Heroic potential;
- We will help you help YOUR CLIENTS (and colleagues and kids and…!) activate THEIR Heroic potential; and,
- We will help you activate the Heroic potential of your COACHING BUSINESS in which you get paid to do 1 and 2 if that’s your calling. (Think: Heroic Coach Business in a Box! 🤓🚀)
I’ll also share a handful of the THOUSANDS of testimonials we’ve received from our community over the four years since we launched our Heroic Coach program and how so many of them have found a deeper sense of purpose while optimizing their energy, productivity, and sense of connection.
Again, I appreciate you taking the time to learn more about what we're up to and I look forward to the opportunity to serve Heroically together,
Brian Johnson
Heroic Founder + CEO
P.S. Let’s kick it off with a note from my long-time coach and spiritual father, Phil Stutz—who is the author of The Tools and is featured in the Netflix documentary (called Stutz) by two of his other clients: Jonah Hill and Joaquin Phoenix. (You can watch Stutz here.)

The Ultimate Heroic Quest? To Become Heroic Guides!
Have you seen the documentary Finding Joe? It’s all about Joseph Campbell and the modern hero’s journey.
I happen to be in the movie with great teachers and exemplars including Deepak Chopra, Sir Ken Robinson, Tony Hawk and Laird Hamilton.
If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch the trailer here and watch the full movie for free here:
As you may know, the basic arc of the Hero’s Journey goes something like this…
The Hero (that would be YOU and me and all of us!) gets a “call to adventure.” We realize that our current lives aren’t *quite* what we know they could be. There’s a nagging feeling that we’re not *quite* doing what we’re here to do.
We either ANSWER that call and begin our Heroic quest or… We ignore the call and suffer.
So… Let’s say we answer the call. Then what happens?
Then we meet a Heroic Guide and some Heroic Buddies who help us on our Heroic quest.
Then we go battle the metaphorical dragons and win or learn (and win or learn some more!) before we finally conquer that quest’s challenges and then… It’s time for THE most important part of the journey…
It’s time for us to return back to our normal world with the treasures we discovered. The ultimate treasure, of course, is our transformed consciousness. THAT is the gift we give to the world.
ALL Hero’s journeys follow that basic arc.
Think of Harry Potter. He got Dumbledore as his Heroic Guide and Hermione and Ron as his Heroic Buddies.
Or how about Frodo? He got Gandalf and his Buddies in the Fellowship of the Ring.
Or what about Katniss Everdeen and her Hunger Games? She got Haymitch Abernathy as her Guide and Buddied up with her crew.
Here’s where Heroic and Heroic Coach comes in.
You know what happened after Harry Potter and his friends successfully completed the first few cycles of their Heroic quests?
They became GUIDES to their fellow students at Hogwarts and taught THEM how to conquer *their* dragons and THAT is how they, together, won the battle between vice and virtue in their fictional world.
In other words…
They became Heroic Coaches.
And THAT is what our Heroic Coach program is all about.
We will help YOU answer the call to adventure. We will help you conquer your dragons and fulfill your potential SO YOU CAN HELP OTHERS DO THE SAME.
And that, my dear Heroic friend, is PRECISELY how we will change the world together—one person at a time, starting with you and me and all of us TODAY.
And… If that sounds like a good time, I’d be honored to be one of YOUR Guides as you take the next steps on your next Heroic quest.
(Yes… I’m working on the Dumbledore/Gandalf beard and I’m dominating the Professor Xavier hair style. 😉 😂 🤓)
Next up…
We’ll chat about who Heroic Coach is for (and who it’s NOT for!), then we’ll chat about what SCIENCE SAYS about our program then we’ll give you a quick overview of our 300-day program and HOW we integrate ancient wisdom and modern science and practical tools to help you show up as your best, most Heroic self.
Then we’ll wrap it up and talk about the fact that, if you sign up for Heroic Coach Class XX, we'll pair you with a Heroic Buddy (or if you join with a friend, you can go it together)!

Do You Know What The Word Hero Means?
Before we carry on, I have a quick question for you…
Do you happen to know what the word hero actually means?
It’s an ancient Greek word. Etymologically, the word hero doesn’t mean “killer of bad guys” or “tough guy” or anything like that it.
It means “PROTECTOR."
A hero has strength for two. And very importantly, a hero is willing to do the HARD work to HAVE that strength for two.
And, do you know what the secret weapon of the ancient hero was?
It’s LOVE that fuels our commitment to DO that hard work to HAVE the strength for two. It’s LOVE that gives us the Courage to be willing to act in the presence of fear. It's LOVE that gives us the Self-Mastery to do what needs to get done whether we feel like it or not.
If you haven’t noticed, our world needs heroes today more than ever before.
We’re not just recovering from the effects of COVID-19. We have pandemic levels of anxiety and depression and cancer and diabetes and political polarization and social injustice and environmental degradation.
I believe that the ONLY possible way we are going to meet those *historically significant* challenges and create a more noble and virtuous world for ourselves and for our kids and for their kids is if each of us steps up and starts showing up as the best, most Heroic versions of ourselves.
Again: Our world needs Heroes TODAY more than ever before.
We need YOU to be a HERO.

Heroic Coach... Who’s It For?
Since launching our inaugural class in early 2019, we’ve had over 13,000 people from over 115 (!) countries around the world go through our Heroic Coach program.
What I always find fascinating is that almost exactly HALF of those who go through the program are professional Coaches who want to take their practice to the next level (or individuals who plan to become Coaches) while the other half “simply” want to use the program to become the best versions of themselves in service to the world.
We think of the two groups like this:
Individuals who want to live their most heroic lives by mastering themselves and the Heroic perspective while integrating the wisdom gained from the program into their various leadership roles—from entrepreneurs, CEOs, professional athletes, venture capitalists, military leaders and HR executives to therapists, school principals, yoga teachers, and world-class moms.
Individuals who want to live their most Heroic lives by mastering themselves and the Heroic perspective while integrating the wisdom gained from the program into their new or existing coaching practice.
Our program serves both of those groups. From my perspective, the (!) most important thing we help everyone do to boost their professional success—whether that’s the CEO or the Coach—is to become a radiant exemplar. (Aka the best version of themselves!)
And, the fact is, we are ALL COACHES.
At the very least, we have ONE client: Ourselves.
Much more likely, we find ourselves in the role as informal “coach” a LOT more often than we may realize—whether that’s in conversations with our kids or our colleagues, there are ALWAYS opportunities to help bring out the best in those around us.
For those individuals looking to create a coaching business (and/or to take their practice to the next level), we have bonus Coach Training content in which we share best practices and offer additional resources including interactive sessions with established, successful coaches.
Again: You can check out hundreds of testimonials here to see how our program has served both Masters and Coaches.
For now, here are a few of my favorites—three from Coaches and another three from Masters!

Heroic Coach: Who’s It NOT For?
Our program requires a very high level of consistent performance. We are going to demand that you do your best to show up as your best.
As such, this program is not for the faint of heart and/or anyone looking to get a quick certificate that somehow magically makes them money.
For curious souls: Do you know that etymology of the word “demand”? It’s from the Latin de (which means “formally”) and mandare (which means “to order”). Yep. That’s about right.
We’ll partner with you and your inner daimon and formally order all of us (myself, of course, included!) to step up and into the next-best version of ourselves and do the hard work to actualize.
If that doesn’t sound like an epic way to spend the next 300 days (and the rest of your life), this program isn’t for you!
Note1: The Choice of Hercules came to mind as I typed that…
Note2: Nearly every single one of our first 1,000 Coaches filled out an intake form before Day 1. We asked them what they most wanted to get from the program, how we could serve them best, etc.
I read EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. You know what the #1 thing was that the majority said in one way or another? They told us that they wanted us to hold them accountable. They wanted us to challenge them to truly move from Theory to Practice to Mastery. So, guess what? That’s what we do.
Know this: There’s simply no other way to truly change our lives than to hold ourselves to high standards and then do the work. Period.
Now it’s time to talk about the scientific research we did with a world-class well-being lab that empirically establishes the power of Heroic Coach.

Science Says…
As you know if you’ve been following along, I’m all about integrating Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science.
I want to know what all the wisdom traditions (across cultures and time) have to say about optimizing AND I want to know what research says works.
Before we launched our inaugural Heroic Coach class (with 1,000 people from 50+ countries in 2019), we reached out to one of my friends and favorite positive psychologists, Sonja Lyubomirsky.
Sonja is the author of The How of Happiness and The Myths of Happiness. We asked her for help in SCIENTIFICALLY validating the effectiveness of our Heroic protocol. (Or not, if it ISN’T effective!)
We worked with Sonja and one of her top Ph.D. students to TEST whether or not our protocol works.
We did a before and after measure (basically checking in on where people were before Day 1 of our program and then where they were on Day 300) on a broad range of areas we hoped to help people optimize.
For example, could we boost confidence in the face of challenges while deepening connections with loved ones and increasing productivity at work?
Could we also help people create better habits—eating better, exercising more, sleeping deeper, managing their tech usage better, along with all the other stuff we know we *could* be doing but often fail to do?!
And, if we could do that, would that lead to measurable gains in our Heroic Big 3 of Energy + Work + Love and overall well-being?!
We rolled up our sleeves and got to work creating the scientific surveys we’d need.
We got all the “Before” data we needed. Fast-forward to Day 300. All the data is in!
We, of course, eagerly anticipated the results.
Based on the HUNDREDS (and HUNDREDS!) of testimonials we received (← check them out there!) during and after the program, we knew, qualitatively, that the program was working.
The question was: What would the *quantitative* data show?
In the words of our research lead, the effects were “massively positive.”
For the geeks among us: “The effect sizes were huge!! They were all around Pearson correlations of .6 (Cohen’s ds of 1.7), which is unheard of!!”
For example, at the beginning of our program, 29% of our Coaches felt connected to the best version of themselves. At the end, 93% (!) felt connected to the best version of themselves. (!!)
At the beginning of the program, 37% exercised for 25+ minutes a day. At the end, that number was 64%. Meditation? Same thing.
43% meditated every day on Day 1 (which is actually a really high number! lol). 89% (!!) meditated every day on Day 300.
How about Confidence? Well, on Day 1, 37% felt calm and confident and present most of the day. On Day 300 that number was 88%.
Perhaps most inspiring (as this is one of THE central themes of the program and a key ingredient to living happily AND heroically!), on Day 1, only 23% of the people in the program leaned in to challenges (vs. avoiding them). On Day 300, 79% of our Optimizers were leaning in to their challenges!! (#OMMS!)
58% felt they could handle any challenge life presents on Day 1. That became 90% on Day 300.
83% felt more excited than anxious at the end, while only 41% could say that in the beginning.
Those same stats repeated themselves in Work, with an overwhelming majority of our Coaches feeling a deeper sense of purpose, engagement, focus, and productivity at Work.
They also learned how to manage digital distractions and, as a result, optimizing not only their productivity but their sense of what we call “Energized Tranquility.”
And, the same stats showed up in their Connections with friends/family/colleagues/community and humanity in general.
Then we have the healthy habits. Eating. Moving. Sleeping. Etc.
ALL optimized.
Eating-wise: 53% said they followed their nutritional philosophy on Day 1 whereas 84% said that on Day 300.
Which is why we also saw a shift from 46% who felt it was easy to maintain their ideal weight to 76% saying that at the end.
btw: I was perhaps most astonished by the number of people who told us they’re back to a weight they NEVER thought they’d see again!
Sleep-wise: We spend a lot of time helping people a) get the fact that sleep is SUPER important then we spend an equal amount of time helping them b) get great sleep!
Research shows that the #1 tip to getting a good night of sleep is to turn off your electronics at least an hour before bed. (We call that a Digital Sunset.) Which is why I was thrilled to see the percentage of people who spent time without screens before bed move from 32% on Day 1 to 87% (!!!) on Day 300.
Which, of course, all translated into feeling more Energized both in the beginning of the day AND at the end of the day.
Get this: 46% said they started the day Energized on Day 1. On Day 300 that was 85%!!!
All of which brings us back to the most important measure.
Did we help people feel more connected to the best version of themselves?
Yes. That, again, went from 29% to (a staggering) 93%. ← !!!
Why is that important?
Well, because that’s pretty much what ALL the great wisdom traditions have told us is THE most important thing we can do and what our program is, ultimately, ALL about.
So, I can humbly and confidently say that we KNOW our Heroic Coach program can help you truly change your life.

The 300-Day Heroic Coach Program
The Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment training program is 10 months long. (Technically, it is 300 days long. Yes, that’s a nod to our ancient Spartan Hērōs.)
Day 0 = The Day You Decide to Go All In (Today? 🤓)
Registration for the Heroic Coach XX is OPEN. So, if you’re feeling it, let’s do this! (Sign up here now.)
Day 1 = Monday, January 1st, 2024
Day 300 = Sunday, October 27th, 2024
Head here to enroll in Class XX today!
Note: After you register, you’ll be given immediate access to the Heroic Coach platform along with further instructions on how to begin the program.
Graduation Weekend = TBD!!
The program is, of course, grounded in our Heroic content: Philosopher’s Notes, Heroic +1s and Optimal Living 101 classes.
What makes the program so powerful is the Mastery Series.
Imagine me distilling the absolute best wisdom from the 600+ Philosopher’s Notes, 1,500+ Heroic +1s, and 50 Optimal Living 101 classes into ONE super-practical curriculum to help you fundamentally and permanently change your life.
THAT is what the Mastery Series is all about. It’s the cornerstone of all of our work together in our Heroic Coach program.
There are 7 Modules to the program. Here’s the (somewhat) quick overview.
Module I: Eudaimon-ology
We kick the party off with Module I on what we call “Eudaimon-ology” (The Study of a Good Soul), in which we define the game we’re playing and how to play it well.
Hint: Become the best version of yourself and close the gap between who you’re CAPABLE of being and who you’re ACTUALLY being by living with virtue RIGHT NOW!!
Aristotle and Martin Seligman join us as proxies for Ancient Wisdom + Modern Science as we commit to moving from Theory to Practice to Mastery as we operationalize virtue and give the world all we’ve got.
Module II: Hērō-ology
With that super-important foundation set, we’re ready to move on to Module II on what we call “Hērō-ology” (aka: The Study of a Good Hērō). (Note: That would be YOU!)
As we briefly discussed above, I’m in a documentary about Joseph Campbell and the modern hero’s journey called Finding Joe and share wisdom with Deepak Chopra, Laird Hamilton, Robin Sharma and other great teachers.
I HIGHLY recommend it in general and ESPECIALLY if you’re thinking about taking your life to the next level.
Again: Watch the trailer here. Join over three million people and watch the entire movie for FREE via YouTube here.
In Module II on Hērō-ology, I basically OPERATIONALIZE the wisdom from that movie.
Of course, it’s nice to get all inspired by a movie or a weekend workshop or whatever.
But… ECHO! … (Am I repeating myself? Yes. I’m repeating myself!) …
It’s an ENTIRELY different thing to ACTUALLY FUNDAMENTALLY AND PERMANENTLY change your life.
Module III: The Big 3 (x2)
After helping us cultivate our Antifragile Confidence, Heroic Courage and Response-Ability, we move on to Module III called The Big 3 (x2).
It’s time to move from the abstract to the concrete.
Who are YOU at your absolute best Energy + Work + Love wise?
What are your Identities + Virtues + Behaviors?
That’s our Big 3 (x2). (So many of our Masters + Coaches have told us that getting clarity on this is life changing.)
If you feel so inspired, take a moment and imagine your BEST self Energy wise. Who are you? How do you feel? What about your BEST self Work wise? Feel more purpose and productivity? And what about Love wise? Are you more present and connected and joyful?
Helping you connect to and BE that Heroic-best version of you is, again, what the program is all about.
Remember the stats on feeling more connected to the best version of themselves?
On Day 1 of the program, only 29% felt connected to that best version of themselves. We operationalize that connection via our Big 3 (x2) (and everything else we do) such that, on Day 300, an astonishing (!) 93% feel more connected to the best version of themselves.
(Again, THIS is the secret sauce!!)

Module IV: Carpe Diem
From there, we ask: “OK. When should we actually apply all this?”
Of course, the answer is (unequivocally!) TODAY!!! Which is why Module IV is called “Carpe Diem.”
We spend a couple of months (!!!) helping you become a MASTER in creating Masterpiece Days.
After a Big Picture discussion, we START with your PM Bookend. We’ve gotta know that our days ACTUALLY started the night before. (Again, this is life changing when we get it. Research shows that a good night of sleep is like walking over a bridge from despair to Hope and we give you the simple practical tools to wake up feeling Energized and ready to rock.)
Then we help you architect your AM Bookends—making your mornings awesome—before walking through how to Optimize our Energy + Work + Love in the context of getting REALLY good at creating REALLY great days.
One of the powerful themes of our work together is helping you create a “protocol.” Basically, we’ve gotta know what we do when we’re at our best. THEN (goosebumps) DO THAT!!!
Note: Life really isn’t THAT complicated. What works? Do more of that. What doesn’t work? STOP doing that!! (!!!)
Of course, systematically helping you operationalize that wisdom is what the program is all about and why, when you REALLY get it and REALLY practice it, you can FUNDAMENTALLY and PERMANENTLY change your life.
(btw: Here’s a note one of our Coaches sent to his friends about our program telling them how he’d tried all kinds of programs before but it wasn’t until our program that he (and now I’m misty typing this), GOT IT and changed his life.)
That’s Module IV. You are now well-equipped to play the game well as an Optimizing Hērō TODAY.
Module V: Algorithms
Now it’s time for us to get REALLY (!) good at moving from Theory to Practice to Mastery. It’s time for Module V. We call this one “Algorithms” but we could have called it “Self-Mastery 101.”
The theme we hit over the four sessions here? Use your willpower wisely to install habits that run on autopilot via algorithms.
I repeat that over and over again.
Use your willpower wisely to install habits that run on autopilot via algorithms. Use your willpower wisely to install habits that run on autopilot via algorithms. Use your willpower wisely to install habits that run on autopilot via algorithms.
In this Module, we integrate the best of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science to help you master behavior design, Installing THE #1 habit that will most (!) change your life THEN Deleting the #1 kryptonite habit that is most destroying your life.
On that note, let’s pause for a moment.
If you could INSTALL just ONE habit that you KNOW would most change your life, what would it be?
What’s the FIRST thing that just popped in your head?
Imagine having the tools to install that habit. How would your life change?
Fast-forward x years. What would be different? How would you be showing up?
Imagine installing not only that habit but ALSO mastering the process of installing habits so you can stack on all the other great habits.
By using your willpower wisely to install habits that run on autopilot via algorithms.
If you could DELETE just ONE bad habit that you KNOW would most change your life, what would it be?
What’s the FIRST thing that just popped in your head?
What’s the kryptonite habit that you KNOW needs to go? (No shame. We ALL have stuff we’re working on. What is it for you?)
Now, imagine having the tools to finally (!) get rid of that habit. How would your life change?
Fast-forward x years. What would be different? How would you be showing up?
Imagine getting rid of not only that bad habit but ALSO mastering the process of deleting all the other bad habits so you can finally quit giving away your power and give us all you’ve got!
(btw: Know this: THIS is actually the fastest way to change our lives. STOP DOING STUPID STUFF!) (lol) (Seriously!!))
Our Head Coach Michael (👇) wraps us this Module with a session on “Power Algorithms”—sharing the Optimize Top 10 Power Algorithms and challenging you to create YOUR Top 10 most-life-changing habits.

btw: Each of our 25 sessions in the 7 Modules over our 300-day program feature an hour-or-so “Theory” class from me followed up by set of “Practice“ videos led by Michael in which he walks you through the various Reflection and Action exercises that are part of our 150-page Workbook you’ll get as well.
With Modules I through V under our belt, if you’ve done ANY work at all (lol), you’re a different person.
(Side note: I will always remember an Heroic Coach Zoom meetup I joined in which one of the guys at this stage of the program (goosebumps again as I type this) told me that he’d dropped something like 25 pounds and had TRIPLED his sales. Hah. And, he was doing the program with his wife who said he’s also a better husband and father and human. #misty)
Module VI: The Fundies
Now we’re ready for what might be THE most important part of the program: Module VI: The Fundies.
In this Module—we spend THREE MONTHS applying ALL the stuff we’ve learned to truly (!) master the most fundamental aspects of optimizing.
We have 7 core fundies.
Eating. Moving. Sleeping. Breathing. Focusing. Celebrating. Prospering.
They each get their own dedicated session (along with a Fundamental behavior that you’ll need to Practice every day in order to earn an Heroic Coach Certification, things like following your nutritional philosophy, moving for twenty-five minutes or walking 10,000 steps a day, shutting down your electronics one hour before bedtime, intentionally cultivating energized tranquility via your breath, spending eleven minutes training your mind via meditation, appreciating the gifts in your life, and completing your daily Heroic Target practice but this is already way too long (hah!) so let’s skip the details on The Fundies for now.
Module VII: Optimus You: Practicing Your Philosophy
We wrap up it up with Module VII which brings us right back to the beginning. It’s called “Optimus You: Practicing Your Philosophy.”
In this one, we connect all the dots and then challenge you to create a little Handbook for yourself with THE most life-changing lessons you’ve learned as we re-commit to giving the world all we’ve got.
As you can tell, I’m fired up about this stuff.
I’ve spent (literally) THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS (and THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS!!!) of hours studying and teaching (and, most importantly, striving to embody!) the fundamental principles of Ancient Wisdom + Modern Science.
This Mastery Series is the distillation of my life’s work.
* As I typed that, I realized I could share a little behind-the-scenes video I did giving an overview of the program (aka My Life’s Work) in 1 hour 11 minutes and 35 seconds. Here it is.
That’s the Mastery Series.
Again, it’s the foundation of all of our work together. But, it’s not the only thing…

The Guest Faculty
In addition, we invited some of my dear friends and favorite teachers to join our program as “Guest Faculty.” We call them “Luminaries”—which, for curious souls, etymologically means “one who gives light.”

Nearly 75 world-class thinkers and teachers have joined us for 90+ Luminary Faculty Sessions—from Phil Stutz, Cal Newport and Dan Siegel to Sonja Lyubomirsky, Gabriele Oettingen, Tal Ben-Shahar and a ton of the other authors I’m always talking about.
Check out the Guest Faculty page here.
These world-class teachers share their most powerful practical wisdom with us, give us one (or more!) specific Coaching Tools we can use to coach ourselves and our clients/families/teams/etc., then they do 1-on-1 Live Coaching.
You’ll get instant access to the archive and have fun with new sessions every month. All to help you move from Theory to Practice to Mastery and personally APPLY what you’re learning to your life.

What else? Oh! Yes. Important detail.
As powerful as the Heroic content is, the focal point of the program is OPERATIONALIZING all the wisdom into consistent, virtuous behavior—such that your prior best becomes your new baseline.
THAT is the hard part.
THAT is what we are committed to helping you (and your clients/colleagues/family/etc.) truly MASTER as a result of your participation in our program.
And THAT is what will be required in order for you to successfully graduate.
Moving on to a couple more unique facets of our Heroic Coach program…

Heroic Buddies
Navy SEALs go through their training with a swim buddy. (And then they have a swim buddy throughout their SEAL careers.)
Although we’ll spare you the Hell Week, I’m inspired by both the astonishingly high standards of SEAL training and the importance of having a swim buddy. With that in mind…
If you don't join Heroic Coach with a friend, we'll pair you with a Heroic Buddy. Basic idea: You and your Heroic Buddy will hold each other accountable to your best, most Heroic selves and refuse to accept failure.

The Investment
Tuition for our Heroic Coach certification program is $2,999.99 USD.
We also have monthly payment plans available.
WE GUARANTEE that this will be THE best investment you’ve ever made in yourself or we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.
We price our products at a deliberately super (!!!) low price point (this type of program is typically $5,000+) because:
- We know times are tougher than ever and we want to do all we can to help make sure money isn’t getting in the way;
- We’re committed to giving the best to the most for the least; and,
- We want to absolutely astonish you as we make this unquestionably the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself. (PERIOD.)
And…we never want cash to get in the way of you accessing Heroic if you need it, which is why we created our Scholarship program where you can apply for a 50% / 70% / 90% / 100% scholarship if you’re in need.
Heroic is a Public Benefit Corporation (learn more about that here + here + here) and are absolutely (!) committed to running our business with virtue and we want you to FEEL our love and commitment to you and want you to say, “You know what? If I was running a business like that, that’s what I’d do.”
I’m smiling as I type this because our Coaches literally (repeatedly) (constantly) tell us things like this…

I know we just covered a TON of ground and I appreciate you taking the time to get this far into this long of a letter.
If you have ANY questions at all, please don’t hesitate to give us a call (or text if in the USA) at 1 (877) 243-2051, or shoot us an email at
If you feel inspired to join our Heroic movement to help us change the world, we’d be deeply honored to welcome you into our Coach program.
Day 1. All in.

Brian Johnson
Heroic Founder + CEO
P.S. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
The Recap
We are ALL Coaches—whether on a “professional” (or aspiring “professional”) level OR as individuals passionate about showing up as our best selves and helping others do the same, even if “just” our kids (and grandkids!), colleagues, and/or broader communities.
Our scientifically-validated Heroic Coach program is designed to empower YOU, as a Coach, to be a force multiplier changing lives in your family, business, and local community.
We do that by integrating ancient wisdom, modern science, and world-class, scientifically-proven behavioral design tools to help you move from Theory to Practice to Mastery so you can more consistently show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself.
Our program has THREE main objectives:
- We will help YOU activate YOUR Heroic potential;
- We will help you help YOUR CLIENTS (and colleagues and kids and…!) activate THEIR Heroic potential; and,
- We will help you activate the Heroic potential of your COACHING BUSINESS in which you get paid to do 1 and 2 if that’s your calling. (Think: Heroic Coach Business in a Box! 🤓🚀)
We’ve had well over 10,000 people from over 100 countries join our program. They’ve shared THOUSANDS of testimonials on how Heroic Coach has helped them find a deeper sense of purpose while optimizing their energy, productivity, and sense of connection.
You can do the same by joining Heroic Coach — Class XX, which starts on January 1st, 2024.
And you can enroll today for just $2,999.99. (With payment plans available).
Here’s everything you’ll get as part of Heroic Coach:
- The Mastery Series that a leading well-being research lab shows can significantly boost your Energy, Productivity, and Connection.
- Weekly Heroic Chats with Masters to learn how world-class teachers and leaders show up to give their best.
- Full Library of all recorded Mastery Live @ 1:01s and Chats with Masters.
- Additional Live Coaching Sessions with Team Heroic and Coach Guest Faculty up to 10x every month.
- 90+ Luminary Guest Faculty Sessions from nearly 75 world-class thinkers and teachers, with new sessions every month.
- 400+ hours of recorded, categorized Live Coaching.
- Heroic Performance Coach Certification. If you earn it.
- Coaching Delivery and Coaching Sales Toolkits. Plus opportunities to sign up for additional Heroic Workshop facilitator training.
All GUARANTEED to be THE best investment you’ve ever made in yourself or we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.
If you feel inspired to join our Heroic movement to help us change the world, we’d be deeply honored to welcome you into our Coach program.

P.S. Want to OWN A PIECE OF the movement?
In the beginning of this letter, I mentioned the fact that Heroic is a history-making, crowdfunded Public Benefit Corporation committed to changing the world by running our business the way we think our heroes would—with wisdom, self-mastery, courage, and love.
We’re blessed to have the support of 3,000 investors (just like you!) from over 75 countries around the world.
Would you like to become one of our Early-Stage Heroic Investors and own a piece of our movement while supporting us in our Mission to change the world? You can invest as little as $100 or as much as $100,000+.
Learn more and invest today at
Any time we talk about our crowdfunding round, our attorneys remind us that we need to include this bit of legalese so here we go…
- Phil Stutz, Brandon Guyer, Ian Stakiw, Ron Reich, Jonathan Bennett, Kerry Boehner, Ken Steitz, Tara Lorigan, Sean Casey, Michelle Weimer, Jeff Everage, and Chris Beaven are all Heroic investors.
- None of Phil Stutz, Brandon Guyer, Ian Stakiw, Ron Reich, Jonathan Bennett, Kerry Boehner, Ken Steitz, Tara Lorigan, Sean Casey, Michelle Weimer, Jeff Everage, nor Chris Beaven received any incentive or consideration of any kind in exchange for their comments relating to, or endorsements of, Heroic.
- The comments, endorsements, and/or likenesses of Phil Stutz, Brandon Guyer, Ian Stakiw, Ron Reich, Jonathan Bennett, Kerry Boehner, Ken Steitz, Tara Lorigan, Sean Casey, Michelle Weimer, Jeff Everage, and Chris Beaven are included with their express permission.
- The comments and/or endorsements of Phil Stutz, Brandon Guyer, Ian Stakiw, Ron Reich, Jonathan Bennett, Kerry Boehner, Ken Steitz, Tara Lorigan, Sean Casey, Michelle Weimer, Jeff Everage, and Chris Beaven are not, and should not be regarded as, investment advice. Individuals considering an investment in Heroic should consult an investment professional before making an investment decision.
- These materials may contain forward-looking statements and information relating to, among other things, the company, its business plan and strategy, and its industry. These forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of, assumptions made by, and information currently available to the company’s management. When used in the offering materials, the words “estimate,” ”project,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management’s current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The company does not undertake any obligations to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after such date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.