About Finding Joe
In the early 20th century, while studying world mythology, Joseph Campbell discovered a pattern hidden in every story ever told.
He called it “The Hero's Journey.”
Finding Joe brings Campbells wisdom to life and takes us on the ultimate hero's journey: the journey of self discovery. As you slay dragons and uncover treasures, you just may find that the holy grail you seek is closer than you think.
The film is directed by Patrick Takaya Solomon and stars Deepak Chopra, Rashida Jones, Robin Sharma, Sir Ken Robinson, Mick Fleetwood, Brian Johnson, Robert Walter, Rebbecca Armstrong, Alan Cohen, Tony Hawk, Lair Hamilton, Gay Hendricks, and more.
In this special Finding Joe watch party hosted by Heroic, we'll follow a viewing of the film with a private Q&A with director Pat Solomon, plus instant access to download the Philosopher's Notes that inspired the film.
Meet Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson is 50% Philosopher + 50% CEO and 101% committed to helping create a world in which 51% of the world’s population is flourishing by the year 2051.
As a Founder/CEO he’s raised $25M+, built and sold two social platforms and made crowdfunding history. As a Philosopher/teacher, he’s helped hundreds of thousands of people from around the world and created a protocol that science says changes lives.

Meet Your Host
Heroic is a social training platform that integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, and world-class, scientifically-proven behavioral design tools to help you show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself.
We’re also a history-making, crowdfunded Public Benefit Corporation committed to changing the world by running our business the way we think our heroes would—with wisdom, self-mastery, courage, and love.
We’ve served hundreds of thousands of people from every country around the world and over 10,000 people from over 100 countries have joined our Heroic Performance Coach certification and empowerment program. These Heroic Coaches are our force multipliers leading our movement.
It’s time to move from theory to practice to mastery as we activate our Soul Force together and give the world all we’ve got.
Day 1. All in. Let’s go, Hero!