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"A book that anyone committed to living with virtue should read."
— Ryan Holiday, Author of Discipline is Destiny, The Obstacle is the Way, Ego is the Enemy & others

Exclusive Bonuses for Daily Stoic Listeners
Grab just one hardcover copy of Areté and get a copy of the audiobook + six Philosopher's Notes distilling the most life-changing big ideas on some of the greatest stoicism books of all time (The Daily Stoic + Ego Is the Enemy + The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, The Enchiridion by Epictetus, and Letters from a Stoic by Seneca) absolutely FREE!

Step 1: Get Your Copy of Areté
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"This book will change your life. and, if enough of us commit, it will change the world."
— Phil Stutz, author of The Tools, featured in Netflix documentary Stutz

If you asked the ancient Stoic philosophers how to live a good life, they’d answer you in a single word: Areté. We translate Areté as “virtue” or “excellence” but the word has a deeper meaning—something closer to being your best self, moment to moment to moment.
This book will help you:

I wish this book was available 50 years ago when I was just starting out on my own life journey. I whole heartedly recommend it.

Essential reading for anyone seeking to harness their heroic potential and influence the world in a positive way.

This book provides the answer for those who are asking that most basic of questions: what should I do with my life?

This is a must read for anyone looking to take their game of life to the Pro level!! The Wisdom from Brian in this book is unmatched and it will unequivocally change your life!

There is arguably no book more capable of accelerating your path to fulfilling your potential than Areté and no person more qualified to write it than Brian Johnson.

Step 1: Get Your Copy of Areté
Purchase just one hardcover copy to unlock your bonuses.
"For nearly two decades, Brian Johnson has masterfully synthesized some of the most valuable personal development content. Thanks to Brian's extraordinary talent and unwavering dedication, my life, along with the lives of many friends and colleagues, has been significantly enhanced. Therefore, when I first learned about Brian's latest book, 'Areté,' I promptly acquired hundreds of copies to present as a heartfelt gift to our company's stakeholders."
— Randy Eisenman, Managing Partner of Satori Capital, on why he's including Areté in his holiday gift box for investors and stakeholders
Brian Johnson is going to change the world, and this book is his ultimate manifesto. The science is solid; the history goes deep. Areté will elevate us all.

This book threatens to be one of the all-time best and most timeless masterpieces of personal productivity and self-development. Shove aside any books you’ve been planning to read, and move Areté to the front of the line.

Every hero needs a guide. But when they hand you the playbook to leading a life of meaning… It’s the ultimate gift! This book won’t leave your nightstand.

Areté is the compass that will guide you towards a life of purpose, happiness, and the realization of your true potential.

This is a life-changing masterpiece.

When I’m in a jam, when the universe is turning my life upside down, Brian is the man I call. Every Spartan in the world should read Areté.

Areté is a must-read for anyone who wants to be a hero.

Brian has alchemized the wisdom and teachings from the greatest thinkers on the planet.

An absolute ‘must read’ for those who want to reach the Mount Olympus of leading superstar-performing teams.

Brian has given us an innovative platform to optimize our internal work across the foundational human pillars of mind, body, and spirit to create balance and optimal performance. I highly recommend Areté for everyone looking to activate their Heroic potential.

Brian Johnson searches through ancient philosophy, modern science, and the best thoughts of our day to find the insights and tools we all need to propel our lives upward and forward with true excellence. We need it now like never before.

Brian Johnson’s virtues of zest, service, and optimism are only matched by his kindness, generosity, and love. This book gives heroic leaders from all walks of life access to Brian’s wisdom. I highly recommend it.

Most of us have read our share of ‘self-improvement’ books. Areté is something else entirely — a self-illumination book.

Brian is the coach of coaches. If you’re looking to level up every aspect of your personal and professional life, this is a must-read.

Brian is a Stoic reincarnate. This book is your next read AND your training template for a life well-lived.

Brian Johnson is an exceptional individual that comes along once in a life time who possesses the wisdom, leadership qualities and love of humanity that are necessary to make a lasting difference in our world.

Areté is a masterpiece that is certain to be read and revered by millions, and passed down from generation to generation.

About Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson is the Founder & CEO of Heroic Public Benefit Corporation. He’s 50% Philosopher + 50% CEO and 101% committed to helping create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051. As a Founder/CEO he’s raised $25M+, made crowdfunding history, and built and sold two social platforms. As a Philosopher/teacher, he’s helped millions of people from around the world, trained 10,000+ Heroic Coaches from 100+ countries and created a protocol that science says changes lives. He lives in the country outside Austin, Texas, with his wife, Alexandra, and their two kids, Emerson and Eleanor.