Welcome to your free training...
Want to know what all the hype is about? Experience the first week of the Heroic Coach Certification and Empowerment Program!
Module O: Optimize = Optimus = Best = Eudaimon = Hero
In Module O, you'll get an overview of the Mastery Series that serves as the foundation for our Heroic Coach program. Plus, practical exercises to "begin with the end and mind" and THE most important habit we'll discuss together.
The 7 Objectives
- Module I: Eudaimonology
- Module II: Hero-ology
- Module III: The Big 3 (x2)
- Module IV: Carpe Diem
- Module V: Algorithms
- Module VI: The Fundamentals
- Module VII: Optimus You
Move from Theory to Practice
Every module of Heroic Coach includes practical reflections and actions to help you apply new insights to your life, TODAY!
What Others Say About Heroic Coach
Every day, another Hero answers the call to their unique quest.
Will YOU be next?