Hi. This is Brian Johnson. 👋

I’m the founder and CEO of Heroic.

I appreciate you taking the time to learn more about what we’re up to!

I know you’re busy and we strive to deliver more wisdom in less time so let’s get straight to work!

We’ll start at the top with the question:

“What is Heroic?”

My friend and mentor John Mackey, the co-founder and former CEO of Whole Foods put it succinctly when he graciously said, and I quote, “Heroic is the best self-development platform in the world.”

We’ve been fortunate to serve some of the most elite performers in the world—including best-selling authors, Fortune 100 executives and elite military officers, athletes and coaches.

We provide a collection of wisdom and practical tools that helps people show up as their best both professionally and personally—optimizing every facet of their lives while creating life-changing habits, forging mental toughness and a deep sense of antifragile confidence to meet any and all of life’s challenges.

With the Heroic app...

You can get access to a collection of what we call Philosopher’s Notes on some of the absolute best books on ancient wisdom and modern science.

You can also get access to a collection of 50 hour-long Master Classes on how to optimize your energy, your productivity and your relationships.

You know all those self-development books you plan to read?

Well, I pull out the absolute best life-changing big ideas and help you apply the most powerful wisdom to your life.

We call those Philosopher’s Notes. We have over SIX HUNDRED Notes on THE best self-development books ever—giving you more wisdom in less time.

Our collection includes Notes on the best books on ancient wisdom and the best modern self-development titles like Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations, Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, and Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Plus, we have Notes on current bestsellers like James Clear’s Atomic Habits, Cal Newport’s Deep Work, Angela Duckworth’s Grit and Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is the Way.

We also have master classes on how to apply ancient stoic wisdom to your modern life and how to create habits that’ll change your life. Plus, we have master classes on how to set goals, become a better leader, and show up as your best when it matters most.

In addition to the Notes and classes, we have a suite of behavioral design tools that we created with one of the best product teams in the world—the same team that built Slack, Tinder, Uber Eats and many other apps that went on to change the world.

These habit-building tools have been scientifically shown to help you become 40% more energized during your day, 20% more productive at work and 15% more connected to yourself and your loved ones.

We created our Heroic app with one thing in mind:

To help you take all of the content I’ve spent the last 25+ years creating and actually APPLY it to your life: moving from Theory to Practice to Mastery, Together, Today.

Most importantly, you can customize the Heroic app to serve you in becoming the best version of yourself.

That best, most Heroic you then becomes of even greater service to your family, community, and ultimately the world.

If you sign up today, you’ll get INSTANT FREE ACCESS to ALL OF THAT wisdom for the next thirty days.

If you enjoy Premium access, you can choose to continue as a paying member. If not, you’ll automatically convert to a free membership

AND… if money is the only thing keeping you from using our Heroic premium or Coach program to transform your life, we offer several tiers of scholarships.

We NEVER want money to get in the way of you actualizing your Heroic potential.

I hope you enjoy our app...

And I hope that we are able to help you show up as the best, most Heroic version of yourself, so we can, literally...

Change the world.


One person at a time.

Starting with you and me and all of us…