1st: Grab Your Room(s)
Snag yourself a room at the Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles at our exclusive rate of $149 USD per night. Book through our private Sheraton link here or call the Sheraton at 888-627-7104 and let them know you’re part of the Heroic 2022 Event.
NOTE: We have limited rooms at this rate, which is currently at least $50 less than publicly posted rates.
2nd: Tell Us Your Shirt Size (and More)
Take a minute to fill out this quick Typeform to let us know your t-shirt size, where you're coming from, why you're excited to attend Heroic 2022, and more.
3rd: Purchase Additional Spartan Upgrades
If you bought multiple tickets to Heroic 2022, and would like to add more Spartan Upgrades, get them via the additional checkout form below.
Look out for additional information coming to you (including all of the actions above!) via email from heroic@heroic.us Make sure to add that email to your address book!