Michael here. 👋
What an extraordinary Sunday (And Saturday! And week!) it has been.
This weekend’s 2-Day Immersion kick-off to Heroic Elite was THE most powerfully condensed, practical, and accessible event we’ve ever had.
I’m not going to mince words here.
This program will change your life.
It’s ready for you, and you CAN do it.
The only relevant question is:
Will you?!
Do you care enough about yourself, your family, your purpose, and your dreams to do the (simple, but powerful!!!) work of Heroic Elite over the next 101 days?
It’s time.
Let’s get to it.
Note: Forwarded this email? Sign up for updates and a zero-cost Heroic membership here.
1. Join 1,500+ in Elite!
This weekend we’ve been having a TON of fun kicking off Heroic Elite with the 2-day immersion, broadcasted LIVE from Austin, TX.
And oh my goodness we are feeling FIRED UP! 🔥
To the now over 1,500+ heroes who have joined us on the 101 day journey… great to see you for the 2-Day Immersion, and we’ll see you tomorrow for Day 1.
Haven’t joined Elite yet? Sign up today as we strive to make 2025 THE greatest year of our life, starting with the next 101 days.
Let’s go!!
2. Humble, Heroic Leadership
Earlier this week, Brian and I stayed up late to watch the Notre Dame Fighting Irish create an absolutely epic win to punch their ticket to the National Championship game. ☘️🏈

As I shared on Friday — as exciting as the game was — my absolute favorite moment of the evening was feeling the power of Coach Marcus Freeman’s humble, Heroic leadership during his post-game remarks, when asked what it meant to him to be the first Black head coach in a college football National Championship game:
“You know, I’ve said this before.
I don’t ever want to take attention away from the team.
It is an honor.
And I hope — all coaches, minorities, Black, Asian, white, it doesn’t matter — great people continue to get opportunities to lead young men like this.
But this isn’t about me.
This is about us.”
That man is a radiant exemplar of what a leader and college football head coach can be.
Striving to be the best that he can be.
Not for himself, but in service to others. Creating an environment of excellence, love, and commitment so that the people he’s blessed to lead can flourish both on and off the field.
What could YOU do with that same level of commitment?!? What world could we create, together?
The world needs heroes (and guides!) more than ever before.
And YOU are the hero we’ve been waiting for.
P.S. See the full post-game press conference for even more inspiring leadership wisdom from Coach Freeman, plus this article on How Marcus Freeman’s embrace of self-improvement methods guides Notre Dame football.
3. Carpe Diem Journal (Coming Soon!)

We have been HUSTLING to create this with our partners at Heroic Blackstone.
Collector’s editions were distributed to those who joined us live in Austin for the Elite Immersion, digital copies have been sent to everyone in Elite, and..
The physical Carpe Diem journal will be available to purchase for EVERYONE soon!!!
It’s not possible for us to be any more excited about this.
More soon! 🤓
4. How are Your 2025 goals?
When most people are starting to forget about their New Year’s resolutions… we were inspired by Ben Bergeron’s social media post reading a chapter from Areté to his athletes.
“‘In a society in which the vast majority of us are sick and tired an anxious and depressed, it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to that sick society.’
So that is our 1%. Embrace your healthy defiant today.
How do we do that?
It’s behaviors. It’s daily behaviors.
And we say it over and over again, but it is that up there:
- If you train five or six days a week.
- If you eat single ingredient foods.
- If you sleep 8 hours.
- If you think about handling hard better.
- And you work to connect with yourself, others, and nature.
You are the rare exception. In that, you are the 1%.
Let’s be the healthy defiants.”
What he said.
Here’s to being the radiant exemplars in our families, organizations, and communities so we can change the world. One person at a time. Together.
Starting with you and me and all of us. TODAY!
5. Community highlights

A few favorites from another week of moving from Theory to Practice to Mastery, Together!!!
- Dawn-Marie’s Elite kickoff highlights: “Today’s Elite 101 kickoff was 🔥🔥🔥! A few of my notes and quotes.”
- Shannon’s Elite clarity and commitment: “I’ve felt incredibly ‘com-couraged’ while gaining clarity on my #1 HHG & focusing on rest and recovery throughout the Elite immersion weekend. All in. Let’s go 🎯💯”
- Brandon’s process focus for a big speaking opportunity: “Know that it doesn’t guarantee any ‘result’ but it does guarantee one thing: you’ll show up at your best, ready to go do what you do best… CRUSH IT!”
+1. Wisdom from the week:

“This may be the hardest lesson of all: that pain and adversity are not a challenge, but an opportunity—a gift from the universe, a blessing from God. If you know what you’re afraid to do, you know exactly what you should do next.”
— Joe De Sena
And this week’s Heroic Wisdom Daily:
- #1995: Atomic Habits by James Clear - The Exponential Power of Atomic Habits
- #1996: Lessons for Living by Phil Stutz - Adversity Is the Lesson
- #1997: How to Think Like a Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson - Stoicism in Action: Think Like a Roman Emperor
- #1998: Outlive by Peter Attia - Longevity Isn’t Just About Living Longer
- #1999: Lead Yourself First by Raymond Kethledge and Michael Erwin - Lead Yourself First to Lead Others Better
- #2000: The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp - Creativity Is a Habit, Not a Gift
- #2001: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman - Strengthen Your Relationship, One Day at a Time
This week’s featured Meditation is Who Do You Want to Be Tomorrow? a 10-minute meditation for the end of your day to set yourself up for a great day tomorrow (available in app only).
Have questions or suggestions about Heroic, or ANYTHING we can help with?
Join us on Wednesday at 1:00pm EST / 10:00am PST for Office Hours. Or reach out to our top-rated Heroic Service team by replying to this note or sending an email to support@heroic.us.
With Wisdom + Discipline + Love + Courage + Gratitude + Hope + Curiosity + Zest.
Heroes Unite!
Let’s do this.
Day 1.
-Michael and Team Heroic
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You can also learn more about our Premium membership (try with a 14-day trial), about working 1-on-1 with a Certified Heroic Performance Coach, or how you can earn a Coach certification.