Dear Dad! (And Mom!) I know this is a bit untraditional but…
Mom and Dad,
Would you like to join Heroic Elite with me?!
I was going to wait until I saw you in person next week for the holidays to talk about it, but then I read this note someone sent us and felt like reaching out now:
“Heroic Elite. I'm excited for it because I think it's something that I can do together with my mom. She's had a rough go of things the past few years, and the past few weeks things have gotten particularly challenging.
I would love to be able to go through this experience with her together both because it's a bonding experience and because I'm confident that the experience will change her life positively.”
I love both of you very much.
I’m so grateful for your love, guidance, and support—and for the love and laughter you share so freely and fully with our girls.
When Brian and I first started talking about Heroic Elite, I told him that (a) I was PERSONALLY really excited to use it as an opportunity to dial in my own protocol and (b) I was ALSO really excited about the possibility of going through it with YOU! (!!!)
(And you too, Joe, Madeleine, and John Paul—if you are up for it!)
Zak, on our team, said the exact same thing about going through it with HIS dad when he first heard about it.
And Alexandra (who is going to be significantly involved in the program) already invited her dad.
(You should also see the note Alexandra’s mom shared about wanting to go through it to support HER mom (Alexandra’s grandma!) too! 🥲 Generations of HEROIC women!!!)
And Bryan (also on our team) said something similar earlier today… only in the context of wishing his dad could have gone through it five years ago and invested the $1,000 and 101 days to get his health in line—rather than the extraordinary medical bills and years of surgeries, hospitals, and more.
I know you’ll probably still want to talk about it next weekend.
But I didn’t want to wait to officially make the invitation.
I know (!) that Elite is going to be the most transformational program Brian (and Alexandra!) and I have created together.
The program is SUPER prescriptive, while also offering options, so that anyone who IS interested in the program and committed to doing the work, CAN do it.
It’s also going to be SUPER practical. Less about learning new things or spending a ton of time studying, and more about DOING the things that drive increased healthspan + lifespan + energy + focus + productivity + connection.
Basically: What to eat and not eat. How to get great sleep. What types of movement to do and when.
How to create goals for today that align with goals for the next 101 days and year and decade and our lifetimes… actually doing those things to create the world we want to live in.
(And leave as a legacy for Dylan and Cameryn and all the other kids and grandkids and grandkid’s kids and…)
Plus helping to get back up when we fall down, remaining focused on what we want, while maintaining love and confidence in ourselves.
And a bunch of other stuff.
Schedule-wise, it doesn’t have to be too heavy on the investment of time.
(Though both Brian and Alexandra are hosting daily coaching calls you can attend if you’d like! They’re literally structuring their entire families’ lives around it! Drop offs and pick ups and groceries and chores and all the things. It will ALL be centered around showing up for our community! 🤯
I’ll be handling Wednesday’s, as well as filling in as needed if any emergencies happen, so that we never miss a day of support!)
The one thing it WILL be heavy on is the investment of commitment.
Not that you (or I!) will have to be perfect, or hit some impossible standard.
Just that we do our best (like you’ve always taught me, Dad!!!).
And that we bring joy to the process (like you’ve always showed me, Mom!!!).
I’d like both of you to do it with me because:
(1) I love you, and I believe that doing this program will have a significantly positive impact on your health — and the amount of years that we can continue to share together.
(2) Having you join will help ME be more accountable to those things I’m personally excited to improve on. (Like putting my phone away when I’m around the girls. And calling you more often!)
(3) Did I mention that I love you?!
We’ll FaceTime you later and—if you happen to read this first— we can talk about it more and I can answer any questions you have.
For everyone else reading this, who is not in my family of origin…
Yes, my parents read our emails.
(My dad often replies with both celebrations and helpful suggestions! Thanks, dad!)
And yes, that’s a serious invitation that I hope they see… and feel some peer pressure around joining.
(No joke. This will change their life. And their doing it will change mine and Cameryn’s and Dylan’s lives. We lost someone unexpectedly this year and we’re more sober than ever to how precious and sacred our time together is. I’m willing to pull some cards!)
And yes, I’m also excited to go through Heroic Elite with you, too.
Especially after having just spent hours reading EVERY SINGLE response you sent in about the new program.
(Sorry to anyone who got a late night text 🤗.)
Seriously, you’re astonishing.
To the what-felt-like hundreds of folks who are in my parents generation, who wrote in saying they were excited to find their best energy as they enter later decades—maintaining health and mobility and wellness while being there for their kids and grandkids…
Thank you.
Your families are lucky to have you.
To the moms and dads.
Thank you!!!
To the “ordinary heroes” excited to get back to habits that have fallen off, or to reach your next-level of personal performance…
You’ve got this.
And we’ve got you.
It’s time.
We’ve got one precious life.
On this beautiful, sacred planet.
And the world needs each of us showing up Heroically now more than ever.
Making an elite-level commitment to be our best.
Day 1.
LOVE YOU Mom and Dad!!!
P.S. Check out the brand new page we launched for the new program!
P.P.S. Still savoring this one:

⬅️ Prior update: A letter from Alexandra Heroic Elite (women!) unite!!
➡️ Next update: That letter to my parents… And a “pay the price” sleep score