Today’s Reflection: When’s the best time that you’ll be spending time with someone you care about? Pre-plan what you’ll do with your phone to keep it out of sight and out of touch, and increase the quality of that connection.

Heroic Founding Members: you can find the “Phone Free Connecting” Tool in your Heroic Toolbox under ‘Love.’ You can also add the Heroic Target “Phone Free Connection” in ‘Love.’ (Not a Founding Member yet? There are only 10-days left to sign up as a Heroic Founding Member and save 50% forever. You can join us here now.)

Then, plan some Phone Free Connection time, even if that will be some self-care time in Love 0.0 — with you!

Important note today: You may be thinking, why are they ending this challenge with a call to action to NOT use my phone?!
Answer: we built an app to help you use technology HEROICALLY, as a tool to help you flourish. And sometimes that means putting the phone AWAY!

So while today’s social challenge element does require a phone, it also means you’ll need to be intentional about how you use it.

Take a picture of yourself out in nature, connecting with loved ones, or doing something “offline.” Then, put the phone away and post when you get back!

Alternatively, leave the phone at home entirely and when you’re back, post a video or message about your experience and how it felt being phone free.

Note: Fun hack → Make the Heroic app the FIRST app you open every time you touch your phone and watch your behavior change (both with your phone and with your life) as you start looking for and then ACTUALLY DOING things that are in alignment with the best, most Heroic version of yourself.

Once you are back on your phone, share that picture or video on social with hashtag #bethechangechallenge, (plus, if you’re feeling super inspired, #heroic #heroesunite #heroicbig3 #letsgo and mention us @heroicpbc on FB and Insta and Heroic Public Benefit Corporation on LinkedIn).

Let’s see how many people we can inspire to intentionally create PHONE FREE CONNECTION time in their lives.


If you want to earn points for sharing today (and get more ways to share) to win Heroic prizes, you can go here to sign up and earn points for participating now. The contest ends on Saturday, April 24, so you still have time to share and enter to win Coaching with Brian, Heroic swag, spots in the Heroic Coach program, and more!

Miss Other Days?

If you missed any Be The Change Challenge days, you can go here to catch up now.