Money will NOT be the thing that stops you from activating your potential


Michael here, with a very important message:

Money cannot and will not be the thing that prevents you from activating your Heroic potential.

Whether that’s with Heroic Premium, Heroic Coach, or our new 101-day Heroic Elite training program.

So if you’re in a situation like these (all of which were shared in the Excitement for Heroic Elite survey):

“I am very keen to sign up. But cost can be deterrent for me due huge foreign exchange between USD and INR.”

“At the current point I am homeless, dwelling in a leaking old vehicle that I struggle to keep running and legal (as can not afford the fines). I eat between 4-7 meals a week and am watching my health slowly deteriorate.”

“It’s a horrible feeling to not have enough to meet basic needs.”

Let us know and Heroic Elite is on us.

(For everyone above, you don’t even have to, since the team should have already reached out to you. 🙏)


If you’re in a more fortunate position, but dealing with the challenge of having just spent hundreds or thousands or tens-of-thousands of dollars on other things (the tab for that night out, those new shoes, the latest iPhone, those flights, college tuition for your 3rd child…):

That’s why we priced the new program where we did, instead of what the “market” might have encouraged.

As one of our long-time community members and Heroic Performance Coaches shared:

“I also would have charged at least $5k for this level of intimate interaction with you, Alexandra and Michael. Perhaps after this one is completed, depending on how it goes you 5x the price.”

As we’ve shared:

The investment for Heroic Elite is $1,000.


You can also save $100 by joining now. (Before 11:59pm on Dec 31st.)

And another $100 by bringing a friend. And/or having gone through Coach.

Plus, there are payment plans available for as little as $51/month.

By the way, we LOVE and get inspired when we see people demonstrating targeted thinking (“What do I want?” + “Now what needs to be done?”) and a Creator’s agency:

“As a full-time caregiver (and homeschooling mom of a chess enthusiast), I’ve had to forgo much of my previous income streams. I’m also in Australia, so the exchange rate is a factor. I would like to contribute, though, and hope you are open to flexibility. I am a coach and will be bringing a friend with me, and I plan to sign up before December. Therefore, I propose to pay $100 (or less) per month…

I am thrilled, fired up, and have full-body goosebumps. I trust that we can make this work!”


Stepping back…

We’re serious when we say we’re committed to giving the best to the most for the least.

We’re also deeply committed to building a virtuous, mission-driven business at scale (thank you again to everyone who has literally invested in Heroic!!!), and finding the right price points for our products.

Our target: programs that astonish in value (“I get what?!? For how much?!” 🤯🤯🤯) while keeping the red blood cells of a healthy business circulating such that we can fulfill our mission of 51 | 2051.

In our dynamic iterating towards hitting that target, we know that we’ve missed it both to the left (charging too little) and to the right (pricing too many people out) on different occasions.

We also know that—if you happen to hold a particular perspective on our pricing, there is someone else in our community who holds the exact opposite perspective and recommendation.


Back to Heroic Elite, and YOU.

As someone in the community requested:

Is it worth investing less than $1000 to transform your health, purpose, and meaning in 2025?

We can’t make that choice for you.

But we’re here when you’re ready.

Join us in Heroic Elite.

Just don’t wait too long, because the price goes up in two weeks!

Day 1.



P.S. Questions about Elite? Join the discovery call tomorrow at 11:01am CT.

P.P.S. We’re proud to have given away $742,316.54 of scholarships to people in need, in the last 19 months alone—with that number rising higher the further back in time we go. Most of those were funded directly by the business. Some were funded by generous donors.

If you’d like to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Heroic scholarship fund before the year ends, head to:

⬅️ Prior update: That letter to my parents… And a “pay the price” sleep score

➡️ Next update: I’ve had this feeling before… (Why I am OBSESSING about Elite)

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